Excitability (L1) Flashcards
Lecture 01 Piedras - Excitability
Cardiac vs Neuronal vs Skeletal muscle Action Potential (shape)
Cardiac: wide with plateau (especially ventricular)
Neuronal: sharp upstroke and quick repolarization
Skeletal Muscle: quick upstroke, repolarization slows near end
Define sub threshold potential
Depolarization of the membrane which does not result in an action potential; appears as a little bump with no sudden sharp peak.
Are subthreshold signals maintained?
No, they degrade over the length of the axon. We say they are nonregenerative
What is the section of the action potential where the membrane potential goes below the baseline?
Hyperpolarizing afterpotential
Do subthreshold potentials elicit an action potential?
What is the length constant?
Lambda—this is the distance the signal can travel before degrading to 30% its usual strength
Define membrane resistance
The resistance of membrane passage; in the context of the axon, this is thedensity of ion channels
Define axial resistance
The intracellular resistance
What is the equation for lambda
Lambda = sqrt(Rm/Ra)*(d/4)
Neurons with __ (larger, smaller)__ lambdas potentiate signals better?
Large; the signal takes longer to dissipate.
Axons can be extremely long, sometimes up to a meter in length. What is the mechanism behind the preservation of signals sent along these axons?
A.) Myelination (Increases Rm)
B.) Nodes of Ranvier
C.) Myelination (Decreases Rm)
D.) A and B
E.) C and B
Think about why this is the case before flipping the card.
D.) A and B
Increasing membrane resistance decreases conductance of ions (which keeps them in the axon and passing the signal along! However, there will be some decay of this due to internal resistance. We keep the signal going by concentrations of VG Na Channels in the Nodes of Ranvier
Define Saltatory conduction
Action potentials will naturally degrade if not refreshed. This is done at Nodes of Ranvier where there are concentrations of sodium channels (this will raise the membrane voltage and the signal can be passed down the cell. Thus we say the action potential is saltatory because it is jumping from Node of Ranvier to Node of Ranvier, until the synapse.
Conduction velocity in myelinated vs unmyelinated axons
Conduction velocity is significantly greater in myelinated axons.
Neuronal channel conductance during action potentials - which part of the potential is responsible for sodium channels, which for potassium?
The upstroke is done by sodium channels (VG sodium channels let sodium in, raising membrane charge (depolarizing))
The downstroke is due to potassium channels (VG potassium channels let potassium OUT, making membrane less negative (repolarizing)
What are the unique gating properties of VG Na channels that allow for action potential dynamics? Describe the gating process of the Na channels in detail.
voltage gated sodium channels have both a closed and an inactivation gate. During a more positive membrane potential, VG Na channels will open. Then, as membrane potential becomes increasingly positive, a special gate (called inactivation gate) will shut. This makes the channel absolutely unable to open again until the membrane repolarizes (becomes less positive) enough that the channel switches to the closed state, where it can be activated again
What are the periods of absolute and relative refractory?
In absolute refractory, sodium channels CANNOT be opened again, no matter what stimulus is applied (inactivated state). In relative refractory, the sodium channels are in the closed state, so they CAN be activated, but the membrane is so negative that only a very strong stimulus will elicit an action potential.
Tetrototoxin (TTX): What does it do (molecularly speaking), and what did Hodgkin & Huxley use it for?
TTX comes from puffer fish and is attracted by the negative charge in the sodium channels but it gets stuck.
Hodgkin and Huxley used it to block sodium current so they could reveal what part of a stimulus was due to other ions (in this case, potassium)
What is the relationship between the membrane potential and sodium channel availability?
As the membrane potential rises, more sodium channels will be in the inactivated state. The curve which describes this property is called the availability curve, or the H-Infinity curve
What would be the result of improper Na channel inactivation (more Na channels inactivated or less channels inactivated than there should be)
More channels inactivated: You have slow conductance, difficulty to fire AP’s, and a reduced slope of AP. Patients will present with muscle weakness, arrhythmias, slow conduction time
Less channels inactivated: In some rare gain of function mutations it is easier to fire an AP. This can lead to things such as long QT syndrome, as well as arrhythmias.
Do VG potassium channels have a refractory period
When Vg K channels open, what happens to the membrane potential?
It becomes less negative and trends toward the K nernst potential
What is the result of elevated potassium (hyperkalemia) on membrane potential and the cell’s ability to fire action potentials?
The resting membrane potential will rise, due to a decreased gradient between outside and inside potassium concentrations shifting the nernst equilibrium. Due to the properties of Vg Na channels as described by the availability curve, this will mean more Na channels are inactivated. This has a depressive effect on the inward flow of Na (sodium conductance is slowed/decreased, and conduction slows as a result). This means it is quite hard to trigger an action potential, and if you trigger it the slope would be decreased and conduction of the signal would be reduced.
How does plasma Ca affect Na channel availability?
Ca is able to bind to the Na channels on the extracellular side and act as a sensor. In hypercalcemia it binds near the channels on the membrane. Although the RMP is never affected, this still raises the threshold for the VG Na channels.
What can alter the Ca concentration in plasma?
There are many Ca binding proteins in plasma. Protein folding is affected by pH, so blood pH affects free (ionized) vs bound calcium. In high pH (acidic conditions), less proteins can hold onto Ca, meaning you have hypercalcemia because more is free (ionized) in plasma. In low pH (alkalosis), more proteins can hold onto Ca, meaning you may have hypocalcemia because LESS calcium is free (ionized) in plasma (more is BOUND)
What affect do hypercalcemia and hypocalcemia have on excitability?
Hypercalcemia leads to less excitable cells because it binds near VG Na channels and changes the threshold (increases it), making it harder to fire an action potential. Hypocalcemia does the opposite by lowering the threshold and leading to hyperexcitability.
What are respiratory conditions which can lead to hypercalcemia and hypocalcemia
Respiration increases or decreases;
In hypoventilation, you’re retaining a lot of CO2. CO2 levels will correlate with HCO3 levels (which is going to equate to a higher blood acidity). that acidity will lead to more ionized (free) calcium.
In hyperventilation, you blow off too much CO2. CO2 levels correlating with HCO3 levels (equating to a reduced acidity here), we end up seeing less ionized (free) calcium, as more will be binding to plasma proteins.
PSP vs Action potential
PSPs are post-synaptic potentiations; therefore they are all subthreshold signals. You need to summate a lot of them to generate an action potential. PSPs can also be excitatory or inhibitory and this will affect what ion channels are opening during it (so an inhibitory IPSP would actually be bringing the membrane FURTHER from an action potential).