Exam 1 Study Deck Flashcards
Anatomic sex of male or female
Anatomic structures
Feelings and desires
Human sexuality
Our experiences and our expressions of ourselves as sexual beings, which are affected by our culture
Physiology of arousal and response
STIs, reproduction, and sexual dysfunction
Medical Science
Formation of sexual behavior and attitudes
Relations between sexuality and demographic categories (race, religion, SES, etc.)
Cultural differences and similarities
Self-denial of desires
Ancient Hebrews
The Ancient Hebrews
- Emphasized procreative function of sex
- “Be fruitful and multiply”
- Same-sex sexual relations were strongly condemned
- Sex strengthened marriage and solidified family
- Wealthy leaders could have multiple wives
- Women considered property of men
- Adultery was not allowed, at least for women.
The Ancient Greeks (500 BCE to 300 BCE)
Valued family life
Admired male body of muscle and health
Gods viewed as sexually adventurous
Viewed men and women as bisexual
Male-male sex was considered normal as long as it did not interfere with the family
Pederasty was condoned as long as the boy was not prepubescent
Prostitution was very popular
Courtesans and concubines
Women held low social status
Values marriage and sexual fulfillment in marriage only
Premarital sex and adultery condemned
Only men may allowed more than one spouse
Social interactions between men and women restricted
Hinduism views sex as a religious duty
Sexual fulfillment can lead to reincarnation at a higher level
Kama Sutra written between 200 and 400 CE
Became more restrictive after 1000 CE
Taoism (China)
Sex is a form of worship that leads to harmony with nature, as well as immortality
Sex manual came into use about 200 BCE
Intercourse was extended and women’s orgasm mattered
Female, not male, masturbation accepted
Same-sex relations not prohibited
Beginnings of the Scientific Study of Sexuality
Began during the Victorian Era
Sexologists gained credence
Havelock Ellis’ “encyclopedia”
Richard von Krafft-Ebing’s case studies
Sigmund Freud’s theory
Alfred Kinsey’s surveys
Learning theories
behaviorists and social cognitive theory
Focus on the effects of rewards and punishments on behavior
Social Cognitive Theory
Learn by observation and reinforcement
Cognitive Theories
Emphasizes cognitive activity
- Problem solving
- Decision making
- Expectations
- Attitudes and beliefs
An _________ approach is used to study human sexuality
Scientific Method
- Formulate a research question
- Frame in form of a hypothesis
- Test the hypothesis
- Draw conclusions
Goals of the Science of Human Sexuality
Describe, predict, explain, control
Stratified random sample
Represents subgroups in population proportionately
Case Study
Carefully drawn, in-depth biography of an individual or a small group of individuals that may be obtained through interviews, questionnaires, and historical records