Fab 5's Flashcards
Anorexia, nausea, vomiting, EKG changes, muscle weakness, paresthesias.
a. ) High Cr b.) Low Cr
c. ) High BUN d.) Low BUN
e. ) High Glucose f.) Low Glucose
g. ) Hyperkalemia h.) Hypokalemia
i. ) Hypernatremia j.) Hypokalemia
Anorexia, nausea, vomiting, EKG changes, muscle weakness, paresthesias.
Normal Values = 3.5-5.0 mEq/L
Dehydration, erythrocytosis, polycythemia vera.
a. ) High Platelets b.) Low Platelets
c. ) High WBCs d.) Low WBCs
e. ) High RBCs f.) Low RBCs
g. ) High HGB h.) Low HGB
i. ) High HCT j.) Low HCT
High HCT
Dehydration, erythrocytosis, polycythemia vera.
Normal Values = 35-50%
Diabetic ketoacidosis: HA, drowsiness, weakness, stupor, coma, hypotension, tachycardia, skin warm & dry, elevated temp, polyuria, progressing to oliguria, polydipsia, polyphagia, Kussmaul’s respirations, and fruity odor.
a. ) High Cr b.) Low Cr
c. ) High BUN d.) Low BUN
e. ) High Glucose f.) Low Glucose
g. ) Hyperkalemia h.) Hypokalemia
i. ) Hypernatremia j.) Hypokalemia
High Glucose
Diabetic ketoacidosis: HA, drowsiness, weakness, stupor, coma, hypotension, tachycardia, skin warm & dry, elevated temp, polyuria, progressing to oliguria, polydipsia, polyphagia, Kussmaul’s respirations, and fruity odor.
Normal Values = 60-100 mg/dL
Bleeding, effectiveness of Heparin therapy.
a. ) High PT
b. ) Low PT
c. ) High PTT
d. ) Low PTT
High PTT
Bleeding, effectiveness of Heparin therapy.
Normal Range = 20 - 45 seconds
Therapeutic Range = 1.5-2 x normal
Elevated temp, weakness, disorientation, delusions, hallucinations, thirst, dry swollen tongue, tachycardia, hypotension
a. ) High Cr b.) Low Cr
c. ) High BUN d.) Low BUN
e. ) High Glucose f.) Low Glucose
g. ) Hyperkalemia h.) Hypokalemia
i. ) Hypernatremia j.) Hypokalemia
Elevated temp, weakness, disorientation, delusions, hallucinations, thirst, dry swollen tongue, tachycardia, hypotension.
Normal Values = 135-145 mEq/L
Anemia (various types), hemorrhage, bleeding, bone marow failure (i.e., radiation, toxin, fibrosis, tumor), erythropoietin deficiency (secondary to kidney disease), hemolysis from transfusion reaction, leukemia, multiple myeloma, malnutrition.
a. ) High Platelets b.) Low Platelets
c. ) High WBCs d.) Low WBCs
e. ) High RBCs f.) Low RBCs
g. ) High HGB h.) Low HGB
i. ) High HCT j.) Low HCT
Low RBCs
Anemia (various types), hemorrhage, bleeding, bone marow failure (i.e., radiation, toxin, fibrosis, tumor), erythropoietin deficiency (secondary to kidney disease), hemolysis (RBC destruction) from transfusion reaction, leukemia, multiple myeloma, malnutrition.
Normal Values = 4-6 million
Congenital heart disease, cor pulmonale, pulmonary fibrosis, polycythemia vera, dehydration (such as from severe diarrhea), kidney disease with high erythropoietin production.
a. ) High Platelets b.) Low Platelets
c. ) High WBCs d.) Low WBCs
e. ) High RBCs f.) Low RBCs
g. ) High HGB h.) Low HGB
i. ) High HCT j.) Low HCT
High RBCs
Congenital heart disease, cor pulmonale, pulmonary fibrosis, polycythemia vera, dehydration (such as from severe diarrhea), kidney disease with high erythropoietin production.
