F14 Flashcards
Essential concepts
- Life depends on the stable storage, maintenance, and inheritance of genetic information.
- Genetic information is carried by very long DNA molecules and is encoded in the linear sequence of four nucleotides: A, T, G, and C.
- Each molecule of DNA is a double helix composed of a pair of antiparallel, complementary DNA strands, which are held together by hydrogen bonds between G-C and A-T base pairs.
- The genetic material of a eukaryotic cell—its genome—is contained in a set of chromosomes, each formed from a single, enormously long DNA molecule that contains many genes.
- When a gene is expressed, part of its nucleotide sequence is transcribed into RNA molecules, most of which are translated to produce a protein.
- The DNA that forms each eukaryotic chromosome contains, in addition to genes, many replication origins, one centromere, and two telomeres. These special DNA sequences ensure that, before cell division, each chromosome can be duplicated efficiently, and that the resulting daughter chromosomes can be parceled out equally to the two daughter cells.
- In eukaryotic chromosomes, the DNA is tightly folded by binding to a set of histone and nonhistone chromosomal proteins. This complex of DNA and protein is called chromatin.
- Histones pack the DNA into a repeating array of DNA–protein particles called nucleosomes, which further fold up into even more compact chromatin structures.
- A cell can regulate its chromatin structure—temporarily decondensing or condensing particular regions of its chromosomes—using chromatin-remodeling complexes and enzymes that covalently modify histone tails in various ways.
- The loosening of chromatin to a more decondensed state allows proteins involved in gene expression, DNA replication, and DNA repair to gain access to the necessary DNA sequences.
- Some forms of chromatin have a pattern of histone tail modification that causes the DNA to become so highly condensed that its genes cannot be expressed to produce RNA; a high degree of condensation occurs on all chromosomes during mitosis and in the heterochromatin of interphase chromosomes.
Show how A typical duplicated mitotic chromosome is highly compact
Show how Abnormal chromosomes are associated with some inherited genetic disorders
Show how Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is a crucially important energy carrier in cells
Show how All amino acids have an amino group a carboxyl group, and a side chain (R) attached to their alpha carbon atom
Show how Amino acids in a protein are held together by peptide bonds.
Show how ATP is synthesized from ADP and inorganic phosphate, and it releases energy when it is hydrolyzed back to ADP and inorganic phosphate
Explain bases
Show how Chromatin-remodeling complexes locally reposition the DNA wrapped around nucleosomes
Show how DNA is made of four nucleotide building blocks
Show how DNA packing occurs on several levels in chromosomes
Show how Griffith showed that heat-killed infectious bacteria can transform harmless live bacteria into pathogens
Show how Hershey and Chase showed definitively that genes are made of DNA
Show how Heterochromatin specific histone modifications allow heterochromatin to form and to spread.
Show how In many eukaryotes, genes include an ecess of interspersed, noncoding DNA
Show how Interphase chromosomes occupy their own distinct territories within the nucleus.
Show how Macromolecules are abundant in cells
Show how Most genes contain information to make proteins
Show how Nucleosomes contain DNA wrapped around a protein core of eight histone molecules
Show how One of the two X chromosomes is inactivated in the cells of mammalian females by heterochromatin formation
Show how The chromatin in human chromosomes is folded into looped domains
Show how The duplication and segregation of chromosomes occurs through an ordered cell cycle in proliferating cells
Show how The nucleolus is the most prominent structure in the interphase nucleus
Show how the nucleotide subunits within a DNA strand are held togehter by phosphodiester bonds
show how The pattern of modification of histone tails can determine how a stretch of chromatin is handled by the cell.
Show how The strucutre of the nucleosome core particle, as determined by x-raw diffraction analysis, receals how DNA is tightly wrapped around a disc-shaped histone octamer.
