Exam3:Work & Family Flashcards
What are the 5 social meanings of money?
1) Self-Esteem/Identity
2) Power
3) Security
4) Love
5) Conflict
A social meaning of money; sense of self-worth tied to economic value; value as mate equates w/ income
A social meaning of money; purchasing power, support power, power over others/ decisions
A social meaning of money; stability, freedom from worry
A social meaning of money; materialist notions of love, especially men’s love; spending money=love
A social meaning of money; potential for arguments, power struggles
Marriage where both partners work @ least part time (usually a full-time husband and a part-time wife). Of those employed 10% of men and 24% women work part-time
Dual Earner Marriages/couples
Marriages where both partners work full-time in careers (not jobs). Careers require extensive training/degree, specific paths for advancement, and commitment beyond 9-5 workday(work outside work environment)
Dual Career Marriages/couples
79% of married employee are dual couples. What percentage do women and men make up?
85% of women
75% of men
What percentage of the income do women contribute on average in a dual couple?
26% of women and ____% of men in dual couples make more than their partners.
60% of men
How many married couples are in dual earner marriages?
2/3 of married couples are in dual earner marriages
What percentage of married couples are in dual career marriages?
12% of married couples are in dual career marriages
What are the effects of dual marriages on women?
1) enhanced well-being/self-esteem
2) increased independence, equality, power
3) multiple identities, sources of self-value
4) role overload & role strain, increased stress
5) role conflict
What are the effects of dual marriages on men?
1) relief from being sole breadwinner
2) greater opportunities to be an equal parent
3) more likely to experience role conflict(59%) than mothers(45%)