Drugs Flashcards
Suffixes: Amil, -Pine
Calcium Channel Blocker
Suffixes: -Caine
Local anesthetics
- lidocaid
Suffixes: - dine
H2 blocker, anti-ulcer agents
a group of medicines that reduce the amount of acid produced by the cells in the lining of the stomach. They are also called ‘histamine H2-receptor antagonists’ but are commonly called H2 blockers.
Suffixes: - done
opioids - methadone
Suffixes: - ide
oral hypoglycemic
Oral hypoglycemic drugs are used only in the treatment of type 2 diabetes which is a disorder involving resistance to secreted insulin.
Suffixes: - lam
Suffixes: - Mycin
suffixe: nuim
neurological/nerve blocker - used to block pain in specific nerves
beta blocker
medications that reduce blood pressure. Beta blockers work by blocking the effects of the hormone epinephrine, also known as adrenaline. Beta blockers cause the heart to beat more slowly and with less force, which lowers blood pressure.
suffix: -pam/zolam
suffix: -pine
calcium channel blocker
Ace inhibitor
-progressive cough
help relax the veins and arteries to lower blood pressure.
- like herpes
-diazide (potassium sparing)
pain reliever
blocks parasympathetic nerve impulses
Opiate agonists
Narcotics used to treat pain when non-narcotics are not effective
When should aspirin be used carefuly
When there are renal fx problems
opiate withdrawal sx
nausea, vomit, elevated BP, anorexia, ab cramps, restlessness
Sx peak 48 hrs after discontinued use
Ergotamine treat migraines. What is added to facilitate GI absorption.
Side effects of ergot derivatives
Nausea, cold fingers and toes (vasoconstrictor)
To avoid Reyes syndrome, a child should avoid
Aspirin (metabolized/taxing to LV)
Reyes syndrome causes swelling to LV and brain
How long does it take triptans to decrease migranes
2 hrs
Triptans address migranes by altering concentration of what hormone?
NSAIDS are contraindicated with what?
GI issues
Talwin and Stadol are
agonist - antagonists- acts like an opiate, but when used with opiates will counter act and cause withdrawl
The most common adverse affect of ACE inhibitors is what?
dry cough
When to treat high BP?
When are ACE inhibitors contraindicated
2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy
Renal function
how do ACE inhibitors work to lower BP
Dilate arterioles by preventing formation of angiotensin II
ACE converts Angiotensin I to Angiotensin II
How do adregenic blockers (Beta blockers) lower BP
block the effect of the sympathetic nervous system that responds to stress by increasing BP
Beta blockers blocking effects of epinephrine and norepanephrine
Angiotensin receptor blockers action (ARBs)
lower BP
Helping relax your veins and arteries to lower your blood pressure and make it easier for your heart to pump blood. Angiotensin is a chemical in your body that narrows your blood vessels. This narrowing can increase your blood pressure and force your heart to work harder.
ARBs work by blocking receptors that the hormone acts on, specifically AT1 receptors, which are found in the heart, blood vessels and kidneys
suffix - sartan
-No potassium supplements
Suffix: -sartan
Angiotensin receptor blockers action (ARBs)
hypertensino/HT failure
Angiotensin II triggers release of aldosterone. Aldosterone causes kidneys to retain sodium and excrete potassium
Mechanism of action of ACE inhibitors is to
inhibit production of angiotensin II
In women, a1 blockers may cause
urinary incontinence
Calcium channel blockers
prevent calcium from entering muscles of heart and blood vessels, which cause vessels to relax and bp to go down
Beta blockers vs alpha
beta blocks impulse to HT
Alpha to blood vessels
Alpha-beta blockers - both HT and blood vessels: Trandate (labetalol)
What interferes with ACE inhibitors
NSAIDs, OTC antacids, caffine
ARBs and Ace inhibitors cause:
vasodilation: excretion of sodium and water and retention of potassium
- cillin
- cycline
Protein Pump Inhibitor
beta 2 agonist
serotonin agonist
What supplements are contraindicated with Coumadin or Warfarin
Vitamin K(leafy greens) - coagulant
Avoid COQ10 - its similar to vitamin K
omega-3 fatty acids may rarely increase the risk of bleeding when combined with other medications that can also cause bleeding such as warfarin.
Main side effect of statins and how to address?
Myalgia – take COQ10
What is contraindicated with ginkgo?
Blood-thinning medications – Ginkgo has blood-thinning properties and therefore should not be used if you are taking anticoagulant (blood-thinning) medications, such as aspirin, clopidogrel (Plavix), dipyridamole (Persantine), heparin, ticlopidine (Ticlid), or warfarin (Coumadin).
What drug interacts with vitamin E
Taking vitamin E along with medications that also slow clotting might increase the chances of bruising and bleeding (anticoagulants) Warafin
Know the relationship between vitamin C and iron absorption
vitamin C must be consumed at the same time as the iron in order to be effective.
