B&S (Nam, Religiosity ) Flashcards
What did s&b say the 3 types of cults are ?
Audience cults
Client cults == world affirming
The new age can be world affirming and world rejecting
world affirming - succeeding in everything
World reject- achieve enlightenment Ned in inner world m/c
What are the 2 themes Heelas talks about ?
Self spirituality- new angers seeking the spiritual have turned away from the external reli such as church and look inside themselves to find it
Detraditionalisation - the na rejects the spiritual authority of existing tradi religions (priest etc) & beliefs instead we can discover truth for ourself in ourself - pm
What are the characteristics of NAMS?
Membership - no concept of membership can participate any activity
Organisation - highly individualised spiritual personal experience come together in house
No worship - May believe in some kind of god unlikely to be worship - may be ritual
No mot- believe in May truths
World affirming - discourages genuine spirituality finding inner self
What does heelas say the 3 levels of commitment are ?
The fully engaged - give up conventional lifestyles for a spiritual quest
Serious part time - conventional lives but invest a lot of time on new age practices
Casual part timers - experiments with new age as consumers
What does suttcliffe say ?
Can NA abe considered a reli
Collection of individuals gathering when they choose in looses egalitarian groups
Individuals and groups link to wider networkers of people in & act of regions who have similar spiritual interests
Multiple seeking into a n0 of practices
People can contact other group networks with shared interests
Vv diverse difficult to identify common characteristics no agreement on which groups are actually part of the NA
Why are women more attracted to the new age ?
Women maybe attracted to the new age because it emphasises the importance of being authentic rather than merely acting out roles
Inc gender roles women more attracted to this than men they’re more likely to perceive their roles as restrictive
What did Bruce say about women involvement
2x many women as men involved in sects
What did s&b say about people participating insects ?
Sects offer compensators for organismic ethical and social deprivation. These forms of deprivation are common among women & explain their levels of sext membership
What is organismic deprivation
Stems from physical and mental health problems women likely to suffer I’ll health & this seek healing sects offers
What is ethical deprivation v
Women to be more morally conservative theure this likely to regard the world as being in moral decline and attracted to s
What is social deprivation
S attracted poorer groups and women more likely to be poorer
What does Milan & Hoffman say of women levels
3 Hugh levels of religiousity
Gender differences & risk taking which means risk that reli might be right - if you’re not religious you can go hell
Worm e are more risk averse than men cause they don’t want to take any chances
What does davie say about vision of gods ?
Women see god as loving &bforbing men see god as power & control this means mens less attracted to reli than women
What does Bruce say about lower levels of involvement?
Lower level involvement I paid full time work compared reli driven out of make dominared work spade & confined priv sphere of fam
Eval - brown decieve lf female piety - becoming less reli
What’s an eval of this v
Although Women more likely to be reli than men there has been a decline in their participation in reli activity in the uk
Women becoming less reli because of women see resisting traditional gender roles which subordinates women
More women in paid job than before
More women than men in hand but nams not reli
Man’s & nrms- lack salience or traditional reli
Ethnicity & reli
What is cultural defence ?
Reli as a source of ethnic identity & solidarity eg when em facets with hostility and reform - migrant 1st gen ) eval - 2nd 3rd gen don’t need reli as much - Bruce
What is cultural transition ?
When an immigrant population settled in a new place reli can offer a sense of community - Herbert
Eval - reli not need once
What is African Caribbean reli ?
- Christianity 17% of these attending Christian churcj
Ac were Christian before they came to Britain but often encountered racism in est churches
Their Christianity had developed mainly in the Pentecostal traducing
Found east British church- boring. They began establishing their own
Pentecostalism today is the largest Christian group among British aftican Caribbean
Pentecostalism is the fastest growing group within Christianity
What did the Rastafarianism ?
Another faith is found in the ac community
Partic among young men - respond to hostility
What did Madood find about Asian communities
Unlike In Asian community reli amongst ac as in the white population is much less important to their wth in identity and maturely a matter ifbindivual choose
What are Asian like ?
