Experiments In The Constitutional Monarchy Flashcards
When was the meeting of the estates general?
5th May 1789
What happened at the estates general?
Representatives from each estate gathered together and listened to speeches from the king and other officials eg. Necker
However no matters were officially resolved they were in stream just addressed.
When was the formation of the National Assembly?
17th June 1789
What were the results of the poll to form the National Assembly?
491 to 90
Who was a key figure in the build up to the National Assembly?
Abbé Sieyes
When was the tennis court oath?
20th June 1789
When did some of the clergy join the National Assembly?
19th June 1789
What was the mix up that led to the tennis court oath?
The meeting was originally meant to be held in the salon des menus plaisirs however miscommunication meant the room was unavailable
Who was at the centre of the tennis court oath?
Jean Sylvain Bailey
What was the royal reaction to the events of may-June
At a session on 23rd June Louis refused to acknowledge the National Assembly by its name
What happened on June 26th?
Louis brought 4800 additional troops to Paris
When did Louis recognise the National Assembly and permit voting by head?
27th June
How many troops were in Paris by July 4th?
When was the storming of the bastille?
14th July
Events of the storming of the bastille
Delaunay- warden of the bastille captured and killed
70 attackers killed
Prisoners released
8000 attackers
When was the great fear?
17th July - 3rd august
What happened during the great fear ?
Peasants in the countryside rioted
Attacked landlords property, burnt hedges
What caused the great fear?
Peasants thought that change in the capital would bring change to them and that the burden of taxation would lift.
They were influenced by events in Paris eg. Storming of the bastille
What were bread prices like by 14th July?
Highest they had been since 1715
When was the dismal of necker and why did it cause public concern?
11th July 1789
People feared the king would no longer support the reforms
When were the August decrees?
4th august 1789
What did the august decrees involve?
Removal of privileges of clergy and nobility
Feudal dues abolished
Tax made equal
What did the king’s visit to Paris involve
When was it?
17th July
The king addressed Parisians from the steps of the hotel de ville
He reinstated necker and accepted the National Assembly, national guard and Paris commune
When was DOROMAC
26th august 1789
What did DOROMAC involve?
Framework for a new constitution
Summarise the ideas of the revolution
Ideas derived from enlightenment thinkers (Rousseau, Montesquieu)
When did the October days begin?
5th October
How many people were involved in the October days?
(Mainly women)
What was the cause of the October days?
Summoning of the Flanders regiment by Louis XVI
Kings suspensory vetos