Face Flashcards

Muscles of facial expression in the lower face are controlled by the motor cortex on the […] side of the brain as the muscles.

What muscle is shown?
What is its action?
What is its innervation?

Trumpeter’s muscle - purse cheeks, move bolus of food around during chewing
Facial nerve (CN 7)

Explain what is happening in this diagram.

Beginning with CN7 nuclei in brainstem - cell body sends projection (#2, petrosal nerve) to the pterygopalatine ganglion (#3) where it synapses on neurons that provide parasympathetic innervation to the lacrimal and nasal glands (#4)
Another cell body in brainstem nucleus sends projection (#5, chorda tympani) to the submandibular ganglion (#6) where it synapses on neuruons that provide parasympathetic innervation to the submandibular and sublingual glands (#7).
Another cell body in a ganglion just outside the brainstem receives input from the medulla and sends a projection to the tongue to provide taste to the anterior 2/3 of the tongue (#8).
The facial nerve emerges through the […], then divides into five main branches as it travels through the […] (without innervating it!).The branches carry[…] innervation to the muscles of facial expression
stylomastoid foramen
parotid gland
somatic motor

What muscle is shown?
What is its action?
What is its innervation?

Lateral Pterygoid

The facial artery anastamoses with branches of […], which is a branch of the internal carotid artery. Thus, if the ICA is occluded, blood can still reach the brain by this connection.
Opthalmic artery

What nerves supply sensory innervation to the labeled areas of the face?

Describe the path from the cortex to the brainstem taken by fibers of the facial nerve that control the upper parts of the face.
The fibers that control the upper face take a slightly different path. After travelling down to the brainstem, half of the fibers cross over to the contralateral facial nerve, and half remain on the same side and contribute to the ipsilateral facial nerve.
What muscle is shown?
What is its action?
What is its innervation?


The right facial nerve controls all of the muscles on the […] side and the left facial nerve controls all of the muscles on the […] side of the face
What muscle is shown?
What is its action?
What is its innervation?

Raising eyebrow/skin on forehead
Facial nerve (right frontalis receives innervation from both R and L CN 7, same is true for left frontalis as well as all upper facial muscles)

What nerves supply sensory innervation to the labeled areas of the face?

3 divisions of trigeminal nerve
- 2 - opthalmic
- 3 - maxillary
- 4 - mandibular
The facial artery gives off branches that feed what parts of the face?
side of nose
medial eye

An infection of the skin of the face especially on side of nose of upper lip can drain into the […] or the […].
External jugular vein (good b/c outside brain)
Internal cavernous sinus (bad b/c inside brain –> can lead to brain infection)

Lesions that damage the motor cortex, such as acute ischemic strokes, will result in […] facial weakness of the […] only, with preservation of the muscles of the […], due to the […].
lower face
upper face on both sides
dual innervation of the upper face
Where does the opthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve exit the skull?
The superior orbital fissure

The facial nerves emerge from the middle of the brainstem (the pons) and carry motor fibers to the muscles of facial expression. These fibers come from the motor cortex of […] cerebral hemispheres
What muscle is shown?
What is its action?
What is its innervation?

Obicularis oculi
Squinting/closing of the eyelids
Facial nerve

Describe the path from the cortex to the brainstem taken by fibers of the facial nerve that control the lower parts of the face.
The fibers that control the lower face travel from the cortex down to the brainstem. In the brainstem, these fibers cross over to the opposite, or contralateral, facial nerve

Where does the maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve exit the skull?
The foramen rotundum
What muscle is shown?
What is its action?
What is its innervation?

Medial Pterygoid

What innervates the platysma?
What does the platysma do?
CN 7 (facial nerve)
Tenses the neck
Where does the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve exit the skull?
The foramen ovale

What muscle is shown?
What is its action?
What is its innervation?


Muscles of facial expression in the upper face are controlled by the motor cortex on the […] side of the brain as the muscles.
Contributions from both hemispheres –> both motor cortices

What muscle is shown?
What is its action?
What is its innervation?

Obicularis Oris
Purse one’s lips, keeps mouth closed during chewing to prevent food and saliva from escaping the mouth
CN 7 (Facial nerve)