Common Diseases Flashcards
Treatment of type 1 DM (diabetes)
1 - Insulin production is absent, 2- insulin production inadequate
Insulin replacement
healthy diet
Main complication of Type 1 Diabetes
DKA ADiabetes Ketose Acidosis. Fruity smell. Ketones in blood in urine. Glucose higher than 150. Normally 500-800.
SX of dehydration
- increased temperature, HT rate and breathing, BP goes down. Cramps, headache, tired.
60% body weight is water - Adult
40% intracellular fluid
20% extracellular fluid
Treatment of Emphysema (damaged alveola) COPD
- stopsmoking
- inhaled bronchodialators (B agonist - albuterol - short acting)
- Corticosteroids - inhaled form
- Supplement oxygen
- Antibiotics if theres infection
Sign of breast cancer via nipple
Thickening of nipple and loss of elasticity
Peripheral Artery Disease
Blocks artery and muscle below starts to die:
1. Pain
2. Intermittent claudication, pulse present, ankle soreness
PAD - artery - central area
PVD- vein - limbs
Hypoglycemia symptoms
He IS TIRED He - Headache IS - Irritabale/Sweating T- Tachycardia I- irritabaility R - restless E - excessive hunger D - Dizzy
Buerger’s (small - medium vasculitis) disease is strongly associated with
Smoking tobacco
Vasculitis is divided by the size of the vessel
giant cell arthritis can cause same side blindeness
(also known as thromboangiitis obliterans) affects blood vessels in the body, most commonly in the arms and legs. Blood vessels swell, which can prevent blood flow, causing clots to form. This can lead to pain, tissue damage, and even gangrene
Acute Pancreatitis
Acute pancreatitis is a condition where the pancreas becomes inflamed (swollen) over a short period of time. The pancreas is a small organ, located behind the stomach, that helps with digestion.
Gall stone
Steroid Mumps autoimmune scorpion bite hyperlipedemia ERCP Drugs
Risk for breast Cancer
longer exposure to estrogen increases rx:
Early Menarche (mestruation)
Late menopause
Pregnancy after 35 - late pregnancy increase rx
Nulliparity - never pregnant
Paget Disease of nipple
Red, scaling, flaking, bloody discharge, itching
<1% of breast cancer
Requires needle biopsy
Most commonly ignored early warning signs of lung cancer
persistent cough
other signs include coughing blood, weight loss/weak, clubbing of finger nails - chronic hypoxia
Hep B - lives at least 7 days -
AB has vaccine
Hep C - 3 weeks
CDE - no vaccine
Earliest signs of hypertension
Headache, vertigo, tinnitus, fainting, light heaaded (LV yang rising) spontaneous nosebleeds (can be asymtommatic
Diabetes Insipidus
pituitary gland sends ADH to KD - So there is a lot of urine (diluted urine)
Central DI - deficiency of ADH (vasaopressin)
Nephrogenic DI - KD or nephron dysfunction
Vasopressin - contracts blood vessel , retain water in body (ADH - antidiuretic hormone)
Degrees of burns
Superficial - 1st degree
Blister- 2nd degree
No pain - 3rd degree
Burns muscle/fascia - 4th degree
Pink eye
Viral conjunctivitis - no treatment
- Allergic conjunctivits - vasoconstrictor
- Bacteril conjunctivitis - antibiotics
- Chemical conjunctivitis - irrigation (Morgan lens - irrigation system)
Grade 1,2,3 Hypertension
I - 140-159/90-99
II - 160-179/10-109
III - <180/<110
differences between Crohn’s and Ulcerative colitis
Crohn’s disease has discontinuous lesions, anywhere in GI
Ulcerative Colitis - continuous and always in rectum
Lower GI bleeding
Mallory-weiss syndrome - excessive vomiting (upper GI bleed)
Varices - portal hypertension (upper GI bleed)
usually present with Lower GI bleed and also can be present with severe upper GI bleed
Melena - bloody, dark, tarry stool - Lower GI & sometimes upper GI
Hematochezia - bloody, bright stool - Lower GI
Hematemesis - vomiting blood (upper GI)
Hematuria - blood in urine
2 Aspects of Cirrhosis
