external and internal surfaces of the heart Flashcards
be able to identify location of part externally and internally. Definition:
Anterior interventricular sulcus (groves)
separates the ventricles anteriorly (externally)
Coronary sulcus ( atrioventricular groove)
a groove on the outside of the heart that encircles most of the heart sepertating the atria.(externally)
Posterior interventricular sulcus (groves)
separates the ventricles posteriorly (externally)
Interatrial septum aka ( fossa ovalis)
separates the atria, a depression known as the fossa ovalis is located here (internally)
Foramen ovale
a hole that is present in the fetal heart that close just prior to birth. its purpose is to shunt blood away from baby’s underdeveloped lungs.(internally)
Interventricular septum
sepertates the ventricles, ventricles are covered with fibrous projections called trabeculae carneae (internally)