Exam B Make Up Material Flashcards
What is the purpose of lysis centrifugation in the clinical lab?
Lyses RBCs to increase the yield of microorganisms in primary cultures
A bacteria is found to have the mecA gene. What is the antibiotic of choice?
linezolid and daptomycin
What’s a synergistic combination of antibiotics…?
Beta lactams + aminoglycosides
A patient is founds to have recurring fevers and a bacteria is found in the patient. The patient was bit by a tick 2 weeks ago. What could the bacteria be?
Borrelia recurrentis, It is spread by ticks. Its not burgdorferi b/c there is no bullseye rash.
What organisms could be used for QC for OF test?
E. Coli for positive fermentation and Pseudomonas aeruginiosa for negative fermentation. I think Klebsiella for green b/c it is assachrolytic
What is the reagent for ONPG?
What is the reagent for the nitrate test?
sulfanilic acid (reagent A)
α-naphthylamine (Reagent B)
What kind of pigments can pseudomonas aeruginosa produce?
Pyocyanin and any other pyopigments
What is the purpose of resin in blood culture bottles?
To inactive antibiotics or medication in the blood of patients
A gran negative rod is isolated from a wound. The bacteria is able to ferment lactose, oxidase positive, and TSI: A/A no gas, no H2S
What are key differential biochemical reactions between Pseudomonas and stenotrophomonas?
A gram negative rod is isolated from a patient’s wound. It is non glucose fermenter, and produces H2S.
What are ideal CO2 levels for anaerobic bacteria’s?
5-10% CO2
What are differentiating biochemical reactions between Aeromonas and shewanella?
What are differentiating biochemical reactions between prevotella and porphyromonas?
What are differentiating biochemical reactions between bacterioides and fusobacterium?
Bacteroides has round ends while fusobacterium has tapered ends.
Bacteroides is resistant to kanamycin and colistin. Fusobacterium is susceptible to kanamycin and colistin
What bacteria is susceptible for SPS disc?
P. Anaerobius
What are visual differences in colonies between M. Hominids and U. Urelyticus?
M. Hominid -> Small pinpoint colonies that are arginine positive
U. Urealyticus -> urease +, large fried egg colonies
What syphilis tests are used to confirm infection?
What is the purpose of D-test in the clinical lab?
To assess if the bacteria has an inducible clindamycin resistance due to erythromycin
What are H2S positive bacteria genus?
Citrobacter, Salmonella, and proteus
What are urease positive organisms?
Proteus, Klebsiella, Serratia, and Moraxella
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What are differences between in appearance between. B. Fragility, and yersinia pestis?
B. Fragility - safety pin appearance due to vacuoles
Y. Pestis - bipolar staining
What is the appearance of yersinia enterocolitica on CIN agar?
Bull’s eye target
What does full purple on LIA mean about the bacteria?
It has lysine decarboxylase
LIA agar with K/A mean?
Glucose fermentation