- Liver cell dysfunction: Spider angiomata (spider veins), palmar erythema (red hands), gynecomastia (male has F breasts), enlarged liver, ascites ( fluid in the peritoneal cavity), jaundice
- Portal hypertension (backflow) - splenomegaly, esophageal varices (enlarged esophageal veins), caput medusa - vein engorgement in abdomen
increases Homocysteine and increases MMA
Homocystein and MM (Methymalonic Acid)
- Folate deficiency- High homocysteine, low MMA
- B12 deficiency (related to pernicious anemia, Also related to neuropathy) - High Homocysteine and high MMA
Both microcytic anemia - hyper-segmented neutrophil
Tumor markers for Ovarian Cancer
Tumor marker for pancreatic cancer
Tumor marker for GI Cancer (esp colon)
Tumor marker for Liver Cancer, yolk sac (testiculara)
Tumor marker for prostate cancer
Due to mutation of CFTR gene
Cystic Fibrosis - Mucous in lung, difficulty breathting
Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator
Genetic disorder
differences between Crohn’s and Ulcerative colitis
Crohn’s disease has discontinuous lesions, anywhere in GI
Ulcerative Colitis - continuous and always in rectum
<p>Test for urolithiasis (kidney stones)</p>
<p>Best test is renal CT - have to do before surgery</p>
<p>95% can be seen in x-ray</p>
<p>99% see in CT Scan but much more radiation</p>
<p>Mostly formed in kidney but can travel to ureter, bladder or urethra</p>
<p>Dopamin deficiency causes which Disease?</p>
<p>Levodopa + carbidopa (prevents metabolism oof levodopa)</p>
<p>Whooping cough</p>
<p>Treatment of fibromyalgia</p>
<p>Aerobic exercise</p>
<p>Duloxetine (cymbalta) SNRI</p>
<p>Amitriptyline (Elavin) - tricyclic antidepressants</p>
<p>Treatment for fibromyalgia</p>
<p>Duloxetine (ymbalta) SNRI</p>
<p>Amitriptyline (Elavin) tricyclic antidepressant</p>
Hodgkin’s disease is cancer of
Lymphoma system
Lipoma - benign tumor of adipose/fat tissue
Hepatitis Facts
Signs of stroke
BE FAST Balance Eyes Face drooping Arms weak Speech slurred Time to call 911
2 types LU carcenoma
Small cell -15% (Poor prognosis)
non- small cell - 80-85% - different types
Temporal Arteritis
Giant cell arteritis
Inflammation of large vessels - aorta, external carotid, vertebral arteries
- jaw claudication (pain while chewing)- mostly positive for temporal arteritis -
Most feared outcome: One eye (monocular) blindness (predinsone treatment for inflammation)
Risk factor - polymyalgia rheumatica -inflammatory disorder that causes pain and stiffness in shoulder/hip girdle
>50, Female
- *Temporal artery biopsy confirms dx
- ESR will be high (over 50)
treating High cholesterol
Statins are best to lower LDL
Niacin increases HDL - exercise is best
Acute Pancreatitis
Inflammation caused by the release of excessive pancreatic enzyme
Gall Stones** (most common in acute)
Ethanol (alcohol)** (most common in chronic - also common in acute)
Trauma *
Steroid Mumps Virus Autoimmune diseases Scorpion Stings Hypertriglyceridema ERCP Drugs
Lipase and amylase increase in labs from pancreatitis
Abdominal main - mid-epigastric that radiates to back and may be relieved by sitting forward
- nausea vomit, fever
Chronic Pacreatitis Vs Acute Paancreatitis
Chronic DM (High glucose) Steatorrhea (fat in poop) Peacreataic calcification on CT scan) Alcohol #1 cause (#2 in acute) - Children - Cystic fibrosis #1 cause
Treatment for chronic: pain mgmt, angaalgesia, paancreataic enzyme, surgery,
Acute: Supportive: NPO (not by mouth - food/drink) IV fluid, antibiotic secondary
what significantly increases rx of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA)
Smoking ( also bladder cancer)
Aortic Aneurysm - more than 50% dilation of aortic wall
Barry Aneurism - brain - most commonly associated with atherosclerosis
Sx - abdominal masa, abdominal bruit