Main rel for Asian groups is islam Sikhism , Hindu
Young people from minority ethinc grow up we’re brought up in society with equal opportunities inc equal rights for women men & gay
Values associated with reli are difficult to sustain e.g islam is desirable for males & women to be educated separately
How ver this is hard to sustain in a society where there is legislation
Conflict between traditional values linked to reli & those of whole British society ( arranged marriage form younger gen )
What is islam ?
Conjure images of terrorism and extreme preacher
Young men are choosing islam as their prime maker of identity
Islam a growing marker of identity
Being identified as Muslim is a stigmatised identity brings hate asmr r and dear
Growing no of young makes & females who are Muslim
MUSKIM see their identity denied by white racist islamaphobic r people
Islam know in the 2nd 3rd gen eg hijab
Young Muslim embrace Islamic identity constantly reminded of their differences
What did mirza suggest about the rise in m
Rise of a Muslim identiy along the young might be able to do
What are the percentage of Muslim under 25
70% of British Muslim are under the age of 25
What did mirza say
Increses in ethnics reli and indentity cultural defence post 9/11 and 7/7 which led to an increase in islamaphobia
What does davie suggest if higher levels of religiousity
They help to maintain tradition group cohesion and & community
Whay did madood say about reli being important
It’s important in the lives of minority ethnic communities as a source of socialisation as means of maintains traditional morality
Helped to cope with worried and pressures in life perhaps arising from hostility and discrimination arising from racism & wider society
What is social deprivation
Mariginality & sf
Sense of dissatisfaction with a lack of status in society- sf
People turn to reli a secure & sold source of identity status & community which they find lacking in mainstream society
63% of bangle & Pakistani are living in poverty
Reli provided theodicy of didprebellesge - Weber
What are the fam structure in Asian communities like
They’re much more tight knit with strong extended fam
Closer knit to communities
What is reli like I. Minority ethnic group
It can provide individuals with many manners of identity as their customers & food
What does Johan say about young British Asian
Forged a single new hybrid identity Brasian derived from blending British & Asian culture
Involved an identity by adopting selective elements of the reli of their parents with strong dimension of personal choice - pm
What did butler find from interviewing 18-30 yr old Muslim girls in Bradford & con entry
Young women had attachment to the religion values of their culture
Saw reli as important in shaping their identities but they wanted more closure & independence tk their lives
What does Jacobson say about young British Pakistani in east lonfon
Appealed to young people as it provided them with stability security & certainties when faced much uncertainty in other aspect of their lives
What mc more likely to do
Mc females are more like led to attend tradition vhruche s
What does Davies say about mc women
More likely tobelieve & wx women believe but not belong
Priv reli
What does Dawkins say about intelligence
Higher intelligence - less beliefs so this suggests mc are belonging without believing
What are the church attendance
Ash worth & farthing - mc more likely to attend chrich than skilled & unskilled
Voas & watt - rural more mc has higher rates if churchvattentende than urban ( wc area)
What did lawns find with regards to religiousity
Beliefs lifelong theists ( believe in god ) come from semiskilled & unskilled manual background less tk have have qualification
What is common int he uk
Believing and not belonging
What are athisets more likely tk have
Higher edu
What are the lifelong theists ?
We unskilled & semi skilled more likely to be reli
Life king atheists - higher economic an educated background mc
What’s an eval
Need to factor in other case factors espcecially ethnicity lc inner corgi urban dares swill be more religious due to higher rates of em
Immigration a growth of catholics m due to migrant
What is the coe
Bourgeoisie establishment due to close links with the starts and the establishment gov & ex will see ce as too authoritarian and formal
Anern & Davie - wc more attracted to religious non conformity mc habit is
What are new age movement
Those who invest in new age activities are overwhelming mc because the cost investing in there spiritual interestvcan be high
Bruce argued that nam appeal most those whose material and financial are fulfilled
Heelas argued that new age ideas and activities appeal specifically to highly educated professionals
What is the denomination of ce
Wallis argued that many denominations are anti establish because they’re broken away from est churcheof eng
He argues that denominations such a Methodism only attract the skilled wc & lower mc because such organisation are organised and run by theure congregation
Methodism emphasises hardeamon encourages member to work hwrd
Poorest people are attested pentacostalism - theodicy of misfortune
Why are sects
Glock argues that some social groups maybe attracted to sect becaus of their experience
Deprivation eg Jim jones peoples temples
Such sects may provide a way for economic aid deprived people to cope with their disadv
What was holders research on the jehovas on ?