Normal Values = 4-6 million
Infectious diseases, inflammatory disease (such as rheumatoid arthritis or allergy), leukemia, severe emotional or physical stress, tissue damage (i.e., burns), anemia.
a. ) High Platelets b.) Low Platelets
c. ) High WBCs d.) Low WBCs
e. ) High RBCs f.) Low RBCs
g. ) High HGB h.) Low HGB
i. ) High HCT j.) Low HCT
High WBCs
Infectious diseases, inflammatory disease (such as rheumatoid arthritis or allergy), leukemia, severe emotional or physical stress, tissue damage (i.e., burns), anemia.
Normal Values = 5,000 - 10,000
Thrombocytosis: Polycythemia vera, post-splenectomy syndrome, primary thrombocytosis, certain malignancies, early CML, anemia.
a. ) High Platelets b.) Low Platelets
c. ) High WBCs d.) Low WBCs
e. ) High RBCs f.) Low RBCs
g. ) High HGB h.) Low HGB
i. ) High HCT j.) Low HCT
High Platelets
Thrombocytosis: Polycythemia vera, post-splenectomy syndrome, primary thrombocytosis, certain malignancies, early CML, anemia.
Normal Values = 100,000 - 400,000/mm8
Caused by excessive protein intake, kidney damage, certain drugs, low fluid intake, intestinal bleeding, exercise, or heart failure.
a. ) High Cr b.) Low Cr
c. ) High BUN d.) Low BUN
e. ) High Glucose f.) Low Glucose
g. ) Hyperkalemia h.) Hypokalemia
i. ) Hypernatremia j.) Hypokalemia
High BUN
Increases can be caused by excessive protein intake, kidney damage, certain drugs, low fluid intake, intestinal bleeding, exercise, or heart failure.
Normal Values = 8-20 mg/dL
Sometimes seen in kidney damage, protein starvation, liver disease, or pregnancy.
a. ) High Cr b.) Low Cr
c. ) High BUN d.) Low BUN
e. ) High Glucose f.) Low Glucose
g. ) Hyperkalemia h.) Hypokalemia
i. ) Hypernatremia j.) Hypokalemia
Low Creatinine
Low levels are sometimes seen in kidney damage, protein starvation, liver disease, or pregnancy.
Normal Values = 0.6-1.5 mg/dL
Bone marrow failure (i.e., due to infection, tumor, fibrosis), presence of cytotoxic substance, collagen-vascular diseases (i.e., SLE), disease of liver or spleen, radiation.
a. ) High Platelets b.) Low Platelets
c. ) High WBCs d.) Low WBCs
e. ) High RBCs f.) Low RBCs
g. ) High HGB h.) Low HGB
i. ) High HCT j.) Low HCT
Low WBCs
Bone marrow failure (i.e., due to infection, tumor, fibrosis), presence of cytotoxic substance, collagen-vascular diseases (i.e., SLE), disease of liver or spleen, radiation.
Normal Values = 5,000 - 10,000
Elevated levels are sometimes seen in kidney disease due to the kidney’s job of excreting this molecule, muscle degeneration, and some drugs involved in impairment of kidney function.
a. ) High Cr b.) Low Cr
c. ) High BUN d.) Low BUN
e. ) High Glucose f.) Low Glucose
g. ) Hyperkalemia h.) Hypokalemia
i. ) Hypernatremia j.) Hypokalemia
High Creatinine
Elevated levels are sometimes seen in kidney disease due to the kidney’s job of excreting creatinine, muscle degeneration, and some drugs involved in impairment of kidney function.
Normal Values = 0.6-1.5 mg/dL
Bleeding disorder or effective Coumadin therapy.
a. ) High PT
b. ) Low PT
c. ) High PTT
d. ) Low PTT
High PT
Bleeding disorder or effective Coumadin therapy.
Normal Range = 9.5 - 12 seconds
Nausea, muscle cramps, ICP, confusion, muscle twitching, convulsion.
a. ) High Cr b.) Low Cr
c. ) High BUN d.) Low BUN
e. ) High Glucose f.) Low Glucose
g. ) Hyperkalemia h.) Hypokalemia
i. ) Hypernatremia j.) Hypokalemia
Nausea, muscle cramps, ICP, confusion, muscle twitching, convulsion.