men 65-70, history of smoking - screened for AAA
Diagnosis -
> 5.5 abdominal > 6cm thoracic - surgical repair
Symptomatic or ruptured aneurysm - surgical repair
Infection of entire dermis and subcutaneous fat
Sx: red, warm, swollen, tender (inflammation), fever
Rx - diabetes, IV drug use, immune compromised, venous stasis
Treatment - antibiotics
Stasis dermatitis
fluid build up that leaves scaling, pigmetation - from chronic edema
Celliacs (Sprue)
Affects SI villi - villi atrophy, malabsorption problem
Rx to gluten
More common in Northern European ancestry. 1% population
Sx: Steatorrhea, dermatitis herpetirmitis
Treat: Gluten free diet
Aortic Dissection
Tear in the aorta in intima of a vessel that results in blood entering media
typically from hypertension
Sx- sudden tearing/ripping pain in anterior of chest in ascending dissection, inter-scapular back pain in descending dissection. Asymmetric pulses and BP.
MCV Anemia
MCV level
Microcytic - <80 fl - iron
Normocytic 80-100 fl
Macrocytic - >100 - vitamin B12 (pernicious anemia - one cause, also vegan, malabsoprition like celiac/Crohns, proton pump inhibitors) and folic acid/B9 deficiency (dietary insufficiency- main cause) (megaloblastic anemia - DNA synthesis impaired)
Parietal cells located within gastric mucosa are destroyed through autoimmune response so intrinsic factors is not produced so vitamin b12 is not absorbed without intrinsic factor (absorbed in ilium)
Treatment of type 1 DM (diabetes)
1 - Insulin production is absent, 2- insulin production inadequate
Insulin replacement
healthy diet
Addison’s disease
A disorder in which the adrenal glands don’t produce enough hormones.
Specifically, the adrenal glands produce insufficient amounts of the hormone cortisol and sometimes aldosterone, too. When the body is under stress (e.g. fighting an infection), this deficiency of cortisol can result in a life threatening Addisonian crisis characterized by low blood pressure.
Symptoms tend to be non-specific and include fatigue, nausea, darkening of the skin, and dizziness upon standing.
Treatment involves taking hormones to replace those not produced by the adrenal glands.
Hematological Disorders
(Bleeding and Coagulations)
Sickle cell
A blood disorder that can lead to hemolytic (red blood cell) anemia, autoimmune, bone marrow failure or infection
Can come from blood transfusion or medication
Pain areas: in the joints
Pain types: can be sudden in the chest
Whole body: dizziness, fatigue, low oxygen in the body, or malaise
Urinary: inability to make concentrated or dilute urine or blood in urine
Also common: abnormal breakdown of red blood cells, delayed development, inflamed fingers or toes, pallor, shortness of breath, or yellow skin and eyes
Lack of healthy red blood cells
fatigue, tachycardia,
dizziness, fatigue, lightheadedness, or malaise
brittle nails, headache, pallor, shortness of breath, or weakness
Pernicious Anemia
inability of the body to properly utilize vitamin B12, which is essential for the development of red blood cells. Most cases result from the lack of the gastric protein known as intrinsic factor, without which vitamin B12 cannot be absorbed.
Gastritis and autoimmune damage parietal cells so they can’t produce intrinsic factor, which binds to B12 in the ilium, which can lead to pernicious anemia.
Cure for regular Anemia
Folate deficiency (B9)
Spina bifida - neural tube defect in babies
Megaloblastic anemia
B9 and B12 (red blood cells are big)
Low platelets
Increase in red blood cells. Risk of blood clotting
- Smoking is significant Rx factor
Low white blood cells of neutrophils (bacteria fighting)
It can be caused by diseases that damage the bone marrow, infections, or certain medications.
There can be no symptoms other than an increased vulnerability to infection.
