Face and scalp Flashcards
muscles of scalp
- Frontalis
- Occipitalis
- Temporalis
- Anterior to ear: Supratrochlear (V-1), Supraorbital (V-1), Zygomaticotemporal (V-2), Auriculotemporal (V-3)
- Posterior to ear: lesser occipital nerve (APR of C2 and C3), greater occipital nerve (posterior primary rami [PPR] of C2)
what are layers in scalp?
- Skin
- Connective tissue:Contains neurovasculature, Tissue holds cut vessels open
- Aponeurosis
- Loose connective tissue
- Pericranium
venous drainage into facial vein
- Supratrochlear: Scalp, forehead, upper eyelid
- Supraorbital: Scalp, forehead, upper eyelid
- Nasal: External nose
- Superior labial: Upper lip
- Inferior labial: Lower lip
- Muscular: Masseter (muscle of mastication)and buccinator muscles
- Submental: Structures in submental triangle
- Tonsillar: Palatine tonsil and tonsillar bed
- Submandibular: Submandibular gland
Branches of max artery
- Infraorbital
- Inferior palpebral – lower eyelid
- Nasal – lateral nose
- Superior labial – upper lip
- Buccal
- skin and mucous membranes of cheek, vestibular gingiva of mandibular molars
- Mental
- chin,lower lip, vestibular gingiva of mandibular anterior teeth
Arteries of the scalp
- Run in the connective tissue layer
- From external carotid artery
- Occipital
- Posterior auricular
- Superficial temporal
- From the internal carotid artery(ophthalmic branch)
- Supratrochlear
- Supraorbital
veins of the scalp
- Superficial scalp
- Supraorbital & supratrochlear to the angular vein ->becomes the facial vein
- Superficial temporal veins and posterior auricular veins
- Drain scalp anterior and posterior to the auricles
- Occipital veins
- Drain occipital region scalp
- Medium-to-thin thickness
- Movable layer of tissue
- Covers a layer of loose areolar connective tissue
- Not in nose and ears – fixed to cartilage
- Numerous sweat and sebaceous glands
superficial fascia
- Subcutaneous connective tissue
- Layers of fat
- Contains:Vessels, Nerves, Superficial muscles of facial expression
where are Muscles of facial expression?
- Located within the superficial fascia
- Around facial orifices
- Control opening/closing of orifices
- Move overlying skin
what are muscles of facial expression?
- Orbicularis oris: Levator labii superioris & Levator anguli oris
- Zygomaticus major
- Zygomaticus minor
- Depressor anguli oris: Depressor labii inferioris & Risorius
- Orbicularis oculi: Mentalis, Nasalis, Buccinator, Platysma
- Frontalis
orbicularis oris
- Origins: Extrinsic (Circumoral muscles) & Instrinsic (Incisive fossae)
- Insertions: Extrinsic (Sphincter around mouth within lips) & Intrinsic (Skin of lip)
- Innervation: VII – zygomatic, buccal, mandibular branches
- Action: Closes mouth & Protrudes lips
Depressor Anguli oris
- Originates:Oblique line of mandible
- Inserts:Angle of mouth
- Innervation:VII—buccal and mandibular branches
- Action:Depresses angle of mouth
levator anguli oris
- Originates: Canine fossa
- Inserts: Angle of mouth
- Innervation: VII—buccal and zygomatic branches
- Action:Elevates angle of mouth
zygomatic major
- Originates:Zygomatic Bone
- Inserts:Angle of mouth
- Innervation:VII—buccal and zygomatic branches
- Action: Draws angle of mouth superoposteriorly
zygomatic minor
- Originates: Zygomatic Bone
- Inserts:Skin of upper lip
- Innervation:VII— zygomatic and buccal branches
- Action:Elevates upper lip
- Originates:Contributions of platysma fibers, fascia of parotid and masseteric regions
- Inserts: Angle of mouth
- Innervation: VII—buccal and mandibular branches
- Action:Draws angle of mouth laterally
Pterygomandibular Raphe
-Fibrous seam
-descends from the pterygoid hamulus of the medial pterygoid plate
-to the mylohyoid line of the mandible
-separates and gives rise to
superior constrictor of the pharynx
buccinator muscle
- Origins: Pterygomandibular raphé, buccal alveolar processes of maxilla and mandible
- Insertion:Corner of the lips & Deep to other facial expression muscles
- Innervation: VII- Buccal branches
- Action: Compresses cheeks against molars & Sucking/blowing
Orbicularis oris Buccinator Levator anguli oris Depressor anguli oris Zygomaticus major Risorius
orbicularis oculi
- Exists in 3 parts:Orbital, Palpebral, Lacrmial
- Origin: Medial orbital margin and lacrimal bone
- Insertion: Skin around orbit
- Innervation: VII – temporal and zygomatic branches
- Action:Orbital(Close eye forcefully), Palpebral (Close eye gently), Lacrimal(Squeeze tears against eyeball)
- Deep to Orbicularis oculi
- Origin:Medial aspect of supraorbital margin
- Insertion:Skin underlying eyebrow
- Innervation:VII – temporal
- Action:Furrow eyebrows
levator labii superioris
- Origin:Maxillary frontal process & Inferior orbit of margin
- Insertion: Cartilage and skin of nose & Upper lip
- Innervation: VII – zygomatic and buccal branches
- Action: Flares nostrils & Elevates upper lip
depressor labii inferioris
- Origin:Oblique line of mandible
- Insertion: Lower lip
- Innervation: VII – mandibular branches
- Action: Depresses lower lip
- Origin:Incisive fossa (mandible)
- Insertion: Lower lip
- Innervation:VII – mandibular branches
- Action: Depresses lower lip & Puckers chin
-2 Origins: Compressor nares