Suggested that many meme herd of this sects are drawn from wc
What people tend to be unfulfilled
Jobs with little interaction with coll
These workers tend to feel unfulfilled i their jobs
Holden argues that the jehovas witness compensate for this deprivation by providing a safe haven and a strong sense of identity
J/w attracted skilled wc & self employed offers to fill gap
What jw provide
A sense of status
What does walrus say about sects
Mc youths pirated atttraxted to sects as resin against capitalism society
What does Bruce say about ethical deprivation
Leads mc upwardly. Mobile lower mc e Muslim attracted to islam i & there fundamentalism movement
What is ethnicity and age
What did 82% of the sample aged above 50bsay
Madood asked 2 gen ac & white
Paki & Ben more pos towards reli
67% of the 16-34 age group valierd the importance of islam i their lives
Lowest fig was white only 5% saw reli important
Ethnic group - the older gen saw reli as more important than the younger gen did
What did barker say about world rejecting sects - 1970/80 age 18&30
& what were the reason
Young adults had more freedom from social & economic ties than older they were unmarked & had no economic responsibility. This left them to join sects that withdraw from the world
Young adults especially if educated most likely to experience some misguidance about mainstream value young sect members had experienced a crisis of meaning sects offered yp alternative meaning
What did Madood say about reli being important
Reli is important young paki & bengal but in all ethnic group relate more important to younger groups 1 except Muslims
What did walllis barker say about the two reasons yp join world reject sects
More free than parents to choose Al reli depletion if mainstream values from educated young
What voas say
Born before 1945 more likely say they believe know god compared being born 75 omwards
Attendence at church
What does brieley say
1/2 of children in church leave organised reli by early adult hold
What leviit say about each gen
Blackness less reli than the one before - secularisation lack - pm
What is a summary of age & reli
Older people are more reli than younger people
Attendance at church felines with each gen
Young white people less reli than young black or Asian (Madood)
Deprivation mixes with age - privatised crisis of religious for young derive
What is the ageing effect
Older people get closer to matters of life & dwayj
What is dilengangement
Competition of lack of engagement and detachment from wider society post retirement & impact of death of dam & fen - gen 2 ( social lediab
What is the generational effect
Gill each gen become less reli than the one before due to sec exception - Asian children - islam
Period cohort effect - ppl reli due to part even they experienced
What is cultural amnesia
Hervieu (pm) leger- pm society as a collective memory of reli eg no Sunday schools or lack or reli edu
In school lack of religious knowledge parents let children decide their own beliefs
Eval - Christian centric
Declining Kk portage of reli
Christian is dec
Islamic increasing globally
Why are you young people less interested in traditional reli
Young people find mainstream religions and their services boring, repetitive and old fashioned.
Young people may reject the values traditional religions, such as Christianity, promote i.e. women not being able to be priests, homosexuality being wrong, abortion and sex before marriage as a sin.
Such values may seem alien and bizarre to young people. Many young people see mainstream Christianity as ‘uncool!.
Declining attraction of reli
Why are young people less interest in reli
Lynch (2001) says young people may be turning away from traditional religions due to the expanding spiritual market place. Young people are now more exposed to a wide diversity of religions and religious practices. This includes religions which have become more significant as a result of immigration (Islam, Hinduism, and Sikhism) but also a wide range of NRMs and NAMs e.g.