Management of this condition includes treating the underlying cause, as well as medications that increase neutrophil counts. Avoiding anyone who is sick and practicing good hygiene can help reduce the risk of infection.
possible Symptoms:
Fever, mouth sores
causes your body to absorb too much iron from the food you eat.
- Bronze skin
- common in diabetics
Excess iron is stored in your organs, especially your liver, heart and pancreas. Too much iron can lead to life-threatening conditions, such as liver disease, heart problems and diabetes.
Staph infection
Common symptoms include boils and oozing blisters. Staph can also cause food poisoning resulting in nausea, vomiting, and stomach ache. In rare cases, staph infections can turn deadly if the bacteria invade deeper into the body or enters the bloodstream resulting in fever, joint, and muscle pain.
Under the microscope, they appear spherical, and form in grape-like clusters.
flaky and yellow crusty skin condition
Common symptoms include sore throat, fever, and swollen lymph nodes in the neck. Rarely, complications can involve the heart or kidneys.
White, grey back of throat
Treatment is important to reduce complications. Oral antibiotics like penicillin, amoxicillin, cephalexin, or azithromycin are commonly used. Other medicines such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen can help with pain and fever.
a group of Gram-positive bacteria that are genetically distinct from other strains of Staphylococcus aureus. MRSA is responsible for several difficult-to-treat infections in humans
- lives on surfaces 2-6 months
MRSA is usually spread in the community by contact with infected people or things that are carrying the bacteria. This includes through contact with a contaminated wound or by sharing personal items, such as towels or razors, that have touched infected skin.
Lyme Disease
Borrelia burgdorferi
Lyme disease causes a rash, often in a bull’s-eye pattern, and flu-like symptoms. Joint pain and weakness in the limbs also can occur.
Giardia is a tiny parasite (germ) that causes the diarrheal disease giardiasis. Giardia is found on surfaces or in soil, food, or water that has been contaminated with feces (poop)
Symptoms might include watery diarrhea alternating with greasy stools. Fatigue, cramps, and belching gas also may occur. Some people have no symptoms.
Most cases clear up on their own within a few weeks. Severe cases are treated with antibiotics.
- is among most common sexually transmitted infections.
- foul-smelling yellow-green, frothy, vaginal discharge, genital itching, and painful urination in women.
Complications include a risk of premature delivery for pregnant women. - causes strawberry petechia
- Treatment involves both partners taking one large dose of a certain oral antibiotic metronidazole
Symptoms may include genital pain and discharge from the vagina or penis.
- pain in eyes, lower abdomen, lower
The condition may cause arthritis symptoms, such as joint pain and inflammation. It may also cause symptoms in the urinary tract and eyes.
It can cause serious, permanent damage to a woman’s reproductive system. This can make it difficult or impossible for her to get pregnant later on. Chlamydia can also cause a potentially fatal ectopic pregnancy
- report to state
Bacterial vaginosis
can get worse after intercourse
Discharge from the vagina (watery, creamy, or slightly green) pain or burning sensation while urinating. urge to urinate more frequently. heavier periods or spotting. sore throat. pain during sexual intercourse. sharp pain in the lower abdomen. fever.
- report to state
Have to report to state
May need to quarentine for months until 3 tests come back negataive
- blood tinged cough, weight loss, fever, chills
- spread from person to person through tiny droplets released into the air via coughs and sneezes.
