Eyes and Skin Flashcards
<p>Diabetic Retinopathy</p>
<p>#1 cause of blindness in US adults: Diabetic retinopathy is caused by damage to the blood vessels in the tissue at the back of the eye (retina). Poorly controlled blood sugar is a risk factor.</p>
Floaters, blurriness, dark areas of vision, difficulty perceiving colors
<p>Macular Degeneration</p>
<p>Macular degeneration involves the deterioration of the center of the retina or Macula. It controls our ability to read, recognize faces and colors, drive a car, and see objects in fine detail.<br></br><br></br>Risk Factors: Fam history, White, Smoking, older<br></br><br></br>Dry - 90%<br></br>Wet 10% (accounts for 90% of blindness)</p>
<p>Glaucoma causes damage to the optic nerve, which carries information from your eyes to your brain. Globally, it’s the second leading cause of vision loss. This disease can’t be cured, and any vision lost to the disorder can’t be restored. Higher-than-normal pressure in the eye usually causes the disease.<br></br><br></br>Risks: +60yrs, Black, fam history, diabetes, severely nearsided</p>
<p>Hives are red, itchy welts that result from a skin reaction. May be triggered by substances or situations.</p>
<p>measles vs Chicken pox</p>
<p>Measles has a higher fever (up to 105) and chicken pox has milder (102). Measles rash is more dense.</p>
<p>Tinea corporus</p>
<p>Tinea is a fungal infection of the skin, also known as ringworm. This is because it can cause red patches on the skin in the shape of rings. It's not caused by worms. It's caused by different types of fungi.<br></br><br></br>Round circular rings around patch of scaly, red, itchy skin. V. Contagious<br></br><br></br>tx: Anti-fungal</p>
<p>A common and potentially serious bacterial skin infection.<br></br>The bacteria enters the opening in skin and may spread rapidly. Affected skin appears swollen and red and may be hot and tender. Without treatment with an antibiotic, cellulitis can be life-threatening<br></br><br></br>Most common: Group A ß - hemolytic streptococcus (Strep) Streptococcus pneumoniae (Strep)</p>
<p>Atopic Dermatitis</p>
<p>Eczema, yin side of body, usually develops in early childhood & is more common in people who have a family hx.</p>
<p>Often an allergy that is inherited and comes with asthma, hay fever and allergies. eczema opens skin to allergies.</p>
<p><br></br>Rash typically appears on the arms and behind the knees - can also appear anywhere.<br></br>Treatment includes avoiding soap and other irritants.</p>
<p>Diagnosed with skin prick testing</p>
<p>Measles is a viral infection that's serious for small children preventable by a vaccine.<br></br>Spreads through the air by respiratory droplets <br></br>Sx don't appear until 10 to 14 days after exposure: They include cough, runny nose, inflamed eyes, sore throat, fever, and a red, blotchy skin rash<br></br>No treatment to get rid of measles infection<br></br><br></br>Koplik spot looks like a small, bluish-white spot with a red background on the inside of the cheek. These spots are early oral signs of the measles virus, and they appear two or three days after measles symptoms begin, before rash.</p>
<p>Chickenpox is a very contagious disease caused by the varicella-zoster virus (VZV). Causes a blister-like rash, itching, tiredness, and fever. Chickenpox used to be very common in the United States.</p>
<p>Herpes Zoster conagion</p>
<p>Until scabs form</p>
<p>dysfunction of the immune system that causes inflammation in the body. Silvery, scaly plaques on yang side (elbows, knees)<br></br><br></br>The Auspitz sign refers to pinpoint bleeding that can occur when you scrape off psoriasis patch.</p>
<p>Can have discolored pitted fingernails.</p>
<p>Contact Dermatitis</p>
<p>A form of eczema (itchy, swollen, rough skin) where skin comes in contact with chemical (dyes, laundry detergent, poison oak etc) and reacts with eczema</p>
<p>Patch test use to Dx.</p>
<p>Closed angle Glaucoma</p>
<p>Fluid drainage of eye becomes suddenly blocked leading to sudden sx of severe eye pain and headache on same side. Blurry vision, rainbow around lights.</p>
<p>Different from thunderclap, which recedes after about hour in that its continuous.</p>
<p>Closed angle Glaucoma</p>
<p>Fluid drainage of eye becomes suddenly blocked leading to sudden sx of severe eye pain and headache on same side. Blurry vision, rainbow around lights.</p>
<p>Different from thunderclap, which recedes after about hour in that its continuous.</p>
<p>Eye disorders effect which parts of the eye</p>
<p>Glaucoma - optic nerve</p>
<p>Macular degeneration- retina</p>
<p>Cataracts - lens</p>
<p>Retinal detachment</p>
<ul><li>painless</li><li>sudden appearance of floaters</li><li>blurred vision</li><li>reduced peripheral vision</li></ul>
<p>Retinitis Pigmentosa</p>
<p>Defective night vision from impacted retinal rods</p>
<p>Cataracts is a build up of what on the lens?</p>
<p>Dry vs Wet macular degeneration</p>
<p><span>Macular degeneration causes loss in the center of the field of vision. </span></p>
<p>Dry - majority of cases - <span>the center of the retina deteriorates.</span> Druids (small white/yellow deposits on retina)</p>
<p><span>With wet macular degeneration, leaky blood vessels grow under the retina.</span> - causes majority of blindness- neurovascularization that pulls retina away causing blindness</p>
<p>In age related MD, its always bilateral</p>
<p>Open vs closed glaucoma</p>
<p>Optic nerve is affected- damaged by intraocular pressure and fluid buildup</p>
<p>Open angle - more common, iris and move away from eachother. This condition is gradual and chronic. Sx not noticed.</p>
<p>Closed angle - move toward each other, acute, fast, causes blurred vision, headache, nausea, eye pain, build up of fluid is fast</p>
<p>Elevated pressure - over 21mmHG</p>
<p>Corneal Abrasion</p>
<p><span>A corneal abrasion is a</span><a><u>scratch</u></a><span>, scrape on the surface of your</span><a><u>cornea</u></a><span>.</span></p>
<p>Corneal Abrasion Symptoms</p>
<ul><li><a><u>Thefeeling that something is stuck in your eye</u></a></li><li><a><u>Red</u></a>, <a><u>painful</u></a>,<a><u>watery</u></a> eyes</li><li><a><u>Blurry</u></a>or hazy vision</li><li><a><u>Being extra sensitive to light</u></a></li></ul>
<p><span>Your ophthalmologist will put dye called</span><a><u>fluorescein</u></a><span> on your eye’s surface. Then they will look at your cornea with an instrument called a </span><a><u>slit lamp</u></a><span>. The dye will highlight a cut or scratch on the cornea.</span></p>
<p>Diabetic Retinopathy</p>
<p><span>Retinopathy occurs when blood vessels in the back of the eye, the retina, become damaged. too much sugar in your blood can lead to the blockage of the tiny blood vessels that nourish the retina, cutting off its blood supply When the blood vessels become damaged they can leak and these leaks can cause dark spots on our vision. The main causes of retinopathy tend to be </span><strong>sustained high blood glucose levels and high blood pressure as well</strong><span>.</span></p>
<p>Diabetic Retinopathy</p>
<p>#1 cause of blindness in US adults: Diabetic retinopathy is caused by damage to the blood vessels in the tissue at the back of the eye (retina). Poorly controlled blood sugar is a risk factor.</p>