Ezra,Nehemiah,Esther Flashcards
Name the three specific returns of Jews to the land of Judah under the Persian Rule…
- First was lead by Zerubabbel and involved an initial rebuilding of Jerusalem.
- The second was led by Ezra who oversaw the restitution of the sacrifices.
- The third was led by Nehemiah and involved the rebuilding of the defensive walls of Jerusalem.
Who was Ezra?
Ezra was a scribe and a priest.
Why is the doctrine of God’s sovereignty crucial to the book of Ezra?
The doctrine of God’s sovereignty shows that God can use a polytheistic king of Persia to make possible His will.
What are the three reminders for us today found in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah?
To highlight worship as top priority
To emphasize the need for and use of God’s word as the only authoritative rule for living.
To be concerned about God’s people being seen as Holy before the world.
What did Ezra write about?
The rebuilding of the Temple under Zerubbabel.
What did Nehemiah write about?
The rebuilding of Jerusalem’s walls.
How does the book of Ezra deal with spiritual, moral, and social restoration of the returned remnant?
The political leadership of Zerubbabel.
The priestly leadership of Ezra.
The prophetic leadership of Haggai and Zechariah.
What is the spiritual application of the book of Ezra?
More than the story of a Nations return to God, Ezra is a book about returning and rebuilding and restoring ones personal relationship with the Lord. As in the time of Ezra, such a journey is not an easy one and can be filled with backsliding sand temptations. But, the journey home is worth the effort.
Who is Zerubbabel a direct descendant of??
How can the adventure in Nehemiah of rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem be seen?
This adventure can be seen as part of our spiritual walk of balancing being in the world and not of it.
What does Nehemiah demonstrate for us?
A balanced Theology between dependence on God and personal discipline: prayer and planning and both sacred are both sacred and necessary.
What are several sources where opportunity arises quickly from while reconstructing the wall?
Mockery (Neh 4:1-3)
Military threat (4:6-15)
Conspiracy (6:1-9)
Intimidation through false prophets (6:20-13)
How many days does it take to finish the wall?
52 days.
What is the theme of the book of Esther?
The book explains the origin of the annual festival of Purim (to keep alive for later generations the memory of the great deliverance of the Jewish people during the reign of Xerxes).
Why did people question the inclusion of Esther in the Bible?
Purim was never seen as connecting with Christian truths.
Some people didn’t like that it deals with the Jews who preferred the comforts of Persia rather than returning to Jerusalem.
God’s covenant name (Yahweh) was not mentioned.
There is not mention of worship, prayer, or sacrifice (fasting is mentioned).
It is not quoted in the New Testament.
Where does the book of Esther fall in the Canon?
The last historical book.
Why is this book unique?
Only book that speaks about the Jews who were exiled that decided to remain in the lands which they were exiled.
Who is thought to be the author of Esther?
Where was the word Jew derived from?
It was derived from Judah because of the predominance of this tribe.
How is Esther a real Salvation story and not just about God’s Providence?
God’s unfailing promise to be with and deliver His people.
The gates of hell shall not prevail
This is a documented example of Romans 8:28 being worked out in history.
Covenantal faithfulness is shown in that God continued to be faithful to his covenant people even when His people refused to return from their exile.
The reader can see he unusual number of coincidences.
How should we view the book of Ester?
An inspired record of God’s interaction with His people in both judgement and grace toward His overall redemptive plan.
What does Esther hold record of in regards to the Amalekites?
Their final effort in the Old Testament to completely destroy the Jews.
How does God act throughout the book of Esther?
He acts not in an overt way, but hidden in, with, and under the fumbles and foibles of mankind.
Foibles? 🤣