F2 - SEM2 - Sensing the Environment - 10.6 Brain and our senses Flashcards
What is the role of our brain?
Role of our brain
As a coordinator
* integrate and interpret information from different sensory cells
* produce senses and decides what to do
* send message to body parts to bring about response
Role of our brain
Explain the process of detect stimuli and make response
Role of our brain
- special sensory cells - detect stimuli and send message to brain
- brain - integrate and interpret information and send message to body
- body parts - bring out response
Role of our brain
What is reaction time?
Reaction time
time taken to respond a stimulus
Reaction time
True or False?
Reaction time is the same for all person
Reaction time
Reaction time varies from person to person
Reaction time
What is the largest part of the brain?
What are the function of cerebrum?
- integrate and interpret messages to produce senses
- send messages to different body parts to bring out responses
- responsible for intelligence - enable us to think, make decision and have memories
How does illusion happen?
our brain interpret messages from sensory cells incorrectly
How does drugs affect our brain?
Effects of drugs on our judgements, responses and health
- lower our ability to judge
- slow down our response
- make us lose control of our movement
- cause illusion
Effects of drugs on our judgements, responses and health
How are other effects of drugs on health?
Effects of drugs on our judgements, responses and health
- mental disorder
- stroke
- damage to liver, brain and kidney
- heart attack
- abnormal pain
- Urinary problem (need to urinate frequently, pain and blood in urine)
Effects of drugs on our judgements, responses and health
True or False?
Drugs are addictive. Drug addicts’ live become dependent on drugs.
Effects of drugs on our judgements, responses and health
Drugs are addictive. Drug addicts need larger and larger amount of drugs to feel satisfied.
Effects of drugs on our judgements, responses and health
Give some examples of how to say NO to drug.
Effects of drugs on our judgements, responses and health
- say NO directly and firmly
- say NO using an excuse
- say NO with a counter proposal
Effects of drugs on our judgements, responses and health
Besides drugs, name 2 substances that also badly affect our judgement, responses and health
Effects of alchol and organic solvents on us
Alcohol and organic solvents
Effects of alchol and organic solvents on us
Where alcohol can be found?
Effects of alchol and organic solvents on us
beer and wine
Effects of alchol and organic solvents on us
What are the effects of alcohol on our body?
Effects of alchol and organic solvents on us
- slow down our reaction
- impair judgement and body coordination
- impair memory, sight and hearing - slurred speech
- brain damage, liver damage
- death - heavy drinking over a long period
Effects of alchol and organic solvents on us
Where organic solvents can be found?
Effects of alchol and organic solvents on us
some household product, e.g. thinner and paints
Effects of alchol and organic solvents on us
Explain why sniffing the vapor given off from the solvents is highly dangerous
Effects of alchol and organic solvents on us
irritate the eyes and the breathing system
cause lung and brain damage
increase heart rate
lose of judgement and muscle control
Effects of alchol and organic solvents on us