Exam 6: GU Flashcards
Glomerular filtration rate (GFR):
Directly related to renal blood flow, filtration of plasma per unit of time, measured by age, body weight and plasma creating normal is 90-120
The basic unit of the kidney, a sequence of tubes that filter the blood of waste and conserves the fluid and electrolytes that the body needs
Glomerular capillaries:
Major mechanism of the nephron for waste removal and water recycling
Loop of Henle:
A section within the nephron where high amounts of sodium are reabsorbed and urea secreted from the blood into the tubules
End product of muscle metabolism normal is 0.6-1.2mg/dL
Creatinine clearance:
Measures both blood and urine creatinine in a 24 hour urine volume
Blood urea nitrogen (BUN):
Urea is the product of protein metabolism formed in the liver and excreted by the kidneys. Urea is composite of nitrogenous waste that needs to be excreted
Increase in blood urea nitrogen (BUN) within the bloodstream
Urine analysis:
Looks at various lab values in the urine such as solute concentration, pH, electrolytes, cortisol, bacteria
Fluid-filled swollen kidney caused by postrenal kidney dysfunction from urine backing up within the ureter and into the kidney
Composite of nitrogenous waste that needs to be excreted
Pain/burning when voiding
Urination during the night generally 1 per night is considered normal
WBCs in the urine
Flank pain:
Back pain caused by kidney infection
Costovertebral angle CVA tenderness:
Classic sign of kidney disorder
Small amounts of urine being produced
No urine being produced
Increased urination frequent voiding large amounts
Urinary Incontinence:
Involuntary leaking of urine
Presence of blood in urine