Exercise 101 Flashcards
Common goal of PT and exercise
bring improvements in strength and aerobic capacity, flexibility, and improved functional capacity
Aerobic exercise / reconditioning
- enhanced pulmonary performance
- enhanced cardiac performance
- enhanced blood flow
- enhanced ability of tissue to extract and utilize delivered O2
What measure is used as an indirect assessment of aerobic capacity?
VO2 max
Reaching VO
- RER > 1.15
- Leveling off O2 consumption despite increased workload
- elevated lactate levels
- achievement of age predicted HR max
What is the gold standard for determining cardiorespiratory fitness
VO2 max
VO2 max, or max oxygen consumption, refers to
maximum amount of O2 that an individual can utilize during intense or max exercise
Factors that influence VO2 max
1. Gender 2, Family Hx 3. Age 4. Body composition 5. Training status 6. Altitude
Tests used for assessing submax exercise capacity
- 6 min walk test
- Fixed Work Load Tests
- Submaximal Treadmill Test
- Step Test
- Cycling tests
- Duke Activity Scale
- Grodin Leisure Time Questionnaire
- Wearables
What test for submax exercise uses paper and pencil
Duke Activity Scale
Estimating VO2 peak
- describe max aerobic capacity / max fitness status of an individual
- use it to write exercise prescription
- use it to demonstrate improvement in exercise capacity associated w/reconditioning
- develop treatment goals
Physical benefits of CV exercise
1, reduce body fat
- increase aerobic capacity
- increase lung volume
- reduces demands on the heart
- lowers BP
- reduces RF for many diseases
Mental benefits of CV exercise
- reduces anxiety
2. improves mild-mod depression, self esteem, and mood
1 MET = __ ml/kg/min
Anaerobic Fitness:
Determinants of Str
- # of motor units recruited
- Frequency of motor unit firing
- Quality of motor unit synchronization
- Muscle Fiber Type
- Cross sectional area and Str
Assessments for anaerobic fitness
- 1 rep max
- 8-10 rep max test
- Hand held dynamometer
- Isokinetic testing
- Power testing (wingate, stair tests)
Benefits of improved anaerobic capacity
- talk about increased str
- greater balance/reduced fall risk
- muscle str associated w/physical function in older adults
Muscle decline associated with aging:
- muscle decline associated with aging
- Reduced muscle mass (usually type II)
- Can be helped with str training
Muscle decline associated with aging:
Reduction in capillary blood supply
can be helped with endurance training
Muscle decline associated with aging:
Fewer satellite cells
Increased myostatin production
How common is frailty
10% in those over 65
50% in those over 85
Strength Considerations for Frailty
> 5 sec to walk 4 m or 4.57 > 15 ft.
> 270 kcal per week of activity
Frailty criteria
- increased physical disability
- worsening mobility
- increased risk for morbidity and mortality
- increased risk for falls
- increased risk for hospital stays
How many criteria is considered prefrail?
How many criteria is considered frail?
Carolina Frailty Index
- includes ADL and physical function questions
- predictive of all cause mortality in older adults with cancer
amount of work produced over time
Power = force x velocity
T/F: Power is more important than strength for performing ADLS with frail nursing home residents
Tests to measure Power
- peak cycling test
- stair climb test
- 30 sec repeated sit to stand
Stair Climbing Power Test
Determine time required to climb 10 stairs as quickly and safely as possible
Acute CV response to exercise
- increased HR
- increased CO
- increased SV
- increased SP and MAP
- decreased (or no change) DP
- decreased total peripheral resistance
If SP fails to increase or drops below resting levels:
stop exercise
If DP increases more than 10 mmHg