CAGE Cut back (think about) Annoyed by people telling you to cute back Guilty Early rise drink
Beriberi (Thiamine deficiency)- loss of coordination and confusion, SOB, swollen feet and HT
Opioids - pinpoint, highly addictive - risk respiratory depression
Coke - bugs on skin - dilated pupils
PCP - aggressive - constricts pupils
LSD - hear vision and see sound - dilated pupils
Tardive dsykinesia
On neuroleptic drugs (antipsychotics) - repetitive movement, blinking, grimacing, lip smacking
what class of drug treats depression
anti-depression, neuroleptic (antipsychotic), anxietlitic, SSRI inhibitor
Side effect of SSRI
Seretonin syndrome (hot and bothered) - can increase depression, delerium, aggitation, tachycardia, diarrhea, hyperflexia, hyperthermia, seizures
Cranial nerves
CN1 - nose CN2 - eyes - vision CN3- most motor movements CN4 - Trochlear - oblique muscles CN5 - trigeminal CN6- abducens - eye motor CN7 - Facial also controls 1st part of tongue CN8 - Ears CN9 - 2nd part of tongue CN10 - vagus nerve, Epiglottis, abdominal organs, swallowing CN11 - accessory CN12 - tongue - muscles
Myelenated sheath
Not lined up time and space - Relapsing and remitting
heat makes it worse
Eyes, coordination
Tremor at rest, Rigidity and contraction, shuffling gate,
Tremor while moving - Benign essential tremors
Male Age <19 or >45 Depression previous attempt excessive alcohol or drugs Rational thinking loss separated, divorced widowed, organized/serious attempt no social support stated future intent
Knees - L4 Top of foot - L5 Achilles and bottom of foot - S1 Belly button - T10 Nipple - T 4
Reflex grading scale
0 no response 1+ decreased 2+ normal 3 + + exaggerated/brisk 4+ sustained response
neck pain and thumb pain
Cervical rediculopathy
Bakodys sign
Manual muscle testing
0- paralysis 1- No ROM 2- Full range - gravity eliminated 3- Full range against gravity 4 - full range, moderate resistance 5/5 - full range - maximum resistance is applied
Meniscus tear
Test with Apley’s compression distraction test
Andersons mediolateral grind test
McMurrays test
Unhappy Triad
ACL, meniscus, MCL
Lachmans test
Anterior drawer
Disc herniation
feels better with extension
feels better with flexion
Is the abbreviation for temporomandibular joint disorder and is a general term that encompasses pain and dysfunction in some form of the muscles that are responsible for moving your jaw.
Frozen shoulder/ adhesive capsulitis
apley’s scratch test
More in women
Rx - diabetes
Dx: Stretching, steroids, surgery, NSAIDs
Bone Density Disorders
DEXA scan - Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry
-1-0 normal
1- -2.5 - osteopenia
-2.5 - osteoperosis
More common in women
May see kyphosis - shrinking
Bells Palsy
unilateral w/ no wrinkles
ipsilateral - same side as issue with nerve
Epidural hematoma - lucid intervals
subdural hematoma - crescent - old/alcoholic
Arachnoid hemorrhage - thunderclap
Cranial nerves
Emerge directly from the brian stem, in contrast to spinal nerve which emerge from segments of spinal cord
Peripheral neuropathy
B6 deficiency or excess
B12 deficiency - Vegans
chronic alcoholism
Cervical - neck pain that radiates down, weakness,
Bacodys test
A disease of the root of a nerve, such as from a pinched nerve or a tumor.
Typically one side of body
Thoracic outlet syndrome
Loss of radial pulse
Test with Adsons test
Difference between TIA vs stroke
TIA is a mini stroke - blip of loss of blood - less lasting impacts. Warning of stroke.
Meneres vs labrinthitis
Menieres - Vertigo, tinnitus , hearing loss - usually just one ear, nauseaa
Labyrinthitis - swelling of labyrinth of inner ear- vertigo
BPP- benign peroxisomal positional vertigo - sudden, temporary, turning head, reaching over head
Earliest signs of hypertension
headache, vertigo, tinnitus, fainting, light headed (LV yang rising) spontaneous nosebleeds
also can be w/o symptoms
Post herpatic neuralgia
Postherpetic neuralgia (post-hur-PET-ik noo-RAL-juh) is the most common complication of shingles. The condition affects nerve fibers and skin, causing burning pain that lasts long after the rash and blisters of shingles disappear.
How to tell if someone with rx of stroke needs warfarin
a tool doctors use to determine treatment for atrial-fibrillation patients in danger of stroke.
