Experimental stuff Flashcards
What is a lab experiment
When an experiment is done in a controlled environment, not always a lab, can be in a class room.
What is a field experiment
When the iv is manipulated in a natural more everyday` setting
What is a natural experiment
When the researcher takes advantage of a pre-existing independent variable. Its called natural because the variable would have changed even if the experiment wouldn’t have changed
What is a Quasi experiment
They have an iv that is based on an existing difference between people (e.g. age and gender). No one is manipulated, it just simply exists.
Pros and cons of a lab experiment?
pro- might control extraneous variables
con- participants may know they’re being tested so could use screw you affect
Pros and cons of a field experiment?
pro- provides reliable/valid behaviour and the participants wont know they’re being studied on
con- if participants are unaware they cannot consent, expensive to under go.
Pros and cons for a natural experiment?
Pros- high validity, involves studies of real life issues
Cons- if its natural it may occur rarely, participants may not be allocated to random experimental conditions
pros and cons for a quasi experiment?
pros- same as lab, controls extraneous variables
cons- cant allocate participants to random conditions and therefore there may be confounding variables.