Endocrinology 9- Non-classical endocrine glands Flashcards
Important nonclassical endocrine glands to know (4)
Kidney, heart, liver, GI
Produced in stomach, signals brain when you are hungry - this is inhibited by stetech, when stomach is full and distended, ghrelin is not released, but as you get hungry stomach shrinks and as muslces contract, ghrelin is released
95% released in stomach, helps SM contraction along gi tract
Glycoprotein produced by JGA cells in afferent arterioles of kidney - important regulator of arteriolar diameter by kickstarting RAAS pathway
Released by kidney, stimulates proerythroblasts to differentiate into RBC’s. Regulated by anemia, thyroid hormone, hypoxia (high altitude) norepinephrine, androgens stimualte and estrogens inhibit)
Natriuretic peptides released in response to stretch - heart senses high volume. Targets kidney, vessels, cell proliferation, NS, and adrenal cortex
ANP/BNP on kidney
Decrease renin release in JgA cells. Decrease in afferent arteriole tone, increase GFR, promote diuresis,
ANP/BNP effect on vessels
decrease in vascular resistance of periphery but increases vascular tone in kidney
ANP/BNP affect on cns
release of ADH
3 main regulators of blood pressure
integrated response of ANP/BNP, AVP, and aldosterone
Circulatin volume is sensed by liver, aortic arch, carotids, heart, lungs, and CNS. If there is lower circulating volume, brain immediately is activated and magnacellular neurons in PVN/SON activate release of AVP to bring in more water. SNS is activated, renin released, and aldosterone released. You get changes to increase blood volume.
With low blood volume, atria is going to be inhibiting ANP/BNP release as well.
In hypertension, everything happens in opposite
PCBs compete with what hormone?
Thyroid hormone – cmepete with binding to transport protein. The result is increased breakdown of thyroid hormone and compensitory excessive production by thyroid gland, as well as goiter. Cancer, immune function suppression, reduced sperm count, and neurological deficits are also a problem
nonsteroidal synthetic estrogen used in cattle feed and given to pregnant wmen in the mid 1900s - now seen to have increase in cervical and vaginal cancers
are there increased estrogins from birth control in water at college campuses?
No but there are other estrogenic compounds in the water
estrogens given to livestock
industrial chemicals like bisphenol A (BPA)
Estrogenic compound used in food packaging, toys, lining of canned foods, and beverages. Everone is exposed all the time
physiological consequences of BPA
estrogenic; obesogenic and diabetogenic due to altering lipid homeostasis and pancreatic beta cell function. Neurological, cardiovascular, reproductive, and thyroid effects are also possible