Eyes And Ears Flashcards
Lacrimal Apparatus
Lacrimal gland produces tears and tears flow through remaining structures
Flow of tears
Lacrimal gland, surface of eye, lacrimal punctum, lacrimal canals, lacrimal sac, nasolacrimal duct
Superior rectus muscle
Elevates eye and innervated by oculomotor (III)
Inferior rectus muscle
Depresses eye and innervated by oculomotor (III)
Medial rectus muscle
Moves eye medially and innervated by oculomotor (III)
Lateral rectus muscle
Moves eye laterally and innervated by abducens (VI)
Superior oblique muscle
Depresses and turns eye laterally and innervated by trochlear (VI)
Inferior oblique muscle
Elevates and turns eye laterally and innervated by oculomotor (III)
White of the eye formed from dense collagenous connective tissue. Shapes the eye and anchors extrinsic muscles
Helps absorb light and provide nutrients to retina
Adjustable diaphragm that controls the diameter of the pupil
Opening created by the iris which allows light to pass into the eye
Cup-shaped extension of the diencephalon that contains a pigmented and a neural/sensory layer
Fovea Centralis
Produces finely detailed images and houses majority of cones
Photoreceptors responsible for color vision and respond to bright light. Provide higher detail
Photoreceptors responsible for night vision and produce images in shades of gray. Most numerous photoreceptor
External auditory meatus/canal
Passage leading from the auricle, through the temporal bone to the tympanic membrane
Tympanic membrane
Ear drum that separates the external auditory canal from the tympanic cavity. Transfers vibrations to the auditory ossicles
Oval window
Connected to stapes and transfers vibrations to cochlea
Round window
Found at the end of the cochlea acting as a pressure relief
Tensor tympani muscle
Pulls malleus away from eardrum
Stapedius muscle
Reduces motion of stapes to lessen effect on inner ear
Hammer that is found between tympanic membrane and incus. Connected to tensor tympani muscle
Anvil found between malleus and stapes
Stirrup that is found between incus and oval window. Connected to stapedius muscle
Portion of the vestibule that leads to the cochlea. Contains maculae responsible for linear acceleration
Portion of the vestibule that leads to the semicircular canals. Contains maculae responsible for linear acceleration
Equilibrium receptors found in the vestibule that respond to gravitational pull and changes in head position
Semicircular canals
Responsible for sense of equilibrium and made up of anterior, posterior, and lateral ducts which respond to angular movement of the head
Coiled, snail shell-like organ for hearing that arises from the vestibule
Scala vestibuli
Begins near the oval window and is filled with perilymph, transfers vibrations to hair cells
Scala media
Filled with endolymph and contains spiral organ of corti, transfers vibrations to hair cells
Scala tympani
Filled with perilymph and ends at the round window, transfers vibrations to hair cells
Spiral organ of corti
Structure that converts vibrations to neural impulses
Tectorial membrane
Feather-shaped gelatinous substance that acts to open channels for depolarization. Part of the spiral organ of corti
Basilar membrane
Separates the cochlear duct from the Scala tympani
Vestibulocochlear nerve (VIII)
Sensory nerve for hearing and balance