Ezekiel Daniel And Minor Propheta Flashcards
What is Ezekiel’s title of the book in Hebrew?
God strengthens
Describe Ezekiel’s deportation and prophetic ministry….
Ezekiel was likely one of those deported during the second deportation (597 b c)
He would begin his prophetic ministry five years later while in exile.
Where was Ezekiel ministering and what was he predicting?
He was ministering in Babylon
He was predicting the third and final attack and destruction of Jerusalem
How did the fall of the city prompt a change in Ezekiel’s prophetic message?
Before Jerusalem fell, Ezekiel’s message focused on Judah’s soon destruction because of his sin. After Jerusalem’ fall, Ezekiel’s message centered on Judah’s future restoration.
What is the literary style of the book of Ezekiel?
Chronological (unlike Jeremiah)
What are the five purposes of Ezekiel?
- to speak for God locally to the exiles who continued to listen to false prophets and practice idolatry. The book showed that little has changed in the attitudes and actions of the Jewish exiles in Babylon.
- to outline blessings that will follow their judgement
- to emphasize God’s sovereignty which will bring judgement and restoration
- to warn Israel of imminent judgement
- to stress the need for individual responsibility and national accountability before God.
What was Ezekiel, more than any other prophet, called to act on?
To act out his prophecies in highly and symbolic dramatic form
What are three points of theology about the book of Ezekiel ?
- God is sovereign over all nations
- God’s sovereignty is based on his holiness
- This Holy and sovereign God resolved that he would be known and acknowledged
What is Ezekiel’s message in his ministry to the exiles? What would the people experience?
Once the news of the destruction of Jerusalem arrived to the exiles the message of Ezekiel changes to the Lords consoling words of hope for his people.
They would experience spiritual revival, restoration to the holy land, and a glorious future.
What did the biblical scholars say about the restored temple?
Acknowledge that the temple vision, which occupies the last nine chapters of Ezekiel, presents challenges in its interpretation.
Some have even described it as the most difficult passage in the Old Testament.
What three kings under Nebuchadnezzar did Daniel hold his positions?
What kind of character is Daniel?
He is the only spotless character in the Bible outside of Christ
There is no flaw to be found in his character
What was Daniel like?
Joseph, God’s cancel, shining in heathen darkness
Where was Daniel carried to?
Carried to Babylon during the first deportation of the captives.
Why was Daniel unlike other prophets?
Daniel deals more fully with the Gentile nations than with his own Jewish nation.
What is the Hebrew title of Daniel?
God is my judge.
Is Daniels writing more prophecy of history?
Much of Daniel’s writing does not bear the character of prophecy but more that of history.
What is the relationship between Ezekiel and Daniel? How does Ezekiel view Daniel?
Ezekiel is a contemporary of Daniel.
Ezekiel has an extremely high opinion of Daniel and twice mentions him by name as deserving to be ranked with Noah and Job (Ezekiel 14:14) or as having great wisdom (Ezekiel 28:3)
Who endorsed Daniel? What did he endorse?
Our Lord himself endorsed Daniel. Both the genuineness of his message and the validity of Daniel as prophet.
What book quotes Daniel more often than any other OT book?
Book of revelation quotes from Daniel more than any other OT book
What is the external evidence of the early date (Daniels lifetime, 6th century BC)?
Jesus identifies Daniel as the prophet who spoke of the “abomination of desolation” in the Olivet Discourse of Matthew
Chapter 9 includes project up to the crucifixion of Christ and the destruction of Jerusalem
Beside Daniel, who is credited to have written one chapter in the book of Daniel?
King Nebuchadnezzar himself!
Who is the author of Daniel? According to what tradition?
Jewish and Christian traditions name Daniel as the author
Who and how was the book of Daniel likely inspired?
It is also likely that some now-known person was i spirited by the Holy Spirit to collect, edit, and organize this book
What are the 5 themes of Daniel?
1 sovereignty of God 2 the protection of God 3 Gods prevenient grace 4 hope 5 prayer
What are 2 ways Daniels writing ha can be outlined?
- Chapters 1-6 narrations (stories)
Chapters 7-12 revelation (visions) - 1-2:4a Hebrew (prophecies concerning Jews)
2:4b-7 Aramaic (prophecy concerning gentiles)
8-12 Hebrew (prophecy concerning Jews)
What similarity did God show Daniel and Joseph?
As Joseph proved faithful and pure in his conduct God rewarded him with wisdom from heaven (a pre-incarnate appearance of Christ) genesis 40:8
What are three statements about chapter 4 of Daniel?
1 was an official “state documents” from ancient times
2 it was a proclamation of king Nebuchadnezzar to the whole world
3 the only chapter in the Bible written by a pagan king
What is the theology behind chapter 9 in Daniel?
The theology behind this precision in Daniel 9 is the idea that God is sovereign. Human history does not take God by surprise
What is unique about chapter 11 in Daniel?
It’s prophecy that is so literal in nature that many scholars, on the basis of this chapter alone discount the entire book