CHAD score CHF Hypertensive score (>140/90) Age - +75 Diabetes S2 - Prior TIA o stroke
Weight loss
Inflammatory breast cancer
Dimpling of breast tissue similar to orange peel and red and bruised appearance
Pagets disease
Red, scaling, flaking, bloody discharge, itching, <1% of breast cancer. Requires needle biopsy
Basal cell carcinoma
white waxy lump or brown scaly patch on sun exposed areas
Raised border and pitted inside, irregular shape.
Rx: Fair skin
Doesn’t metastesize
Squamous Cell carcinoma
pre cancer -
Thick (hyperkeratotic), rough, scaly patches that may crust or bleed. They can also resemble warts, or open sores that don’t completely heal.
often referred to as a neck cancer because it tends to travel to the lymph nodes in the neck and around the collarbone. Because of this, signs of metastasis may include a painful or tender lump in the neck or a sore throat that doesn’t improve or go away.
Which types of HPV cause cervical cancer
16, 18
Which type of HPV cause herpes
6, 11
Cancer - 16 and 18
What increases rx of breast cancer
Increased exposure to estrogen
early menarche
Late menopause
never have kids or after 35
Abdominal Aortic Aneurism
Pulsating mass near navel
65-70 male smoked - get screened
Barry aneurism - brain - most commonly associated with arthrosclerosis
What do you use Niacin for?
Increased LDL/cholesterol
Too much can cause flushing
ER if:
Never had one before
More than 5 minutes
Remain unconscious after
Otitis media
inflammation or infection located in the middle ear, behind ear drum. Otitis media can occur as a result of a cold, sore throat, or respiratory infection.
Swimmers ear (otitis externa)
inflammation of outer ear
Foul smelling discharge
Itching and irritation around ear canal.
Sinusitus - pressure, facial pain, folding forward its worse.
- Bacterial - A bacterial sinus infection will often persist for seven to 10 days or longer, and may actually worsen after seven days
- viral - A viral sinus infection will usually start to improve after five to seven days
Allergic rhinitis (seasonal allergies) - has a trigger strep throat - white/grey, fever -need antibiotic
Strep vs mono
Strep - large tonsils, fever, swollen lymph, white/grey back of throat - anibiotics to avoid kd infection
Mono - splenomegaly, extreme fatigue - rest until spleen recovers
facial hair on woman (hursatism or hyper androgenism)
Causes female infertility
Also dark skin around folds (acanthosis nigricans), insulin resistance, abnormal menstruation, obesity, overweight
endometrial tissue outside of ovary
firm, smooth, or rubbery lump in the breast with a well-defined shape.
Reproductive hormones may cause fibroadenomas.
no pain
irregular shape
different from surrounding breast tissue
They can change size - often hormonal
Fibroids are muscular tumors that grow in the wall of the uterus (womb). Fibroids are almost always benign (not cancerous). Not all women with fibroids have symptoms.
Pain areas: in the abdomen, lower back, or pelvis
Menstrual: abnormal menstruation, heavy menstruation, irregular menstruation, painful menstruation, or spotting
Also common: abdominal distension or cramping.
Menopausal disorders
Breakthrough bleeding - cervical cancer?
Premature ovarian failure - early menopause before age 40. 40-45 is early.
LH spikes during menopause and FSH as well
Estrogen and progesterone drop
Ectopic pregnancy
when a fertilized egg implants and grows outside the main cavity of the uterus. An ectopic pregnancy most often occurs in a fallopian tube, which carries eggs from the ovaries to the uterus.
Pain areas: in the pelvis, abdomen, or side part of the body
Gastrointestinal: bloating, nausea, or vomiting
Also common: abnormal vaginal bleeding or cramping
hormone tested to see if your pregnant
Human chorionic gonadotropin HCG
clogged ducts, pain, can get fever
contraindicated with viagra
Nitrates - both dilate - too much
Like male menopause
mental emotional changes, hot flashes, occurs when sex glands called gonads produce little, if any, sex hormones.
Erectile dysfunction
Organic- physical, gradul, coonstant, Diabetes M II, SSRI, beta blockers
Psychogenic - sudden, situational, intermitten, do have morning wood
Male infertility
Failure of pituitary to secrete LH and FSH
Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)
Enlarged in central part
PSA (prostate specific antigen)- elevated
Cancer side parts enlarged
Excess urination at night
feeling of incomplete after emptying
weak urine stream
Symptoms include difficulty urinating, pain in the groin, pelvic area, or genitals, and, sometimes, flu-like symptoms.