Wicca and Paganism. The internet and wider access to the mass media means young people now have more access to these religions, spiritual beliefs and religious identities and lifestyles
Expanding spiritual market place
Why are young people less interest in reli
Lyotard 1984- The metanarratives have lost their power so young people no longer believe the old religious explanations and they can pick and mix or reject beliefs as they choose- secular spirituality & the sacred
Bruce there has been a decline in religious education- e.g. massive decline in Sunday schools, assemblies in school take on a more secular tone. This means traditional religions such as the Anglican Church are unable to recruit people at a young age and socialise them into the norms and values of the religion. - dec reli edu
What is secularisation
Secularisation is the process of becoming less relin
What is secularisation thesis
The claim that reli is becoming less important
What evidence are there that secularisation is happing
Clemants 1991-2008 - steady decline of those claiming very firm belief in for
Clemats levels of Christian identification have fallen since 1967
Davie - decrease in religiosity in life events
McAndrew - total church. Attendence have fallen dramatically- 1970
Davie - continuity shift away from belief in personal food toward other forms of spiritual nams
What is functional
Define religion in terms of the functions it performs for individuals and/ or society. For
example, Yinger (1995) defines religion as ‘a system of beliefs and practices by means of which a group of people struggles with the ultimate problems of human
What is inclusive
Defines religion as a set of beliefs which have a positive social or psychological use for individuals and/or society
What is substantive
Defining religion by referring to characteristics unique to religious belief systems (e.g. beliefs in a God or gods) which assume the existent superhuman, supernatural, mystical or magical beings
Weber , Durkeim
What is constructionist
It is not possible to produce a universal definition of religion. Definitions of religion
may vary according to how individuals in a society choose to define a religion. Definitions of religion are this not absolute (e.g they may not involve a God or gods or the supernatural) and can be tested.
Berger & luck man - socially constructed
What is religiosity
How faith influences individual experiences attitude and values
What is broad definition
Reli has lost sig on the level of the social system
What is narrow definition
Reli at the level ofnindivuals consiosness
What is Bruce perspective on secularisation
The declining imports he of reli for the operation of non - reli roles & inductions such as the state & the economy school
Decline in the social standing of religious roles of insituition - churches
Decline i the extent which people engage in reli practices - gong church
Eval - look beyond Christianity - islam
Focuses too much on Christian
What is wilson pers on sec
Process whereby reli thinking practices & insituitions lose social significance
Eval - social sig?
Reli is still important to ethnic only focused on Christianity lool - islam
What is durkeim view on sec
Durkeim - reli would die though it’s likely to change its form - eg bellman civil reli reinforcing collective consciousness and sociology sol
More likely to see a transformation of trad reli into a new form of reli
Rapid social change - industrialisation - threat to reli- break up community’s weakens cc and ss
Feared that reli would be neglected to a corner of life
Eval: nams & reli organisationlife spam are not long
Society rescarilises becomes more religious
What’s Marc view on sec
Saw reli as a reflection of clas society
Justified the pos of the rc and provided compensation for wc
Reli would disappear capitalism contained the seeds of secularisation / materialistic view of the world - Marc saw the death of reli inevitable history is an eg of the disappearance thesis of sec
Communism will replace capitalism- reli won’t be needed
Eval we did have communism’ - reli didn’t go
What is Weber view on sec
16th cent Humans tried to influenced these beings & forced by magical means such as prayers species to protect them against roses
Society becomes more rational & scientific turn back on reli - reject
Eval Islam
What is parsons view in sec
Structural defi as a process of specialisation that occurs with the development of industrial society
Disengagement according to parson- structural differentiation of reli - it’s func are transferred to other institutions such as the state & become disconnected to wider society - church loses the influence it once had in edu and. Social welfare & the law
Eval - some reli still have influence & not lost power
What are some Broad definitions of sec key trends
1971-60% of Weddings in a church, 2012 proportion 30%. Number of weddings in catholic churches fell by ¾ between 1965 and 2001.
Faith schools today are state funded and must conform to state’s regulations.
Number of ‘b&yus baptisms’ have increased.
What is narrow defi of sec key trends
Crockett (1998)- 1851 census, 40% of population attended church.
1960s, 10-15% of the population.
2015 census- 5% of the adult population attended church on a Sunday. Sunday attendance fell from 1.6 million in 1960 to under 0.8 million in 2013
Number of ‘other’ Christian religions has remained static since 1983 at 17% of population. BUT only a 1/5 now attached themselves to a specific group.
