Exam 6-10 Flashcards
Romantic love: “My lover fits my ideal”
Game playing love “I keep my lover up in the air about my commitment
Logical love “I consider a lover’s potential in life before commitment”
Possessive, excited love “I get so excited about my love I can’t sleep”
Selfless love “I would do anything to help my love”
The experience of warmth toward another person that arises from feelings of closeness and contentedness to the other. Desire to give and receive emotional support and to share one’s innermost thoughts with the other
An intense romantic or sexual desires for another person, which is accompanied by physiological arousal
A component of love that involves commitment to maintain the relationship though good times and bad
Sternberg’s model: what is just intamacy
Sternberg’s model: what is just commitment
=empty love
Sternberg’s model: what is just passion
Sternberg’s model: Intamacy+commitment=
Companionate love
Sternberg’s model: Passion+commitment=
Fatuous love
Sternberg’s model: Intimacy+passion=
Romantic love
Consummate Love
Four Phase MJ Sexual Response Cycle
Excitement, Plateau, Orgasmic, Resolution (+Refractory period for males)
Kaplan’s Three Stages of Sexual Response
(doesn’t neccecarlily have to be in this order) 1. desire, 2. excitement 3. orgasm
T/F Orgasm increases the chance of concieving
- aphrodisac
- used by mostly gays
- should only be used for medical reasons, not for sex
Viagra, Cialis and levita
- actually not an aphrodisiac but does facilitate erection
- mostly for men
- dampen sexual arousal
Primary erogenous zones
erotically sensitive because they are rich with nerve endings:
- genitals, inner thighs, perineum, buttocks, anus, breasts, ears, mouth, lips, tounge, theck, naval armpits
Secondary Erogenous
Aroused through association with sexual stimulation
Excitement Phase male
– Erections in men
– Muscle tension and increases in heart rate in both females and
– Sex flush is a reddish rash that may appear on the chest or
breasts late in the excitement phase
Plateau Phase male
– Increases in vasocongestion, muscle tension, heart rate, and
blood pressure
– Rapid breathing and heart rate, blood pressure increases
Orgasmic Phase male
Male orgasms consist of two stages of muscular contractions
1st stage—contractions push seminal fluid into urethral bulb
2nd stage—ejaculation
– In both men and women, muscle spasms occur throughout the
body, and blood pressure and heart rate peak
– Orgasm is a subjective experience
Excitement Phase female
– Muscle tension and increases in heart rate in both females and
– Sex flush is a reddish rash that may appear on the chest or
breasts late in the excitement phase
Plateau phase female
– Increases in vasocongestion, muscle tension, heart rate, and
blood pressure
– Orgasmic platform, which is the thickening of the walls of the outer
third of the vagina, due to vasocongestion
– Sex skin, which is the reddening of the labia minora
– Rapid breathing and heart rate, blood pressure increases
Orgasmic Phase Female
Female orgasms manifest as 3 to 15 contractions of the pelvic
muscles surrounding vaginal barrel
Spacing of contractions more variable in women than in men
Uterus and anal sphincter contract rhythmically
– In both men and women, muscle spasms occur throughout the
body, and blood pressure and heart rate peak
– Orgasm is a subjective experience
Resolution Phase for men and women
– The fourth phase of the sexual response cycle, during which the
body gradually returns to its pre-aroused state
– Resolution takes longer when people do not reach orgasm
– Blood is released from engorged areas, myotonia dissipates, and
blood pressure, heart rate, and respiration return to normal
Refractory period for men
Period of time following an orgasm during which an individual
is no longer responsive to sexual stimulation
Men experience in varying degrees
Usefulness of Helen Singer Kaplan’s stages (Desire, Excitement, Orgasm)
This model is notable for identifying desire as a separate phase of
sexual response
* Useful for identifying and treating sexual dysfunctions
How many kinds of orgasms do women have according to Freud
Clitoral orgasm
Vaginal orgasm
How many kinds of orgasms do women have according to M&J
How many kinds of orgasms do women have according to Pauls
Clitoris is center for orgasmic response
Drugs or other agents that are sexually arousing or that increase
sexual desire
“Spanish fly”
Foods resembling male genitals
Ground-up animal horns
Arginine from African Yohimbe tree
Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra
Drugs (e.g., Wellbutrin and L-dopa) that affect the brain’s
receptors for dopamine
– Substances that inhibit or destroy sexual arousal and desire
Tranquilizers and barbiturates, which depress the central
nervous system
Drugs for hypertension
Some antidepressants
Alcohol on sexual response
- A small amount can be stimulating, but large amounts often curb
sexual arousal and response
– Expectations increase arousal
– Reduces sexual inhibitions
– Binge drinking associated with high-risk sexual behavior
– Can create feelings of euphoria
Effects of Hallucinogens on sexual response
- No proven connection between such drugs and sexual arousal
and response
– Effects may depend on prior use, attitudes/expectations, and
Effects of Stimulants
– Reputed to heighten arousal and sensations of orgasm
– Can elevate mood, which could increase sexual pleasure
