Exam Prep 3/4 Flashcards
Plato innate ideas and rationalism
- always had the knowledge of forms in our mind, even before birth (innate ideas)
- we just have to remember them
- process of rationalization can help with this
Rationalism- knowledge comes from the ability to reason
Aristotle inductive reasoning
- observing things, use observations to make a generalization
Inductive reasoning- observing particular things, using those observations to make a generalization
- nothing can be known. Should doubt all knowledge that our sense receive because our senses are ever- changing and unreliable
- can’t trust our senses- reasoning not helpful, based on unreliable information
Descartes. “I think therefore I am”
Cogito ergo sum
Tried to eliminate everything from his mind that was an opinion
Realized that the fact the only think he could know is that he is thinking.
Able to think and reason showed him
that he existed
John Locke.
Blank slate and Empiricism
Empiricism. Knowledge comes from the senses
Blank slate.
Born our mind is a blank slate. Experience the world we gain and keep information
Primary vs secondary qualities
Primary. Inseparable from the thing that is perceived. Solidity. Shape. Motion. Number.
Come from senses.
Vary under observation.
Colour. Smell. Taste. Sound.
Berkeley subjective idealism
“ to be je to be perceived”
- only things exist when they are perceived- no separation person who observes and the object (subjective idealism)
Hume causality
- unable to understand relationship between cause and effect (could not these. Not something we experience with the senses)
Posteriori and priori knowledge
Posterior- knowledge that comes from the senses
Priori- knowledge that comes form the human mind and independent sense experience
Kant believes
“Not born blank slate”
Pragmatism- value the practical and useful
- only believe in things that are useful to them. Believe meaning of an idea is identical to its effects
Language games- word or sentence had meaning as only the result of the “rule” of the game
Depending on CONTEXT
Etc. “water” - could be an order. Answer to question. Form of communication
Quine behaviourism
All human behaviours are a result of our experiences and how we have been conditioned
Seven grandfather teachings
Wisdom- beaver
Love- eagle
Respect- Buffalo
Bravery- bear
Honesty- giant
Humility- wolf
Truth- turtle
Theistic normative Ethics
Look at moral rules with God in the centre
Divine command theory
- right and wrong are denied by the commands if a supreme being