Normal Values = 135-145 mEq/L
Anemia, bleeding, bone marrow suppression, leukemia, multiple myeloma, rheumatoid arthritis, malnutrition.
a. ) High Platelets b.) Low Platelets
c. ) High WBCs d.) Low WBCs
e. ) High RBCs f.) Low RBCs
g. ) High HGB h.) Low HGB
i. ) High HCT j.) Low HCT
Anemia, bleeding, bone marrow suppression, leukemia, multiple myeloma, rheumatoid arthritis, malnutrition.
Normal Values = 35-50%
Measures clotting time.
a. ) High PT
b. ) Low PT
c. ) High PTT
d. ) Low PTT
Measures clotting time.
Normal Range = 20 - 45 seconds
Therapeutic Range = 1.5-2 x normal
Heart disease, cor pulmonale, polycythemia vera, pulmonary fibrosis.
a. ) High Platelets b.) Low Platelets
c. ) High WBCs d.) Low WBCs
e. ) High RBCs f.) Low RBCs
g. ) High HGB h.) Low HGB
i. ) High HCT j.) Low HCT
High HGB
Heart disease, cor pulmonale, polycythemia vera, pulmonary fibrosis.
Normal Values = 12-18 gm/dL
Insulin reaction: irritable, confusion, tremors, blurred vision, coma, seizures, hypotension, tachycardia, skin cool & clammy, diaphoretic.
a. ) High Cr b.) Low Cr
c. ) High BUN d.) Low BUN
e. ) High Glucose f.) Low Glucose
g. ) Hyperkalemia h.) Hypokalemia
i. ) Hypernatremia j.) Hypokalemia
Low Glucose
Insulin reaction: irritable, confusion, tremors, blurred vision, coma, seizures, hypotension, tachycardia, skin cool & clammy, diaphoretic.
Normal Values = 60-100 mg/dL
An abnormal result is most often due to liver disease, vitamin K deficiency, or oral anticoagulant therapy.
a. ) High PT
b. ) Low PT
c. ) High PTT
d. ) Low PTT
Low PT
An abnormal result is most often due to liver disease, vitamin K deficiency, or oral anticoagulant therapy.
Normal Range = 9.5 - 12 seconds
EKG changes, cardiac arrest, muscle weakness, paralysis, nausea, and diarrhea.
a. ) High Cr b.) Low Cr
c. ) High BUN d.) Low BUN
e. ) High Glucose f.) Low Glucose
g. ) Hyperkalemia h.) Hypokalemia
i. ) Hypernatremia j.) Hypokalemia
EKG changes, cardiac arrest, muscle weakness, paralysis, nausea, and diarrhea.
Normal Values = 3.5-5.0 mEq/L
Anemia, bleeding, erythrpoietin, lead poisoning, malnutrition.
a. ) High Platelets b.) Low Platelets
c. ) High WBCs d.) Low WBCs
e. ) High RBCs f.) Low RBCs
g. ) High HGB h.) Low HGB
i. ) High HCT j.) Low HCT
Anemia, bleeding, erythrpoietin, lead poisoning, malnutrition.
Normal Values = 12-18 gm/dL
May be due to a poor diet, malabsorption, liver damage, or low nitrogen intake.
a. ) High Cr b.) Low Cr
c. ) High BUN d.) Low BUN
e. ) High Glucose f.) Low Glucose
g. ) Hyperkalemia h.) Hypokalemia
i. ) Hypernatremia j.) Hypokalemia
Decreased levels may be due to a poor diet, malabsorption, liver damage, or low nitrogen intake.
Normal Values = 8-20 mg/dL
Thrombocytopenia: low production in the bone marrow, increased breakdown in the bloodstream, spleen, or liver.
a. ) High Platelets b.) Low Platelets
c. ) High WBCs d.) Low WBCs
e. ) High RBCs f.) Low RBCs
g. ) High HGB h.) Low HGB
i. ) High HCT j.) Low HCT
Low Platelets
Thrombocytopenia: low production of platelets in the bone marrow, increased breakdown of platelets in the bloodstream, spleen, or liver.
Normal Values = 100,000 - 400,000/mm8