Dizziness Flashcards
What is Vertigo?
Hallucination of movement
What causes Vertigo?
Disturbance of the vestibular system somewhere b/w receptor & the integrative sensory cortex
>90% peripheral
<10% CNS
What are the sx of Vertigo?
- Worse w/ movement
- Nystagmus
- N/V
- Gait disturbances/falls
- Hearing disturbances
- Sx worse in peripheral causes
What is Dysequilibrium?
- “Off balanced”
- Peripheral neuropathy
- Lost vibration in proprioception
Who gets Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo?
Middle & older age adults
How long do the attacks last in Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo?
Seconds to minutes
What precipitates the attacks in Benign Paroxysmal Positional vertigo?
- Movement
- Lying down
- Rolling over in bed
- Bending over
What sx are common during attacks in BPPV?
N/V & blurred vision
What improves sx in BPPV?
Remaining motionless
What is found on PE in BPPV?
- Normal neuro exam
- Maybe nystagmus during attack
- Baranay (Dix-Hallpike)
What is found on Baranay (Dix-Hallpike) test in BPPV?
- Latency (5-10sec)
- Fatiuges
- Adapts (habituates to repetition)
What causes BPPV?
Degenerative dz d/t free floating otoconia w/in the semicircular canals that trigger hair cells w/ certain movement initiating the vertigo
What are Otoconia?
Calcified particles in inner ear that send info to the brain in regards to gravitational pull or verticle movement
(exerts pressure on hair cells to allow you to perceive up & down movement)
What is the best tx for BPPV?
Epley’s (canalith repositioning) maneuver
What are some other tx for BPPV that don’t have much support?
Antihistamines, anticholinergics or surgical therapies
Where is the membranous Labyrinth located?
Imedded in the pertrous ridge of temporal bone
Who can get Labyrinthitis?
Any age & gender
What is the duration of Labyrinithitis?
Measured in days. 2/3 of time its a monophasic illness & 1/3 it may be recurrent
What is an assoc sx of Labyrinthitis?
Maybe some hearing loss
What can aggravate Labyrinthitis?
What will be found on PE in Labyrinithitis?
- Maybe nystagmus
- Gait disorder
- Rinne: AC> BC (normal)
- Weber: doesn’t lateralize
What causes the sx assoc w/ Labyrinithitis?
Asymmetrical vestibular input to integrative cortex resulting from the viral infection
What is the tx for Labyrinithitis?
- Same as any acute viral infection
- Bed rest as needed
- IV fluids if N/V is severe
What causes recurrent conditions of Labyrinthitis?
Injury to nerves in labyrinth