What are the evidence against secularisation
Attendence to reli data & research reli organisation membership is not standardised
Headaway- counting the No of cars in the car park to measure church attendance
What does Davie say
Believing & not being privatised you don’t have to attend church to be reli
What did the 2011 census don
Question reli was voluntary & just over 7% of the pop of eng & wales opted not to answer it , equivalent to just over 4 mill people in total. If some reli groups wrrr more likely that others not to respect to their qs then the census was not present a true pic of these group
What is the golden age of reli
Reli was based on Middle Ages during feudalism 19th - 15th cen
The church is no long mon of knowledges reli practices beliefs have changed - socially expected to be reli
What are the historical comparison
Going to church has diff meaning at diff times
100 years ago normal part of community life little to do with reli
What does Davie say about reli decking
Reli is not declining but e becoming more privatised in the USA both belief & belonging are high -90% people beloved in god & over 40% attended church’s
What did 46% of us adults say
They attended reli seminars at 1/2 month has strengthened their faith
What does secularisation theory ignore
Ignore the sig of nrms/nams
They only focus on the mainstream reli eval - Bruce NAMS insig
What does s&b say
Reli marker theory - rational choice theory
The sec theory is Eurocentric - reli is alive & kicking elsewhere
Humans neeed reli it provides supernatural compensators - when life rewards are unobtainable
Why is islam fastest growing reli
Fertility rate Muslim fam 2.9 children vs Christian 2.6 chil
Hugh morality
Age distribution
Under age 15 are Muslim
Marriage median is 24
What did Weber say about social influence
Compared to the medieval are society v more secular and reli has lost its social influence
Secularisation is taking place in the west and the core but on a global level reli still has sig
What is religion like in USA
90-95% believe in god
40% prodtedtsnt
50% catholic
What did headway & marier conducted
A headcount of pol who attended church instead 40%_20% instead 30% lf catholics it was 28% high for Britain
Evidence they over store their commitment to reli in order to present them in a good vest light
What did reli insituitions do
Compromised their beliefs & practices to fit I. With the wider soc they have undergone a process of internal secu
What did Bruce say about USA reli
American reli has adjusted to the modern world
Sex firm with
Reli in sha - deeply psychologised - therapy rather than Christian belief
Reli changed to accommodate secular doc - church goes much less stretch in following traditional morality
What is the least reli
China less reli in the world
24% Muslim -31% Christian
Muslim to be the same as Christianity - 2050
Reli revival
What did Durkeim say society needs
Society needs Reli so there will be a renewal interest in it
What does giddens say
We look back toward reli for spiritual fulfilment
What does s&b say of cycle of reli
Cycle of reli decline - revival & renewal nrms & nams fill the gap
Reli market theory
Heelas & woodhead what is the Kendall project
Hypothesis - spiritual revolution thesis - traditional Christianity is giving way to holistic spiritual of the new age
Aim : to investigate prevalence of regular congregation church attendance compromised with the popularity of spirituality in the holistic milleu
What did the finds in the kpw
Traditional church Attendence was trending steadily downward - but still high than him
Uptake of spirituality in the hm
Evengelival churches - which focus on power of spiritual healing more successful than traditional only
Conc - traditional church Attendence still hugher hm but trend towards practical personal experience over traditional reli teaching
Spiritual revolution will take place one the next 20-30 years
Holistic milleue- those who practice activity which see or involving the whole person as combining the mind body & spirit
What is fundamentalism about
A literal trans of the reli text
Interception of Quran / bible is important
Strict & dogmatic in their beliefs
No straying from trad reli tech idm
What is funda based on
An unquestioning belied in the literal truth of sacred text
Fund - believe there’s only one true view of the world which is revealed in a sacred text not gained though scientific enquiry or rational argument
What is westtoxification
The infatuation with the west - infect & the poisoning of the west
What is the conservative political movement
Aimed to return to trad values
What is compassionate conservative s
Encourages reli groups to take over welfare services for the homeless
What is the key feature if pm soc
Emergence of fundamentalist group
What did Bruce say the 2 types of fundamentalism is
Conecerned with defending community
Islamic , Zionism , Hinduism
Def mar response to perceived modern threats eg capitalism
Western A liberal
Human rights
What is individual
