Exam3:Violence And Abuse Flashcards
Umbrella term for any non-accidental harm (physical, emotional, or psychological)
What are five things included in emotional/psychological abuse?
1) verbal dominance
2) isolation
3) guilt
4) fear
5) humiliation
Type of emotional/psychological abuse; treat person’s thoughts/opinions as worthless
Verbal Dominance
Type of emotional/psychological abuse; cut off access to friends and family
Type of emotional/psychological abuse; blame victim for abuse, they “caused” it/ “deserve” it
Type of emotional/psychological abuse; threats of further abuse, threats to reveal secrets to family or friends
Type of emotional/psychological abuse; put down in front of family or friends
What is neglect and how is it different from abuse?
Neglect is a form of abuse; failure to provide needed food, clothing, shelter, medical care, or supervision to the degree that the child’s health, safety, and/ or well-being are threatened with harm
Does actual harm have to occur for it to be classified as neglect?
NO, actual harm need not occur for something to be classified as neglect; only endangerment(I.e., the threat or likely possibility of harm) is required
Describe the prevalence of child abuse and neglect.
1) over 3.6 million allegations of child abuse each year (2/3 cases of neglect)
2) 11 million children abused or neglected each year(1/7 children)
3) majority of perpetrators are women
4) the younger the child, greater likelihood of abuse and neglect
What factors help explain why the younger a child is the greater the likelihood of abuse and neglect?
1) more dependent on adults to meet their needs
2) less able to predict or comply with adult expectations
3) come in contact with fewer adults who might notice and intervene
What are the primary contributing factors to child abuse and neglect?
1) parental mental health
2) unrealistic expectations for children
3) displacement of aggression
4) social isolation
What are the common effects of victimized children of abuse and neglect ?
1) social/emotional deficits
2) psychiatric problems (complex chicken and the egg component)
3) communication/learning disabilities (stutter)
4) physical injuries (bruises, broken bones)
5) drug abuse/suicide
6) post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Most victims are female and most perpetrators are male family members
Sexual Abuse
What are the effects of sexual abuse?
1) earlier sexual activity and pregnancy
2) psychiatric problems
3) sexual dysfunction
5) drug use
6) aggression
7) difficulty forming healthy sexual relationships
What are the three child abuse prevention tools?
1) parent education and support
2) home visits
3) reporting mechanisms
Why is spanking considered abuse?
1) By defn:nonaccidental harm
2) violates most fundamental human right: the right to an intact body, free from harm, treated w/ respect and dignity
3) human rights violations do not cease to be violations just because they are legal or certain groups think they’re acceptable
4) causes the same harmful side effects as other forms of physical abuse
5) is counter-productive (causes more behavioral problems in long-term
6) other methods of discipline are far more effective and do not have harmful side effects
Spanking as a violation of human rights is even more egregious b/c it is done:
1) w/o appeal
2) w/o advocacy
3) @ the discretion of a single individual
4) immediately
Umbrella term meaning coercion to do nearly any sexual activity
Sexual Assault
From the Latin word rapere: to steal, seize, or carry away; “Rape is about the absence of consent, not the absence of desire” (Peterson & Muehlenhard, 2007)
Means the absent of consent, regardless of the wanted/unwantedness of the behavior
What is the likelihood of being physically abused by a partner for women and for men?
37% of women and 48% of men have received some form of violence from their partner
What are reasons for abuse from men? From women?
Men’s motivation: primarily jealousy, anger, or retaliation
Women’s motivation: primarily anger, retaliation for emotional hurt, inability to express self verbally
Why do abused partners stay??
Women stay: -fear -helplessness/no way out -guilt, feelings of failure -lack of $ resources, social support Men stay: -no one would believe them -humiliation -fear of financial ruin or false charges -loss of children
Attitudes and beliefs that are generally false but are widely and persistently held, and that serve to deny and justify sexual aggression
Rape myths
What are the reasons why we don’t believe women who’ve been sexually assaulted?
1) Rape myths
2) only 2% of rapes result in a felony conviction
3) btw 1% and 40% of reported rapes are false allegations
4) “taken resistance”-61% of sexually active women have deliberately said “no” when they meant “yes”
5) many women have sex when they don’t want to (1/2 of college women report having sex w/ partner when didn’t want to); unwanted not the same as did not consent
6) unwanted sex can have positive consequences
Who is more likely to initiate violence, use violence with greater frequency, and inflict severe violence? Women or men?
In the majority of cases of relationship violence, _____ partners perpetrated violence against the other.
In the majority of cases of relationship violence, BOTH partners perpetrated violence against the other
What are reasons why we don’t believe men?
Myths about men and masculinity
Social Pressures and Obstacles