Eye Flashcards
Limbic flush, steamy cornea, mid dilated pupil, decreased anterior chamber depth
Acute angle closure glaucoma
Argyle Robertson pupil
Tertiary Syphillis
Posterior communicating aneurysm could cause complete ptosis
Which cranial nerve would this effect?
Cranial nerve III
Board question!!
Crescent shadow
Narrow anterior chamber
Acute angle closure glaucoma
Decreased vision with “Relative afferent pupillary defect”
Causes painful eye movement
Marcus gun pupil
Orbital cellulitis – eye sticking out
Medical emergency
Pooling of flourescein stain in the eye
Corneal ulcer
Contact lens wearer has ulcer.
What is most likely pathogen?
What Tx?
Tx: fluoroquinolone every hour!!
+ SIDEL sign ( waterfall of flourescein out of eye)
Corneal perforation
Sudden, painless vision loss
Shade pulled down
Cherry red spot on pale macula on exam
Central retinal artery occlusion
Blurry vision upon wakening in an older diabetic patient – over hours worsens to complete blindness
Diffuse retinal hemorrhage with “blood and thunder fundus”
Central retinal vein occlusion
Flashes and floaters with curtain or shade pulled down over eye , vision loss
Retinal detachment
Cotton wool spots
Diabetic retinopathy
Copper wiring–> AV Nicking
Hypertensive retinopathy
Increased cup/disc ratio noted on eye exam
Older female with pain like an “ice pick” in the eye suddenly in the dark movie theater.
Exam: shallow anterior chamber with steamy cornea and fixed dilated pupil
Acute angle closure glaucoma
Test to diagnose strabismus
Cover / uncover test
Juvenile cataract
White reflex on neonatal exam
Tumor - retinal blastoma
Young female with progressive worsening vision loss and unilateral eye pain
Optic neuritis
Suspect multiple sclerosis
Iritis is associated with what condition?
Drusen (yellow deposits in macula)
And neovascularization are found in what condition
(Respectively)Dry And wet macular degeneration