-Increases the solubility/uptake
What are herbal anticoagulants
Turmeric. ... Ginger. Cayenne peppers. Vitamin E. Garlic. Cassia cinnamon. . Ginkgo biloba. Grape seed extract. Dong quai fever few bromelain (pineapple)
Thiamine deficiency
Spasticity, difficulty walking, muscle weakness, problems with coordination, or loss of muscle, peripheral neuropathy, limb, loss of appetite, sensation of pins and needles, shortness of breath, or swelling in extremities
Signs of B12 deficiency
Anemia, seizures, peripheral neuropathy
What vitamin deficiency is associated with rickets
Vitamin D
Signs of Niacin deficiency include
vitamin deficiency when subsisting on high sugar/junk food diet
B1 - Thiamine
Also with alcoholism
An early symptom of vitamin A is:
night blindness
Signs of vitamin E deficiency
Neurological defects (Can’t control arms/legs), creatinuria, hemolytic anemoa
Signs of toxic levels of niacin (B3)
facial flush
toxic levels of vitamin A cause
headache or intercranial pressure
vitamin d toxicity leads to
Vitamin that can lead to peripheral neuropathy
What medications should not be taken with St John’s wort?
antidepressant. Combining the two medications can lead to serotonin syndrome. - HT problems, shivering anxiety
Drugs for high bp
Selinium should not be taken with what?
anticoagulants because it might also slow blood clotting and lead to bleeding/bruising disorder
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors are a class of drugs that inhibit the activity of one or both monoamine oxidase enzymes: monoamine oxidase A and monoamine oxidase B. They are best known as highly efficacious anti-depressants, as well as effective therapeutic agents for panic disorder and social phobia.
Cheese, especially aged cheese, contains substantial amount of tyramine. For this reason, persons taking MAOI antidepressants are cautioned to avoid foods that are rich in tyramine so that the hypertensive crises can be avoided.
Lupus (SLE)
Autoimmune - joint pain, can impact organs, unexplained fever, prolongued fatigue, reynauds
butterfly rash
MAOI - Monamine oxidise Inhibitors
Anti depressive -ine Contraindicated with foods containing tyramine - aged cheese, chianti, beer, bananas, yeast, avocado, chx LV - may lead to hypertensive crisis and flushing - No other SSRI like St Johns Wart - Contraindicated with epinephrine
Common side effects: Postural hypotension, hypertension, abnormal ht rhythm, sexual dysfunction, weight gain
Fluoroquinolone antibiotics include ciprofloxacin (Cipro)
Bacterial infection - UTI
SSRI inhibitors
Prevents reuptake of seratonin
Headache, nervous, insomnia, drowsy, anxiety
Side effects
contra with pregnancy
caution with rental, diabetes, lactation
St Johns, MAOI, Tricyclic antidepressants - Antipsychotics/neuroleptics
Beta Blocker
Hypertensive -olol Side effects - bradycardia Contra:CHF, diabetes, COPD, asthma Avoid NSAIDs, insulin Block epinephrine (adrenaline) from affected sympathetic nervous system
Calcium channel blockers
Hypertensive drug They work by preventing calcium from entering the cells of the heart and arteries. Calcium causes the heart and arteries to squeeze (contract) more strongly. -Pine Avoid grapefruit - Acute MI, pulmonary congestion
Drug class Anticoagulants
Warfarin, coumadin (general), aspirin (acetaminophen), heparin
Suffix: -in
embolism - antithrobolitic
Heparin - faster
Warfarin - keeps blood moving
contraindications: Diabetes, hepatic, pregnancy, hemorrhage
Contraindicated: Fish oil, vitamin E, K (coagulant), Ginko, turmeric, feverfew, dong gui,
Cholesterol -Hmg-Coa -Statin contra: pregnancy Red yeast rice - natural statin Side effect: Myalgia - take COQ10 to counterct Grapefruit - increases impact
Niacin (B3)
Used for lowering cholesterol
excess - flush
deficiency - Pellagra - Dermatitis, diarrhea, dementia
NSAIDs (Non steroidal anti inflammatory)
Cox 2 - GI
The main mechanism of action of NSAIDs is the inhibition of the enzyme cyclooxygenase (COX). Cyclooxygenase is required to convert arachidonic acid into thromboxanes, prostaglandins, and prostacyclins. [9] The therapeutic effects of NSAIDs are attributed to the lack of these eicosanoids.
celebrex, Ibuprofen
Contra: Beta blockers, GI problems, pregnany
COX 2- Inflammatio
Class: analgesics/pain reliever, lowers fever (does not reduce inflimmation)
Side effect - Liver, tinnitus,
Contra - Alcohol
Reduce inflammation and pain, reduce fever
ibuprofen (propionic)
Aspirin- (salycylate)
First generationn: Benadryl - drowsy
Second generation: claratin
H1 -suppresses inflammatory reactions caused by histamine - allergies
H2 - block histamines in Stomach (acid)
Class: Benzodiazepine
As depressants—drugs which lower brain activity—they are prescribed to treat conditions such as anxiety, insomnia, and seizures. - tranquilizers
- can cause depression
-xanax - Klonopin
-contra with alcohol - CND central nervous depression, or oral contraceptives, grapefruit
-Act by facilitating the binding of the (inhibitory neurotransmitter) GABA at various GABA receptors throughout the CNS.
Prednisone (Cases osteoporosis, glaucoma, fluid retention, high BP)
Corticosteroids modify the functions of epidermal and dermal cells and of leukocytes participating in proliferative and inflammatory skin diseases.
- Brain tumors to skin disease, MS, RA, lupus (any autoimmune)
Contra- anticoagulants, anticonvulsants, NSAIDs
proton pump inhibitors
GERD Proton-pump inhibitors are a class of medications that cause a profound and prolonged reduction of stomach acid production. They do so by irreversibly inhibiting the stomach's H⁺/K⁺ ATPase proton pump. They are the most potent inhibitors of acid secretion available.
MOA: targeting the beta-2 receptor, which is a G-protein coupled receptor, in the lung airways. When the beta-2 receptor is activated, the smooth muscle of the airway relaxes. Subsequently, the patient experiences better airflow for a period.
Side effects - rapid heart rate, dizziness
For menopause sx, osteoporosis, advanced prostate cancer
Can increase chances of breast cancer
Hypothyroid drug
Hyperthyroid drug
Treatments include medications like thionamides radioactive iodine, sometimes surgery.