1st and 2nd Samuel Flashcards
Why is 1 Samuel an important transition in Israel’s history?
Israel transitions from theocracy (a time when Israel was loosely organized tribal league under the leadership of God) to a monarchy (a time when Israel had its own king)
What were two main problems facing Israel at this time?
How would they present a unified front against their enemies?
Who would govern Israel after Samuel since his sons were not following his ways?
The answer was to establish a king.
When did the books of 1 and 2 Samuel come into their final form?
They came into form sometime after the division of the Kingdom into Northern Israel and Southern Judea around 930BC.
What are the books of 1 and 2 Samuel a description of?
The development of the monarchy from the prophets point of view.
Name the three main characters of 1st Samuel
Samuel- the last Judge and first prophet
Saul- the first King of Israel
David- the king-elect, anointed but not yet recognized as Saul’s successor
1 Samuel 15:22
But Samuel replied; “Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the voice of the Lord? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams”
1 Samuel 16:7
But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the lord looks at the heart”
Why is Hannah a hero of the Bible?
Because she had an incredible faith and courage to finish the task she started.
What is God confronting Eli about his sons an example of?
An example in scripture that spiritual leadership carries a greater responsibility.
What does the text of the ark narrative focus on?
The power, authority, glory, and holiness of God.
What was the motivation of the people for having a King?
They did not want to be unique. They wanted to be just like everyone else.
What does scripture show us about the testing of ones faith?
Testing of faith is the norm rather than the exception.
What was Saul’s sin?
Disobedience to God by acting on his fears of men instead of acting on faith in God.
What lesson can be learned of God choosing David?
God is neither impressed nor judges by anything outward, but judges solely by what he sees in the heart.
Key lessons on the story of David and Goliath…
Davids motives are questioned by his brothers (17:28) it is not unusual, when you set out to do great things for God, for some of your own brothers and sisters in Christ to condemn you as self seeking.
David sees and focuses upon the spiritual reality while others see and focus on the physical reality.
Who is Ish-Bosheth
King for 2 years over Israel (every other tribe but Judea) before the power struggle is over and David rules over all Judea and Israel.
4 major points of God’s Covenant with David (2 Samuel 7:1-13)
- God himself would establish David’s house forever.
- God would raise up one of David’s sons who would build the temple.
- God would establish a Father-Son relationship with David’s descendants.
- While God would discipline David’s descendants, He would never remove his love from David’s line as he had from Saul.
Two important aspects of the Davidic Covenant:
- It is UNCONDITIONAL: God does not place any conditions upon its fulfillment.
- It is MESSIANIC : these Covenant promises are a reference to the Messiah, Jesus Christ, and also why the Messiah was later called the “Son of David”
How did David feel about the covenant God had made with him?
David trusted the covenant God had made with him even to the point of permanently bringing a potential rival (Mephibosheth) into his court.
3 lessons we learn from David’s sins:
God’s love does not show favoritism.
God’s love and favor is never a shield from the consequences of unholy loving. When God’s people (even important leaders in the church) sin, there are consequences for their sin.
As God honored the judgement of David when he condemned the man so David was judged by that same standard.
What did Davids order to count the fighting men demonstrate?
It may have demonstrated that he trusted in the numbers more than in the power, providence, and goodness of God.