F4. Membranstruktur Flashcards
Show how the cell membrane consists of a lipid bilayer and explain
Explain what gives human red blood cells their charateristic.
Explain why a hydrophilic molecule attracts water molecules
Explain why a hydrophobic molecule tends to avoid water.
Explain what transmembrane hydrophilic pore is and how it can be formed.
Explain how a tranmembrane polypeptide chain crosses the lipid bilayer
Explain how and why apiphatic phospholipids form a bilayer in water.
Explain bacteriorhodopsins function
Explain the structure of cell membranes
Explain how cell membranes act as a selective barrier
Explain how and which lipid stiffens the cell membrane
Explain which types of membrane lipis are amphipathic
Explain why eukaryotic cells are coated with sugars
Explain why fat molecules are entirely hydrophobic
Explain why flippaes help to establish and maintain the asymmetric distribution of phospholipids characteristic of animal cell membrane
Explain the formation of mouse-human hybrid cells that shows some plasma membrane proteins can move laterally in the lipid bilaye
show how the internal membranes form different compartments in a eukaryotic cel
show how membrane phospholipids move within the lipid bilayer
show how the membrane proteins are restricted to particular domains of the plasma membrane of epithelial cells in the gut
Show how membrane proteins can associate with the lipid bilayer in different ways
show how membrane proteins can be soluilized by a mild detergent such as triton x-100
Explain why membranes retian their orientation during transfer between cell compartments
show how mild detergents can be used to solubilize and reconstitute functional membrane proteins
show how Newly synthesized phospholipids are added to the
cytosolic side of the ER membrane and then redistributed by
transporters that transfer them from one half of the lipid bilayer
to the other.
Show that the phosphatidylcholine is the most common phospholipid in cell membranes
Show that Phospholipid bilayers spontaneously close in on themselves to from sealed compartments
Show how Phospholipids and glycolipids are distributed asymmetrically in the lipid bilayer of an animal cell plasma membrane.
Descirbe how photobleaching techniques such as FRAP can be used to measure the rate of lateral diffusion of a membrane protein.
Dsecribe how Plasma membrane proteins have a variety of functions
Show how porin proteins form waterfilled channels in the outer membrane of a bacterium
Describe how Proteins show different patterns of diffusion
Explain why SDS and triton X-100 are two commonly used detergents
Make a table that shows some examples of plasma membrane proteins and their functions.
Show that the backbone of a polypeptide chain is hydrophilic
Show that The lateral mobility of plasma membrane proteins can be restricted in several ways
Describe how the plasma membrane is involved with communications
Explain how The recognition of cellsurface carbohydrates on neutrophils allows immune cells to begin to migrate out of the blood and into infected tissues.