(Canine eminence of the maxilla) & Dilator nares (Nasal notch of the maxilla)
-Compressor nares( Midline aponeurosis over the lateral nasal cartilage)
-Dilator nare(Skin margin of nostril)
-Innervation:VII – zygomatic and buccal branches branches
-Action:Compresses nostrils &
Flares nostrils
- Origin: Nasal bone & Lateral nasal cartilage
- Insertion:Glabellar skin
- Innervation: VII – temporal and zygomatic branches
- Action:Bridge of nose wrinkling
- Origin:Aponeurosis of scalp
- Insertion: Forehead skin
- Innervation:VII – temporal branches
- Action: Pulls scalp superoposteriorly
- Origin:Superior nuchal line & Mastoid process
- Insertion: Occipital skin
- Innervation:VII – posterior auricular branches
- Action:Pulls scalp superoposteriorly
-Origin:Pectoral fascia
-Insertion:Inferior border of mandible
-Innervation:VII – cervical branches
-Aids in depressing mandible
-Tense neck skin
If mandible is stabilized by muscles of mastication
Facial nerve innervation
- Temporal:orbicularis oculi, procerus, corrugator, frontalis, anterior auricular, posterior auricular, superior auricular
- Zygomatic: orbicularis oris, levator anguli oris, zygomaticus major, zygomaticus minor, risorius, levator labii superioris alaque nasi, nasalis, orbicularis oculi, procerus
- Buccal: orbicularis oris, depressor anguli oris, levator anguli oris, zygomaticus major, zygomaticus minor, risorius, levator labii superioris alaque nasi, buccinator, nasalis
- Marginal mandibular:orbicularis oris, depressor anguli oris, depressor labii inferioris, depressor anguli oris, mentalis
- Cervical – platysma
- Posterior auricular – occipitalis
Branches of Facial Nerve
- Temporal
- Zygomatic
- Buccal
- Marginal mandibular
- Cervical
parotid gland
-Largest salivary gland
-Covered in parotid sheath
very, very strong
-Parotid duct
-passes anteriorly and horizontally from anterior edge of gland
-Enters the oral cavity opposite M2
-Structures within the gland
-Facial nerve branches
-Retromandibular vein
-External carotid artery and branches
-Parotid lymph nodes
-Swollen parotid gland
-Redness of parotid papilla
-Bacterial infection
-Poor oral hygiene(Infection spreads back through parotid duct)
Need to be able to determine if swelling is glandular (mumps) or dental abscess (bacteria)
innervation of parotid bed & gland
- Great auricular nerve (C2 and C3) carries sensory fibers from the parotid sheath and overlying skin
- Parasympathetic component of Glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX) supplies secretory fibers to the parotid gland
- The fibers are conveyed from the otic ganglion by the auriculotemporal nerve (CN V-3)
- Stimulation of these fibers produces saliva
- Sympathetic fibers derived from the cervical ganglia through the external carotid nerve plexus
inferior alveolar block
- Goal is to inject near the inferior alveolar nerve right at the mandibular foramen
- If needle is pushed to far posteriorly->Puncture parotid gland capsule
Trigeminal (CN V) in the face
- has 3 branches: ophthalmic (V1), maxillary nerve (V2), mandibular (V3)
Ophthalmic nerve (V1)
-Branches:Lacrimal, Supraorbital Supratrochlear, Infratrochlear, External nasal, Frontal -Sensory innervation -skin of forehead -scalp -upper eyelids and nose -conjunctiva of upper eyelid -mucosa of frontal sinus -lacrimal gland
Maxillary nerve (V2)
- Branches: Infraorbital, Zygomatic
- Sensory Innervation
- skin of zygomatic arch
- anterior temporal region
- Cheek
- lower lid
- lateral nose
- upper lip
- Maxillary teeth
- mucosa of upper oral region
- Maxillary sinus
Mandibular (V3)
- Branches:Auricotemporal,Buccal, Mental
- Sensory Innervation
- skin anterior to ear
- posterior temporal region
- Auricle
- Cheek
- Chin and lower lip
- Mucosa of cheek
- Buccal gingiva and lower lip
- Mandibular teeth
Arterial vasculature of the face
- Arise from external and internal carotid arteries
- Most arteries of the face are branches of the external carotid artery
facial artery
- Most prominent artery of the face
- Branch of the external carotid
- Travels over inferior border of mandible as it travels through the submandibular gland
- Medial portion of face to the eye
- Branches anastomose with branches of the ophthalmic artery of internal carotid artery
facial artery branches
- Ascending palatine: Palatine tonsil and bed
- Tonsillar: Palatine tonsil and bed
- Glandular: Submandibular gland
- Submental: Structures of submental triangle
- Inferior labial: Lower lip
- Superior labial: Upper lip
- Angular: Medial angle of the eye
Ophthalmic artery branches
- Branch of internal carotid artery
- Anastomoses with facial artery
- Branches include:
- Supraorbital: upper eyelid, forehead, scalp
- Supratrochlear: upper eyelid, forehead, scalp
- Dorsal nasal: upper eyelid, lacrimal sac, bridge of nose
- Lacrimal: internal aspect of upper lid
- External nasal:median aspect of external nose below the nasal bones
- Zygomatic: skin of upper temporal region
Maxillary artery branches
- Infraorbital
- Inferior palpebral: lower eyelid
- Nasal – lateral nose
- Superior labial – upper lip
- Buccal: skin and mucous membranes of cheek, vestibular gingiva of mandibular molars
- Mental: chin, lower lip, vestibular gingiva of mandibular anterior teeth