– High doses can give rise to irritability, restlessness, hallucinations,
paranoid delusions, insomnia, loss of appetite, and cardiac arrest
Cerebral cortex
– The part of the brain that is active when people engage in sexual
thoughts, images, wishes, and fantasies
– Transmits messages through spinal cord
– Provides sense of conscious sense of self
– Makes judgments about sexual behavior
Limbic system
– Electrical stimulation of hypothalamus in rats prompted mating
– Destruction of certain areas prompted persistent sexual behaviors
– Electrical stimulation of certain areas produced erections and/or
ejaculations in monkeys
Research suggests “pleasure centers” may exist
- When electrodes are implanted, lab animals will repeatedly
activate them
– Electrical stimulation of certain parts of the limbic system has led
to reports of sensations similar to sexual gratification
Hypothalamus and pituitary gland regulate _________ secretion of
sex hormones
Effects of sex hormones
Organizing effects
Exert influence on the type of behavior being expressed
– Activating effects
Ability to perform the behavior
Frequency or intensity of motivation to perform the behavior
Male Sexual Behavior
– Male hormones influence sex drive and response
– Men who are surgically or chemically castrated typically show a
gradual decline in sexual desire
– Hypogonadism
Condition characterized by abnormally low levels of
testosterone production, results in a loss of sexual interest and
a reduction in sexual activity
– No one-to-one correspondence to hormone levels and sex drive
– Testes produce small amounts of estrogen and progesterone
Condition characterized by abnormally low levels of
testosterone production, results in a loss of sexual interest and
a reduction in sexual activity
Female Sexual Behavior
Estrogen and progesterone
Activate changes that occur during puberty and regulate the
menstrual cycle
Do not seem to influence sexual motivation or response in
human females
Most mammals (besides humans) only sexually responsive
during this time
– Androgens influence women’s sexual response
Small amounts produced in adrenal glands and ovaries
*Women who have ovariectomies (surgical removal of the
ovaries) continue to be sexually active
Top 5 reasons for masturbation
To relieve sexual tension
To obtain physical pleasure
Partners are unavailable
To relax
To help get to sleep
Judeo-Christian tradition
– “Onanism” or coitus interruptus prohibited under Jewish law
– St. Augustine condemned all non-procreative sex
Influenced by ancient beliefs
– Perhaps because of need for progeny
Viewed by the medical profession and some sexologists in the18th and
19th centuries as physically and mentally harmful
* Thought that certain foods stimulated the genitals
– Advised parents to take measures to prevent their children from
Dietary changes (Graham and Kellogg)
* Thought male masturbation was psychologically dangerous
– Arrested development of normal erotic interests
– Led to impotence with women
– Encouraged male-male sexual activity
Manual stimulation techniques
– Partners need to communicate their preferences
– Direct stimulation of the penile glans when highly aroused or after
orgasm may be uncomfortable
– Clitoral stimulation can focus on the region around not on shaft
Clitoris should not be stroked if dry
– If fingers are used for insertion they should be clean
– Fisting is the insertion of the fist into the rectum
Oral stimulation of the male genitals
Can be performed in various ways
Oral stimulation of the female genitals
Many women find it to be the best way to achieve orgasm
– Popularity has grown dramatically
– May be prelude to intercourse or sexual end in itself
– “69” is simultaneous oral-genital stimulation
– Many choose to abstain for a variety of reasons
Variations in monthly frequency of intercourse
– Younger higher than older
– Married higher than unmarried
– Latin Americans highest, Asian Americans lowest
– Less educated higher than more educated
– Variations with Body Mass Index (BMI)
– Pregnant women lower than non-pregnant women
Virtually endless number of positions, but four most common used
- Male-superior
– Female-superior
– Lateral-entry
– Rear-entry
Male-superior position
– Man on top
– Missionary position
– Face-to-face allows for kissing and eye contact
– May be difficult to delay ejaculation
– May decrease the opportunity for partner to achieve orgasm
Female-superior position
– Women on top
– Face-to-face allows for kissing and eye contact
– May facilitate orgasm in women and delay ejaculation
Lateral-entry (side-entry) position
– Good for prolonged coitus and during most of pregnancy
– Allows free movement and easy access to bodies
– Awkward position
– Penetration not deep
Rear-entry position
– “Doggy style”
– One variation is useful during later stages of pregnancy
– May be viewed as impersonal or too animalistic
– Manual stimulation of genitals possible
Anal intercourse
– Practiced by male-female and male-male couples
– Rectum is erogenous zone
– Lubrication is necessary
– Varied attitudes towards it
– Education increases likelihood, religion decreases it
– Anilingus (rimming, rim job)
– Health risks
– Not universal in gay couples
Sex fantasies of men
– More than women
– Someone other than current sex partner
– Domination
Sex fantasies of women
– Most have at some point
– Prior sex partners
– Submission