export_cranial nerve flashcards
I - Olfactory Nerve
Carries input from receptors in smell neuroepithelium. Not a true nerve
II - Optic Nerve
Carries input from receptors in eye. Not a true nerve.
III - Oculomotor Nerve
Innervates skeletal muscles that move eye up, down, medially. Raise upper eyelid; constricts pupil and alters lens shape for near/far vision.
IV - Trochlear Nerve
Innervates skeletal muscles that move eye downward and laterally.
V - Trigeminal Nerve
Innervates skeletal chewing muscles - Efferent
Transmits info from receptors in skin; skeletal muscles of face, nose, mouth, teeth sockets - Afferent
VI - Abducens Nerve
Innervates skeletal muscles that move eye laterally.
VII - Facial Nerve
Innervates skeletal muscles of facial expression and swallowing; innervates nose, palate, lacrimal gland, salivary gland - Efferent
Transmits info from taste buds in front of tongue and mouth - Afferent
VIII - Vestibulocochlear
Innervates receptors (outer hair cells) in ear - Efferent
Transmits information from receptors in the ear - Afferent
IX - Glossopharyngeal
Innervates skeletal muscles involved in swallowing and parotid salivary gland - Efferent
Transmits info from taste buds at back of tongue and receptors in auditory-tube skin - Afferent
X - Vagus
Innervates skeletal muscles of pharynx and larynx and smooth muscle and glands of thorax and abdomen - Efferent
Transmits information from receptors in thorax and abdomen - Afferent
XI - Accessory
Innervates neck skeletal muscles
XII - Hypoglossal
Innervates skeletal muscles of tongue.