Common Disorders Flashcards
difference between respiratory illness
Chronic Bronchitis - blue bloater - Blue lips (cyanosis) Productive cough for over 3 mos of year. Crackle and wheeze. (COPD) Normally history of smoking. Had a cold that develops into respiratory infection.
Emphysema - Pink puffer. Pursed lips. Barrel chest. minimal cough. decreased breath sounds. Pink skin. (COPD) Normally history of smoking.
Asthma - Trouble on exhale, mucus, difficulty breathing, chest pain, inflammation in airway.
Pneumonia - during occultation - pneumonia has dull sounds.
- Fatigue, loss of appetite
- air-sac of one or both lungs fills with fluid
- more deadly for younger and older
- fever chills
- difficulty breathing
Sounds associated with pulmonary disorders
Bronchitis - Rhonchi- low pitched wheezing that happens on exhale and is a sign of bronchitis or COPD
Asthma- high pitched wheezing
Pneumonia - Rales - cracking or bubbling noises. Dull percussion sound when tapping lungs.
emphysema - reduction of lung sounds
Whooping cough- pertussis- high pitched crowing
Croup- (steeple sign), strider - barking
Health liver - percussion is full
Healthy lungs - percussion is resonant
Brain Aneurysm
epidural - Lucid intervals - emergency
subdural hematoma- elderly and alcoholics
arachnoid - Thunderclap headache - emergency
Angina Pectoris
a condition marked by severe pain in the chest, often also spreading to the shoulders, arms, and neck, caused by an inadequate blood supply to the heart.
Irregular heart beat
Afibulation - The heart’s upper chambers (atria) beat out of coordination with the lower chambers (ventricles). Can lead to a blood clot. Increases risk of stroke, heart failure and other HT related complications.
Premature ventricular contraction - a too-early heartbeat that originates in the ventricles and disrupts the heart’s normal rhythm. can be associated with: Certain medications, including decongestants and antihistamines.
Peripheral Artery Disease
Poor circulation caused by arteriosclerosis
Sx - Claudication- arm or leg pain when walking, skin is cool, loss of hair on legs, thin skin, ulcers
Coronary Artery Disease
Another form of arteriosclerosis
Build up of plaque. No sx to chest pain, HT attack, indigestion, nausea, light headed, shortness of breath
Myocardial Infarction
Blockage of blood flow to HT
tightness, pain, anxiety, radiating pain
Congestive Heart failure (CHF)
Pitting edema in their legs, feet, excess urine in night (nocturia), palpitations, fast breathing, SOB lying down
Deep Vein Thrombosis
Normally one leg
Red or discolored, feeling of warmth
Test - squeeze the calf and n
Homan’s test - dorsiflex ankle and squeeze calf - causes pain, is hot and red
Bacterial infection that causes pain, heat, swelling, tenderness
Treat with antibiotic
Group A and B: Hemolytic strep and sterp pneumoniae
120/80 - normla
120-129 - elevated
130 - hypertension
Hypertension crisis: 180/120
Light headed, dizzy, fainting, confusion
Dermatological conditions
Tracks - between fingers and folds like armpits
Usually young, face, red and yellow crusty
Atopic dermatitis / eczema
Arms, behind knees (yin side of body)
Red, itchy
Pin point bleeding
often accompanies with allergies
Contact. - chemical/dyes/poison oak leads to eczema
Painful red cheeks and nose. - upper dermis
Bacterial infection,
hot, red, fevers, chills, bacterial infection
Deeper infection
Dry, itchy, scrapes off, silvery scales
More chronic
systemic inflammation - chronic autoimmune condition
scaly, red itchy, round rings
pedis tinnea - athletes foot
Triggered by some allergen
Going bald
1st - superficial - epidermis
2 - partial depth - can go into dermis - blisters
3. Epidermis Full dermis - no sensitive to light touch - hospitalization
4. goes to muscle or bone - no pain- hospitalization
Moon face
Taking cortisol for too long
thin skin
hump back. weight gain around the midsection and upper back, thinning of your arms and legs, easy bruising and stretch marks
low cortisol - deficient aldosterone
hyperpigmentation, Fatigue, anxiety, loss of appetite, unintentional weight loss, low bp
(President Kennedy)
Type I - can’t create insulin (genetic, kid, dizziness, peeing a lot, tired)
II - Insulin resistance (lifestyle, overweight, smokes drinks, poor diet)
Fruity smell - keto-acidosis
Treatment - insulin, diet, lifestyle
Insulin and glucogon created in pancreas
Insulin helps cells absorb glucose and reduces blood sugar and provides cells with energy
Glucogon is released from the pancreas with blood sugar levels are too low bring more glucose into blood
Diabetes Inspidus
an uncommon disorder that causes an imbalance of fluids in the body. This imbalance leads you to produce large amounts of urine. It also makes you very thirsty even if you have something to drink.