Show how The struggle of chromatin varies a single interphase chromosome
Show how The two strands of the DNA double helix are held together by hydrogen bonds between complementary base pairs
Show how Three DNA sequence elements are needed to produce a eukaryotic chromosome that can be duplicated and then segregated at mitosis
Describe condensed and more extended forms of chromatin in interphase chromosomes
The localized alteration of chromatin packing by remodeling complexes and histone modification has important effects on the large-scale structure of interphase chromosomes. Interphase chromatin is not uniformly packed. Instead, regions of the chromosome containing genes that are being actively expressed are generally more extended, whereas those that contain silent genes are more condensed.
The most highly condensed form of interphase chromatin is called Heterochromatin and it is concentrated around the centromere region and in the telomeric DNA at the chromosome ends.
The rest of the interphase chromatin is called euchromatin. Although we use the term euchromatin to refer to chromatin that exists in a less condensed state than heterochromatin, it is now clear that both euchromatin and heterochromatin are composed of mixtures of different chromatin structures.
Each type of chromatin structure is established and maintained by different sets of histone tail modifications, which attract distinct sets of nonhistone chromosomal proteins.
Much of the DNA that is folded into heterochromatin does not contain genes. Because heterochromatin is so compact, genes that accidentally become packaged into heterochromatin usually fail to be expressed. Such inappropriate packaging of genes in heterochromatin can cause disease.
When a cell divides, it can pass along its histone modifications, chromatin structure, and gene expression patterns to the two daughter cells. Such “cell memory” transmits information about which genes are active and which are not—a process critical for the establishment and maintenance of different cell types during the development of a complex multicellular organism
Describe how Changes in nucleosome structure allow access to DNA
How is a chromatin fiber folded to produce mitotic chromosomes?
Although the answer is not yet known in detail, it is known that specialized nonhistone chromosomal proteins fold the chromatin into a series of loops. These loops are further condensed to produce the interphase chromosome. Finally, this compact string of loops is thought to undergo at least one more level of packing to form the mitotic chromosome
Interspersed DNA
chromosomes from many eukaryotes—including humans—contain, in addition to genes and the specific nucleotide sequences required for normal gene expression, a large excess of interspersed DNA. This extra DNA is sometimes erroneously called “junk DNA,” because its usefulness to the cell has not yet been demonstrated. Although this spare DNA does not code for protein, much of it may serve some other biological function.
Function of The linear sequence of nucleotides in a gene
the function of a protein is determined by its three-dimensional structure, which in turn is determined by the sequence of the amino acids in its polypeptide chain. The linear sequence of nucleotides in a gene, therefore, must somehow spell out the linear sequence of amino acids in a protein.
L and D forms
all amino acids (except glycine) exist as optical isomers termed d- and l-). But only l-forms are ever found in proteins.
Beskriv purin og pyriminds kemiske egenskaber under sure forhold
The nitrogen-containing rings of all these molecules are generally referred to as bases for historical reasons: under acidic conditions, they can each bind an H+ (proton) and thereby increase the concentration of OH– ions in aqueous solution.
What is the difference between phosphoanhydride bonds and phosphodiester bonds
There are three phosphoryl groups; alpha(α), beta(β), and gama(γ) esterified to the C-5 hydroxyl group of the ribose. The linkage between ribose and the α-phosphoryl group is a phosphoester linkage because it includes a carbon and a phosphorus atom, whereas, the β- and γ-phosphoryl groups in ATP are connected by phosphoanhydride linkages that don’t involve carbon atoms. All Phosphoanhydride have considerable chemical potential energy, and ATP is no exception.

Why does each DNA strand have polarity?
Because the ester linkages to the sugar molecules on either side of the bond are different, each DNA strand has a chemical polarity
Explain how each purine-pyrimidine pair is packed in the energetically most favorable arrangement.
Each purine–pyrimidine pair is called a base pair, and this complementary base-pairing enables the base pairs to be packed in the energetically most favorable arrangement along the interior of the double helix. In this arrangement, each base pair has the same width, thus holding the sugar– phosphate backbones an equal distance apart along the DNA molecule. For the members of each base pair to fit together within the double helix, the two strands of the helix must run antiparallel to each other—that is, be oriented with opposite polarities. The antiparallel sugar–phosphate strands then twist around each other to form a double helix containing 10 base pairs per helical turn.