export_final exam dx pathclin path i Flashcards
analytical properties of assay:
detection limit
analytical precision=
reproducibility or coefficient of variation
higher CV the ___ precision
lower precision
accuracy= and how determined
how close to true value; via reference method
analytical spec is diff from diagnostic specificity b/c:
it’s the ablitliy of assay to detect ONLY the subt of interest (analyte)= freedom from interfering substances
analyte sens=
ability to produce a change in signal
which assay more sens:
- 50 vs 51mg/dL
- 5000vs 5100
50 b/c picks up change in less
3 comp. of QA
- internal- daily QC
- external- proficiency
- SOPs
how submit fluids:
- 2 direct air dried smears
- EDTA for cell morph, count and protein
- RTT if bacterial culture
3 basic choices when looking at cytology
- expected cell types: N, hyper, dysplasia
- inflamm- what type
- neoplastic- epith, mesenchymal, round cell
degen neutrophils:
large nucleus, basophilic staining
granulomatous inflammation RO
Fb, mycobact, granuloma
cells in clusters or sheets
distinct intact cyto borders
cells round-polygonal and round to oval nuclei
epithelial tumors
exfoliated cells in low numbers*
elongated and round to oval nuclei
cytoplasmic borders indistinct*
stromal tumors
transudates (low cells, low protein) think
heart failure
liver failure, etc
inflamm exudate
supp, granul, or eosinophilic
milky body fluid with small lymphocytes- additional test
triglycerides= chylous effusion
confirm bile perotinitis with what test?
bilirubin and creatinine
types of Dx test for infectious agents
describe how VN works
same amnt virus to each tube, serum added in increasing amounts; if ab present, virus neutralized and NO cytopath effect
-if no ab, cytopathic effect!
4 fold increase in acute and conv serum Ab titre (eg. 1:16- to 1:64 (12x4))
optimal time to send for Ag vs Ab tests
Ag- within 7days post infection via RT-PCR usually
Ab- IgM- days-months vs IgG mo-yr
swabs helpful when
body cavities
3 tips of sampling dx for mycoplasma
cool, moist, moving
causes of low MCV (microcytosis)
iron def
breeds (besenji)
iron deficiency:
microcytic, hypochromic (lo MCHC)
test to prove iron def:
- serum Fe conc. (decrease)
- OR TIBC (total iron binding conc)-should increase
degree of anisocytosis= and causes:
causes: regen, iron def, problem in RBC growth
when is a rubricytosis appropriate?
proportional to regeneration
when is rubricytosis not appropriate?
if no anemia, no polychromasia
causes of inapprop rubricytosis:
- extramed hematopoeisis
- reduced splenic fxn
- BM injury (sepsis, hyperthermia)
- acute lead toxicity
when corrected WBC count?
nipples on RBC adn causes:
Heinz bodies:
-oxid damage of Hg (onion, acetominophen, etc)
blue dots on RBC with wright stain
Howell Jolly= DNA reminants b/c cells kicked out too early
-intensely regen anemmia, chemo, immunosupp drugs, splenectomy
who normally has a few HJ bodies?
cats, never dogs
rbc with knobby arms
acanthocytes: liver, spleen, HSA
IMHA or immune complexes on RBC
same as Heinz bodies- oxidative damage to Hg- onion, garlic, acetominophen
echinocytes- star shaped
artifact= crenation
if see tiny blue dots in RBC of cat think*
mycoplasma (hemobart)
mycoplasma in cats often related to:
neutrophilia with:
- inflammation
- Steroids (stress leuk)
- phsyiologic (catechol)
- paraneoplastic
- chronic neutrotrophic leukemia
- inflam: acute GI, salmonellosis, perotinitis
- Granulocytic hypoplasia (toxins, parvo, estrogen, chemo)
- BM necrosis, fibrosis
- Immune destruction
- Cyclic hemopoiesis- grey collies*
- Drugs
drugs which = neutropenia:
TMS, Phenobarn
eg. of toxic change that’s not infectious
toxic changes occur how
when maturation time is shortened b/c intensely granulopoiesis stimulant
toxic changes in vasculature:
- basophilia
- vacuolization
- Dohle bodies (agg ribosomes)
- toxic granulation
these 2 toxic changes in segs can only be see in cats:
giant neutrophils & ring formed nuclei
- chronic inflammation, some viral (EIAV)
- post vaccination
- phsyiologic shift (catecholamines
- lymphoprolif dz: FeLV, lymphoma
- hypoadrenocortisism
- steroids
- acute viral- parvo
- immunosup drugs
- depletion- lymphoid effusions
- HS-allergies
- parasites
- paraneoplastic (MCT)
- idiopathic (PIE)
- eosinophilic leukemia
- inflamm
- cortisol response
- monocytic leukemia
- cyclic hemopoiesis of grey collies
increase in MPV?
- upreg thrombopoiesis
- Cavalier King Charles
thrombocytosis: list
- splenic contraction= reactive via epinephrine, exercise
- inflammation
- iron def
- post-splenectomy
- vinca alkaloids