High Cholesterol - LDL
Risks - MI or stroke
Statin - myalgia
Metabolic syndrome
High blood sugar, weight around waist, high triglyceride (cholest), reduced HDL, high BP
Increased risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes
Parathyroid disorders
Lead to high levels of calcium in blood which can lead to brittle bones
Calcitonin (Thyroid)- carries calcium to bones
PTH- calcium to blood
Hyperparathyroid can lead to osteoporosis, KD disease, HT disease
pituitary disorders
Cushings - The hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis regulates both production and secretion of cortisol
growth hormone deficiency
Anterior- Growth hormone - LH (triggers ovulation) and FSH (Increase–> monopause)
GH(hypo-dwarf, hyper-acromegaly), PRL, ACTH, TSH, MSH, FSH, LH
Posterior- Oxytocin - uterine contraction
ADH - decreases urine volume and raised blood pressure by constricting vessels
pain RLQ
Mcburneys point - Rebound pain
Rovsing sign- push left, and pain on right
Hambergers sign - Not hungry
Late state LV disease
Often from hepatitis or alcoholic
Jaundice, GI bleeding, fatigue, weight loss, abdominal swelling, fatigue, weak
Pellegra - B3 deficiency
- Avoid Tylenol, ACE, NSAIDs
-Abdominal swelling caused by accumulation of fluid, most often related to liver disease.
Menstruation phases
Follicular - Estrogen spikes, LH spikes right before ovulation
Luteal - Progesterone spikes
LLQ pain
Diverticulosis occurs when small, bulging pouches (diverticula) develop in your digestive tract. - Painless lower GI bleeding. Most common 40+
Diverticulitis- When one or more of these pouches become inflamed or infected, the condition is called. Pain, fever. Colonoscopy can be risk factor. NPO- nothing by mouth - IV fluid
Celiacs disease
Sx: Weight loss, diarrhea, bloating, gas, fatigue, low blood count (anemia)- occurring in ilium first part of SI, with celiac disease not absorbing nutrients, and osteoporosis. Many people have no symptoms.
Lactose intolerance
Symptoms can include abdominal cramps, bloating, and diarrhea.
cholelithiasis vs cholecystitis
cholelithiasis: Gall stone - Pain in RUQ that can radiate to scapula 4F: Forties Fat Female Fertile
cholecystitis- gall bladder infection, fever, chills, pain in RUQ - often caused by gall stones
Murphey’s sign - palpate and it causes inspiratory arrest
Inflammation of lining of stomach
Causes include infection, injury, regular use of pain pills called NSAIDs, and too much alcohol.
Symptoms include upper belly pain, nausea, and vomiting. Sometimes, there are no symptoms. Gastritis can lead to ulcers or ST cancer.
Antibiotics and antacids might help.
Ulcer - deeper, open sore in lining
Peptic Ulcer VS Gerd
GERD - acid in esophagus (food pipeline), HT burn/indigestion, burning pain in chest occurs after eating and worsens lying down, nausea, regurgitation, bitter taste, dry cough
Peptic ulcers
Peptic Ulcer - acid in stomach lining - H-pylori, aspirin, HT burn, indigestion, nausea, vomiting. Coming up into food pipe
Gastric - greater pain with food
Duodenal - decrease pain with food
Vaccine - A, B Blood - B, C Fecal Oral - A, E Acupuncturists - B Chronic - C, E
Cronhs - IBS
Discontinuous - skip lesions
Anywhere in digestive tract. Ileum often included
Ulcerative Colitis - IBD
blood in stool
more rx of colon cancer
normally starts from bottom of colon - rectum
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
More psychological - acupuncture is best
Pancreatitis - inflammation of pancreas - auto-digestion of pancreas by pancreatic enzyme which causes inflammation
Gall stone, alcohol, trauma
Steroids, mumps, autoimmune, scorpion sting etc
Adults - Alcohol related
kids - cystic fibrosis
Steatorrhea - fat in stool (both?)
Pancreatic cancer
Abdominal pain radiating to back
weight loss
75% occur in head of pancreas
Whipple treatment - remove pancreas, bile duct, duodenum
Guillain-barre syndrome
Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is a rare, autoimmune disorder in which a person’s own immune system attacks your nerves & damages myelin sheath. First sx are weakness and tinging in extremities, and can eventually cause muscle weakness and sometimes paralysis of your whole body
2/3 patients report symptoms of an infection in the 6 weeks preceding including respiratory and GI infect or zika virus.
Tx: Special blood treatments (plasma exchange and immunoglobulin therapy) can relieve symptoms. Physical therapy is needed.
GBS can cause symptoms that last for a few weeks to several years. Most people recover fully, but some have permanent nerve damage.
Myasthenia Gravis
Autoimmune dx - immune system attacks postsynaptic acetacholine (ACH) receptor so there is reduced transmission of nerve impulses.
Key Sx: Drooping eyelids (ptosis), double vision (diplopia), problems swallowing (dysphasia), trouble walking (worse after use, later ind day)
Treatment consists of transfusions
Special blood treatments (plasma exchange and immunoglobulin therapy) can relieve symptoms. Physical therapy is needed.