Exam I review part 1 (embryo, histo, malformations) Flashcards
Name that HOMOLOGUE! Structure: Gonads…M?F?
Gonads: M-Testes F-Ovaries
Name that HOMOLOGUE! Structure: Genital tubercle…M?F?
Genital tubercle: M-Penis F-Clitoris
Name that HOMOLOGUE! Structure: Urethral/genital swellings…M? F?
Urethral/genital Swellings: M-Scrotum F-Labia Majora
Name that HOMOLOGUE! Structure:Urethral folds…M?F?
Urethral folds: M- Spongy urethra F-Labia Minora
Name that HOMOLOGUE! Structure: UroGential sinus M-Prostate F-?
Skeens glands
Name that HOMOLOGUE! Structure: UroGenital sinus F- Bartholin’s glands..M?
Cowper’s glands
Name that HOMOLOGUE! Structure: UroGenital sinus M-Bladder..F?
Name that HOMOLOGUE! Structure: UroGenital sinus M-Urethra F?
Urethra & Lower Vagina
Name that HOMOLOGUE! Structure:Wolffian Duct M-Rete testis F?
Rete ovarii
What are the 4 structures that develop from the Wolffian Duct in the male?
1.Rete Testis 2.Epididymis 3.Vas Deferens 4.Seminal Vesicles
Name that HOMOLOGUE! Structure: Mullarian duct F-Fallopian tubes M?
Appendix Testis
What are the 3 structures that develop from the Mullerian Duct in the Female?
1.Fallopian Tubes 2.Uterus 3.Upper Vagina
Although the sex is determined genetically at the point of fertilization, the gonads do not acquire male or female characteristics until the _______ week of development.
7th week
What does it mean if the SRY gene is present?
testis/ male development is established
What happens if the SRY gene is absent?
Female development established
What is the street name for the Mesonephric duct? Which sex is this going to develop in?
Mesonephric Duct = Wolffian Duct…Males
What is the street name for the paramesonephric duct which gender does this develop in?
Para-meso-nephric duct = Mullerian duct…Females