Exam2:Divorce Flashcards
One partner announces the relationship is over
Fait accompli
Couple discusses problems in their relationship, decide to split up
State-of-the-relationship talk
Intense argument started by one partner which is used as an “excuse” to break up
Attribution conflict
Both see irreconcilable problems in the relationship, agree to end it. Go into conv knowing you’re going to end relationship at end of conv
Negotiated farewell
Gradually spend less time together, drift apart
One partner says he/she wants the relationship to be less close or intense when actually he/she wants the relationship to end
One partner acts in a more costly and less rewarding manner, trying to get the other to break it off
Cost escalation
Both partners know it’s over but neither will talk about it
Fading away
___% drop in Divorce Rate from 1980 to 2015
___% of adult Americans list their marital status as “divorced”
How is the incorrect divorce rate calculated?
2 million marriages and 1 million divorces per year…looks like 50% but don’t know if the 1 million divorced is part of the 2 million that got married the same year
Actual divorce rate is about ___% ; 3 out of 5 marriages will NOT end in divorce.
More than ___ of all divorces are in the first 5 years of marriage
Consequence of divorce; if children: drop in standard of living if she gets custody and child support (31% drop for her and 22% drop him), depletes financial reserves, property often divided communally. No children: man standard of living goes up but assets often depleted, woman standard of living goes down
Financial consequences of divorce
Consequence of divorce; decrease in health, happiness; increase in suicidal tendencies, stress, depression, feelings of failure
Health, Emotional, and Psychological consequences of divorce
Consequence of divorce; network:often lose the “coupled” part of your network who don’t want to take sides; intimacy:can’t easily slip back into dating lifestyle, especially if relationship was lengthy; 2yrs post divorce 1/7 still not dating
Social consequences of divorce
Consequence of divorce; Massive drop in frequency, as infrequent as is for singles; children in household curtail frequency and variety especially for fathers
Sexual consequence of divorce
Type of custody where one parent has all legal rights over child; other parent has visitation rights and pays child support
Sole legal custody
Type of custody where child lives with one parent and the other parent may have visitation rights. BOTH have legal rights to make medical, religious, and educational decisions for the child
Joint legal custody
Type of custody where both parents have physical and legal custody, share responsibilities
Joint physical custody
Type of custody where each parent has custody of one or more of the children
Split custody
less reluctant to idea of divorce sense often rely on exteneded family for social support
African Americans and divorce
divorce rate is low compared to Whites and African Americans; Catholicism prohibits divorce
Divorce among Latino/as
less likely than total population to be separated or divorced; marry later, rank higher socioeconomic status, work in management/professional occupation;
Divorce among Asian Americans
age at first marriage, education,income/employment, religion, parental divorce, social network, cohabitation and presence of children
Factors Affecting Marital Stability