Sim to rehrn to traditional conservative value to create a stable nation
Found in modern doc conservatives & evangelical Protestant mainly in USA
To correct the ills of the liberal American soc republic challenge to demographic ef abortion righting
What does Davies say about about fundamentalist
Davies funda occurs where those who trad or those beliefs & val are threshed by modernity & feel the need to defend the themselves against it
Hidden : fundamentalism is a product of & reaction to glob which undermines trad social norms concerning the nf gender & sexuality
In late modern unfocused are constantly faced with choice uncertainty & risk - islam Christina’s & Hindi
What do hic and Lic want
Hic - want to go back to trad reli
Lic - threat wc exploitation western value imposed on them
What does giddens say
Contrasts fund with cosmopolistic embraces modernity & is in keeping todays global sim cosmopatalism is tolerant of the views of others and open to new ideas
Too much choice & uncertainty & risk in late modern society reli faith provides certain img in an undertaken world - reflexivity
Ie a response to cosmopolitan tolerant to views of others & or to the birds promotes personal choice & self improvement
What does bauman see fund as
As a step done to living in a pm soc pm society brings freedom of choice & uncertainty
What does catelles say the 2 distinguish response to pm
Resistance identity a defensive reaction of those who feel threaten and retreat into fund communities
Project identity - the response of whose who are forward opening & engage with social kibrkents such as feminism & environemebtalism
What does castelle say about response to pm society
Response to pm society & a response to choose - social change risk & uncertainty thaws can be either resistance identity defensive reaction feeling threatened by change
Project identity embrace change eg protest group movements fund - resistance identiy
What does bauman say a response to pm soc
Response to pmwsoucey & response to choose social change high trend risk & uncertainty
what are the characteristic of fundamentalism ?
conspiracy theory - idea that pwoerful evil hidden forces and organisation are in control of human destiny e.g chritisian and muslim believe .jew. conspiring to secure worlds domination - anit senetic concpiracy theories-
what is authorative sacred textxs ?
chris tuna - every word f the bible is literally true. its truths are valid for eternityy. contains ans to all life qs not open to qs
e.g chirs fund
belief in the virgin birth of vhrist those who accept = true christ . fund are intolerent of other views - aldridge no test speaks for it self = has to be interpreted = eval but down to interpretation
in reality hat fund hold to be true is not the texts but the interpretation of the meaning they interpret the bible solely as historical then ignorening other interpretation
what is us and them
davie - os;ands of certainty seperate from the rest of the world and refuse to compromise with it
what is aggressive reaction ?
fundamentalist aim to draw attention to the threat to their beleif. reactions = aggressive and intented to cause harms
authorative leader clergy who interpret textx are important in giving directions to the reader
reaction aggressive to shocl and intimdate to those who dont havve their views - try to enforce their own views
whay is the use of modern tech ?
oppose secular modern culture and tech use it to spread their message online reli weaponary social mefia
what is patriachy ?
hanly notes that fund favours a world in whcih control over womens sexuality reproductions power and their social economic reokels fixed for all time by divine decree
what is prophecy ?
chirst fund proclaim the releveance of biblical pers the contemporary events the last day - going to be soon people resurrected going to heaven
what are the causes of fund
bruce - a reaction to globalisation and secularisation uncertainty but takes a diff form according to
the type of reli
socio economic status of country
lc - more likely to be in
fund - is in a monotheist reli mot
individual - 2 types
what fund in lic
reaction to changes imposed and what is going on around them in hic reaction to social change within soc
what does beckford haynes - giddens is wrong
cannot simply juxtapose cosmapolitan and fund theres middly hybrid gorund
ignores impact of glob affects non fund reli
not always a defensive reaction can be reflective
fund caused ny many other reasons - not jst glob e.g islamic fund also a respone to natiomnal socio economic factores - poverty eg
why is fund on the increase
pm soc
pluralisation of life worlds
return to trad values
a reaction to westoxification
reaction ro liberalisation and rerecularisation
glob, media saturaterd increased uncertainty - homelessnewss a reaction against secularisation people feel the need to join something for certainty
is fundamentalism a radical or conservative forxe
radical revolutionary - communal lic islam fun iran revolution
conservative - hic- bring in trad values - christ fund - trad values pf the fam