export_final exam anat path cattle cases Flashcards
multifocal hemorrhage of grey and white cerbral cortex and thalamus in cattle- cause and clinically
ITME- H somni clinically: calves sudden death, ataxia, recumbancy, blindness, fever
fibrinous pericarditits and hemorrhagic MYOcarditits cause in cattle (not endocarditis or pericarditis)
Blackleg- Clostrid chauvei
how confirm diagnosis of ITME
bacterial culture
other causes of brain dz in feedlot calves;
Polio (sulfur tox or grain overload) Lead tox Rabies Less common: Listeria, nervous coccidiosis, hypo vit A
Is a bloat line pathognomonic for bloat?
no- bacteria after daeth can produce gas that can create such a line
Other lesions that point to ruminal bloat
congestion of facial soft tissue, esp nasal turbinates +/- inguinal edema from lymphatic blockage
pathogenesis of C. Chauvei:
spores in envir ingested and latent in mm- bacteria becomes active when muscle is damaged or hypoxic -bacteria releases endotoxin and increases vasculature permiability leading to fibrinous pericarditis and myocardial hemorrhage
- how confirm dx of C. Chauvei
FA on frozen section- culture is too difficult
Vesicular dz of cattle:
Vesicular stomatitis FMD Dx: call CFIA!
other causes of erosion on tongue other than vesicular dz of cattle:
-caustic agents -BVD -papular stomatitis
white worm in caudal trachea that causes atelectasis of cranial lungs= and where cattle get it?
Dictyocaulus vivi Cattle get it from eating pasture
which lung worm do we see the most in ON with sheep?
Muellaria (not Dictyocaulus)
suppurative necrotising myocarditis- think:
H somni
H. somni causes:
ITME septicemia: pleuritis, pericarditis, polyarthritis bronchopneumonia: just like Manheimia
causes of polyarthritis in feedlot cattle
Mycoplasma bovis H. somni (less obvious)
Histophilus somni (look same)
how age lung lesions?
pleural adhesions vs abcessation
pleural adhesions- 7-10d
abscesses: at least 2wks
does absence of pleural adhesions or abscess mean lesion is acute
no, not nec
lesion: cranioventral lung is rubbery, atelectatic, and congested; but is not as hard as would be expected in bacterial bronchopneumonia. etio:
PIV3, Corona maybe
confirm BRSV via
IHC- brown staining Ag in bronchiolar epithelium
VI not good b/c too hard to grow
what gross findings= rumenal acidosis or grain overload (3)
- fixation of rumenal mucosa to wall
- acidic rumen content (soon after death)
- histo: clustering neuts within ruminal mucosa
endocardial hem in ruminants is incidental! neither is epicarial “agonal” hemorrhages
MAP= Johnes
how confirm MAP?
histo- ileum and LN
mycobact culture but takes 4-6months to grow
what want to RO with MAP testing
cranioventral 60% of the lung is consolidated, reddened, and contains numerous white nodules. On cut section, these nodules are white, circular, coalescing, bulging, and palpation reveals that they are friable and crumbly- etio
MycoPLASMA bovis
vs. one large lesion in Mycobactium bovis= tb
if need to confirm Mycoplasma bovis (if PM lesions not characteristic enough)
IHC and histo
culture good for dx Mycoplasma bovis?
no- can be cultured from N lungs
pathogen of Mycoplasma bovis
-opportunitistic bact grows after Manheimia makes unhealthy tissue- attacks lung after antibiotics kill manheimia= chronic infection
best strategy to prevent Mycoplasma bovis:
prevent shipping fever pneumonia and early detection since no specific control measures and it’s resistant to antibiotics= chronic infection
white mm disease
other dz’s that can cause myocardial necrosis like WMD
- monensin, lasalocid
- doxy, cottonseed meal, toxic plants less commonly
should test for vit E and Se levels in tissue wehn dxing WMD?
not worth while- just confirm with histo
how prevent WMD
supplement Vit E and Se
cortex fluoresces under UV- ddx
-identical lesions can be caused by thiammine deficiency, sulfur tox, lead toxicity
animals with polio respond to____
thiamine tx if treated early
when does thiamine deficiency occur (is it nutritional?)
not nutritional- more secondary to grain overload and abN ruminal bacteria
if a lot of animals have blindness, head pressing, opisthotonas- tell prod what
giving too high energy rations = thiamine deficiency
IBR (BHV-1) kill calfs with rhinotrach?
no- but impairs muco-cil clearance so die from 2nd bact invaders
where sample tissue for confirmation of IBR
trach or nasal epith- not lungs “harvest tissue that have lesions”
amnion with plaques (focal squamous metaplsia of no significance)
how know it’s the amnion?
no cotyledons
kidney and those below show the opened abomasum and duodenum, with lesions in the perirenal fat and in the omental fat. The lesions are hard but crumbly - etio:
abdominal fat necrosis- incidental finding
abomasal ulcer in suckling calf dt
unknown- not stress
duodenum in normal position should run ____and ____ from abomasum
dorsal and caudal (not cranioventral)
adventitial placental with TNCT tiny caruncles and cotyledons with four normal sized ones
adventitial placental means what?
placental insufficiency- no specific etio
bone marrow gelatinous can signify
negative E balance (eg. MAP)