Prostatitis may get better on its own. If it’s caused by a bacterial infection, antibiotics may be prescribed.
Prostate cancer
Sometimes no Sx
Or same sx as BPH
Kidney stones vs Kidney infection
stones: severe pain in back or sides, nausea, sweating
80% calcium oxalate, blood in urine, frequent urination
KD infection - UTI sx that move into KD, flank, blood in urine, frequent urination, foul smelling urine and couldy
How to test KD infection
Urinary analysis CBC - complete blood county Ultrasound CT scan Elevated levels of creatine indicates disorder of KD
inflammation of the bladder. Most of the time, the inflammation is caused by a bacterial infection, and it’s called a urinary tract infection (UTI)
pain, burning or stinging when you pee.
needing to pee more often and urgently than normal.
feeling like you need to pee again soon after going to the toilet.
urine that’s dark, cloudy or strong-smelling.
pain low down in your tummy.
feeling generally unwell, achy, sick and tired.
Sx of UTI that are distinct from cystitis
Fever and chills
Incontinence (loss of bladder control)
Pain in the lower back or sides
What can cause incontinence
Cauda Equina syndrome
A1 blockers - in women
Multiple tender points - 11/18 is positive
commonly known as sore throat — is an inflammation of the pharynx, resulting in a sore throat. Thus, pharyngitis is a symptom, rather than a condition.
Viral rhinosinusitis
Most cases of acute are caused by viral infections associated with the common cold. Symptomatic treatment with analgesics, decongestants, and saline nasal irrigation is appropriate in patients who present with nonsevere symptoms (e.g., mild pain, temperature less than 101°F [38.3°C]).
bacterial meningitis
The most common symptoms of bacterial meningitis are: Painful, stiff neck with limited range of motion. Headaches. High fever. Feeling confused or sleepy. Bruising easily all over the body. A rash on the skin. Sensitivity to light.
Meningitis Diagnosis
Blood tests to find bacteria.
CT or MRI scans of your head to find swelling or inflammation.
Spinal tap, in which a health care worker uses a needle to take fluid from around your spinal cord. It can tell what’s causing your meningitis.
Epiglottitis is usually caused by an infection with Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) bacteria. As well as epiglottitis, Hib can cause a number of serious infections, such as pneumonia and meningitis. It spreads in the same way as the cold or flu virus.
MMR vaccine is for
Mumps- epidermic parotitis -
measles - rubeola
Rubella - German measles - “3 day measles” - forchheimer spots (rose colored spots on the soft palate that may coalesce into a red blush and extend over the fauces). Milder but more dangerous for pregnancy. Distinct skin rash
Rubeolla - ordinary measles, more threatening - koplik spots (Koplik spots: clustered white lesions on the buccal mucosa) - 9 days
MMR vaccine
mumps - parotitis - swollen cheeks/parotid glands (epidemic partosis
Measles - rubeOla - 9 days - O - ordinary - (red measles)
RubelLa - German measles - 3 day measles - L - Love Germals
Viral agent
affects glands and tissues
Parotid swelling
Supportive treatment because it’s a virus
Measles (Rubeola)
Coryza - irrritation in nose
C - Koplik spots - white/grey cluster lesions in buccal membranes (inside mouth)
What has been shown to reduce morbidity and mortality in patients with measles
Vitamin A
- MMR Vaccine prevents
- Can return to school after 5 days after onset of the rash ( contagious 4 days after onset of rash)
German Measles - viral Mild fever 102 or lower maculopapular rash arthralgia also common (joint pain) encephalitis - inflammation of brain --> headache, stiff neck, photophobia, seizures, confusion "Bone pain" Can cause severe birth defects if preg mom is infected - deaf, blind, retardation: TORCH - infection that impacts a fetus Toxoplasmosis Other ((syphilis, Hepatitis, HIV) Rubella Cytomegalovirus Herpes