Facial Weakness Flashcards
What are the sx of Bell’s Palsy?
- Acute onset of unilateral facial weakness
- Pain around or behind ear
- Inc sensitivity to sound ipsi
- Paresthesia of face ipsi
- Dec taste sensation
- Dry eye ipsi
- Very rarely bilateral
What can precede Bell’s Palsy?
What will be found on PE in Bell’s Palsy?
- Unilateral facial weakness (upper & lower face)
- Cannot close eye tightly ipsi
- Speaking & chewing pose difficulties
- Dec efferent limb component of the corenal reflex
- Dry eye
- Sensation normal
What are the technological features of Bell’s Palsy?
What causes Bell’s Palsy?
Viral infection of the facial nerve
What is the tx of Bell’s Palsy?
Supportive & watchful waiting
80-90% of pts obtain 80-100% improvement in 3mo
What is the management for Bell’s Palsy?
- Artificial tears for dry eyes
- Eye patch to preven corenal abrasions during sleep
- MRI if no improvement in 1 mo
- Botulinum toxin injections if pt dev facial dyskinesias
What is the hx of Facial weakness d/t cerebral hemisphere lesion?
- Acute in stroke
- Subacute or chronic in mass lesions such as abscess or tumor
- Sensory or motor complaints on the ipsi side of body
What are the PE findings of Facial weakness d/t cerebral hemisphere lesion?
- Weakness confined to lower half of face
- Wrinking in forehead uneffected
- Efferent limb component of corneal reflex is unaffected
- Freq signs of UMN weakness or ipsi body
- Freq ipsi body & facial sensory deficit
What are the Technological findings of Facial weakness d/t cerebral hemisphere lesion?
- MRI w/ & w/o contrast is the best test
- CT scan w/ & w/o contrast is the next best
Where does the lower half of the facial nerve receive UMN control?
Contralateral hemisphere
Where does the upper half of the facial nerve receive UMN control?
BOTH hemispheres
What is the tx of Facial weakness d/t cerebral hemisphere lesion?
Diet modification & speech/swallow therapy since they they have Dysarthria & chewing problems
What does Dysarthria & chewing issues inc risk for?
What are the sx of Facial weakness d/t Brainstem lesion?
- Facial weakness
- CN sx
- Sensory sx
- Weakness
- Disequilibrium or ataxia
- Dysarthria or Dysphagia