Exam2: Weddings And Marriages Flashcards
This is how marriage is viewed from a religious perspective; a sacred union or rite
A legally binding agreement or contractual relationship btw two ppl and is defined and regulated by the state
Legal marriage
A relationship btw two ppl who cohabit and engage in behavior that is essentially the same as that within a legal marriage, but without engaging in a marriage ceremony that is validated by the state
Social marriage
Marrying one person while still being legally married to another
Extramarital sexual intercourse
Sexual intercourse outside legal marriage
Ppl related by marriage, such as brother or sister in-law, not related by blood
Affinal relatives
The idea that a wife is under the protection and influence of her husband
a written agreement btw a married couple in which issues of role responsibilities, obligations, and sharing are addressed in a manner that is tailored to their own personal preferences, desires and expectations
personal marriage agreement
negotiates ahead of time the settlement of property, alimony, or other financial manner in an event of death or divorce
prenuptial agreement
similar to premarital contracts but are drafted after marriage has taken place
postmarital/antenuptial agreement
a particular form of postmarital agreement that specifies distribution of property and responsibility of debt btw respective spouses as part of divorce
marital settlement agreement
happier than single ladies but not as happy as their husbands; higher levels of anxiety, phobia and depression than any other group except single men. higher rate of suicide than husbands
her marriage
men prefer marriage over single; most divorced or widowed remarry and rate of marriage for these men higher at every age than for single men; married men live longer, better health, less depressed, less likely to do crime, earn more money, and more likely to define themselves as happy
his marriage
the degree to which a couple get along with each other or have a good working relationship and are able to satisfy each other’s needs over the marital life course
marital adjustment