Extremadura Flashcards
How many sub-zones in Ribera del Guadiana?
6 Subzones-
* Canamero
* Montanchez
* Ribera Alta
* Ribera Baja
* Tierra de Barros
* Matanegra
True or False
Extremadura has the second concentation of vineyards in Spain
Approx 9% of total plantings
follows Castilla-La Mancha’s 49.5% share
What cause Extremadura to experience a slightly more temperate contnental climate?
Azores High (aka Azores anticylclone)
True or False
Vinto Tinto dominates wine production in Extremadura
Describe Via de la Plata
“Silver Way”, an ancient Roman trade route in western Spain which connected two of the empire’s important cities in Castilla y Leon and Extremadra.
Also a part of Carmino de Santiago as an atlernate path
What two primary soil types in DO Ribera Del Guadiana?
- Clay
- Limestone
Name one DOP in Extremadura
DO Ribera del Guadiana
Who was Fray Juan de Siruela?
Prior of Monastry of Guadalupe in Guadalupe wote “Book and Record of the Winery of the Monsastry of Guadalupe”, providing extensive insight into the wine culture of 16th century
What year DO Ribera del Guadiana received its designation?
What are twomost notable white grape varieties in Extremadura?
- Cayetana Blanca/Pardina
- Alarije
What are two provinces of Extremadura?
- Caceres (north)
- Badajoz (south)
What is climate of Extremadura?
Highest peak in Extremadura
Calvitero at 2404 m
True or False
Many of fthe vines are trained En Vaso in Extremadura
What are the prime Red and White grape varieties (1 each)?
- Red: Tempranillo/Cencibel/Tinto Fino
- White: Caytena Blanca/Pardina
What is the climate of DO Ribera del Guadiana?
Continenal with Atlantic influences
What grape variety is the regional favorite in Extremadura?
Garanacha Tinta/Cabernet Sauvginon also grown in substantial quaitities
True or False
Four wineries in DO Ribera del Guadiana are authorized to produce sparkling wine under DO Cava
What is the capial city of Extremadura?
True or False
Much of the Vino Blanco in Extremadura is distilled and used in the production of spirits
True or False
Merida is has the larget population in Extremadura
Badajoz and Caceres are larger
what is the main wine style of DO Ribera del Guadiana?
Tinto - 93%
Blanco - 5%
Rosadoi - 2%
Name four mountain ranges of Extremadura
- Sistema Central (borders with Castilla y Leon)
- Sierra Morena (borders with Andalucia)
- Sierras Centrales Extremadras (paralles to the other two systems in east central Extramadra)
- Sierra de Villercas range aka Sierra de Guadalupe -western most expansion of Montes de Toledo
Name two primary river basins in Extremadura
- Tajo River Basin
- Guadiana River Basin
Flow into the Altantic Ocean
True or False
Extremadura is largely flat