Exam 4: Ch 24 Digestive System Flashcards
The digestive tract is how long
16 ft
Functions of the digestive system
ingestion, digestion, absorption, transport, and defecation
When is material ingested no longer foreign to the body
when it is absorbed
Layers of the GI tract
- Mucosa
- submucosa
- Muscularis Externa
- Serosa or Adventitia
Mucous membrane layer of the GI tract
Areolar connective tissue, blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, etc in this layer of the GI tract
Usually 2 layers of smooth muscle in GI tract
Muscularis Externa
thin layer of areolar connective tissue covered by mesothelium (simple squamous epithelium) in GI tract
Fibrous connective tissue layer in GI tract
Where is Serosa in the GI tract
Begins at the lower region of the esophagus and ends just before rectum
Where is Adventitia in the GI tract
Pharynx, most of esophagus, and rectum
What are the mesenteries
connective tissue sheets that maintain positions of abdominal organs and prevent twisting of small intestine. Nerves and blood vessels pass through it to serve the digestive organs
serous membrane that lines the wall of abdominal cavity
parietal peritoneum
2 layered membrane that extends to the organs of the digestive tract
posterior mesentery
lesser omentum (mesentery)
extends from liver to the lesser curvature of stomach
greater omentum (mesentery)
extends from greater curvature of stomach and loosely covers small intestine
Organ enclosed on both sides by mesentery (omenta) is described as
Organ that lies against the posterior body wall with only one side covered by peritoneum
The oral cavity starts and ends where and is lined by what
extends from oral fissure to fauces of oropharynx and is lined by stratified squamous epithelium
Lip regions and descritions
- Cutaneous region: same color as face; hair/ mustache
- Vermillion region: red area; hairless region where lips meet
- Labial mucosa: inner surface that faces gums and teeth
What attaches upper lip to gums and lower lip to gums
Superior labial frenulum and inferior labial frenulum
What is the epithelium on tongue (same as oral cavity)
stratified squamous
Body of tongue
Anterior 2/3 in oral cavity; lingual frenulum attaches body to floor of mouth
root of tongue
Posterior 1/3 in oropharynx; contains lingual tonsils
What are lingual papillae
surface projections on tongue
Lingual papillae that are mushroom-shaped; contain taste buds on tongue
Fungiform papillae
Lingual papillae that are cone-shaped; lack taste buds
Filiform papillae
Lingual papillae that are vertical folds on sides of tongue; contain taste buds
Foliate papillae
Lingual papillae that are anterior to sulcus terminalis; contain taste buds
Vallate papillae
Lingual papillae that dont contain taste buds
Filiform papillae
Separates the oral cavity from nasal cavity
Projection from middle of soft palate
Muscular arches; run from roof to floor; palatine tonsils in between these arches
Palatoglossal arch and palatopharyngeal arch
This muscular arch signifies the beginning of the pharynx
palatopharyngeal arch
This tooth shape serves to bite off food
This tooth shape serves to puncture, tear and shred food
This tooth shape serves to crush and grind food
Premolars and Molars
Bony socket in mandible or maxilla in which teeth are suspended
Visible region of tooth above the gum
Region of tooth in alveolus
region with crown, root, and gum meet
located in crown and upper region of the root
pulp cavity
located in lower region of the root
root canal
Compound tubuloalveolar glands that secrete saliva
Salivary glands
Functions of saliva secretion
- salivary amylase (carb digestion)
- lipases (lipid digestion)
- Antibacterial
- Mucus: binds and lubricates food
Extrinsic salivary gland located beneath the ear
Extrinsic salivary gland located under body of mandible
submandibular (submaxillary)
Extrinsic salivary gland located under the tongue
Funnel shaped organ that conducts food and air called the “throat”
Straight, muscular tube that conducts bolus to stomach
Where is the esophagus to the trachea
posterior to trachea
Esophagus is lined by what
nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium and mucous glands in submucosa
esophagus passes through this opening in the diaphragm
esophageal hiatus
Ring of smooth muscle at the junction of esophagus and stomach to prevent regurgitation
Lower esophageal sphincter
J shaped organ; Most dilated region of GI; where the chemical digestion of proteins begins
The stomach is lined by what epithelium
Mucus secreting simple columnar cells
Temporary folds present in an empty stomach; allow for distension
Superior margin of stomach attached to lesser omentum
Lesser Curvature
Inferior margin attached to the greater omentum
Greater Curvature
The muscularis externa in the stomach is composed of three layers:
Inner oblique
middle oblique
outer longitudinal
What happens to the bolus in the stomach
Becomes chyme: liquefied acidified food
Cardia of stomach
short; joint esophagus
Fundus of stomach
dome-shaped region
Body of stomach
Bulk of stomach distal to cardia
Pylorus of stomach
funnel-shaped distal region joining the duodenum
pyloric sphincter of stomach
controls entry of chyme into small intestine
Gastric glands are described as
simple coiled tubular glands
Cell types found in the gastric glands
Mucous cells
Parietal cells
Chief cells
Enteroendocrine cells
Regenerative cells
These cell types are found in gastric glands of primarily the upper 1/2 of stomach
Parietal cells and chief cells
This cell types secretes HCl and gastric intrisic factor
Parietal cells
This cell type secretes pepsinogen and gastric lipase
chief cell
This cell type secretes hormones in gastric glands that regulate digestion
Enteroendocrine cell
Primary site of chemical digestion and nutrient absorption
small intestine
How long is the small intestine
5 m
Initial segment of small intestine that receives chyme, bile, pancreatic enzymes, and bicarbonate ions
bile duct and pancreatic duct opens here
Major duodenal papilla
receives accessory pancreatic duct here
Minor duodenal papilla
Most digestion and absorption in small intestine here
Part of small intestine that joins cecum of large intestine
lmphatic nodules in wall of small intestine
Peyer Patches
Junction of Ileum with Cecum
Ileocecal junction
Sphincter formed by muscularis externa and regulates food entry into large intestine
Ileocecal valve
3 Surface modifications that increase the surface area for absorption by several 100x in the small intestine.
- Plicae Circulares
- Villi (Villus)
- Microvilli
Circular folds of the mucosa and submucosa to increase surface area
Plicae Circulares
Projections of the mucosa to increase surface area
Villi (Villus)
Highly folded regions of the plasma membrane of enterocytes aka brush borfer
Cells that line a villus and their functions
- Enterocytes: simple columnar epithelial cells; nutrient absorptive cells
- Goblet cells: mucus secretion for movement of chyme
Intestinal glands with enterocytes and goblet cells and paneth cells
Intestinal Crypts
Size of the large intestine
5 ft x 1 in
Primary function of large intestine
water and ion absorption
Are surface modifications (plicae and villi) present
Limited vitamin synthesis carried out by what in the large intestine
resident bacteria
Epithelium in large intestine
simple columnar epithelium except in lower anal canal
The 3 bands that divide the colon into 3 ribbons of muscle fascicles are called the
taeniae coli
Initial segment of large intestine joins with ileum
where is the appendix located
Cecum of large intesine
begins at the ileocecal valve. Passes up right side of abdominal cavity.
Ascending colon
What follows the ascending colon
Right colic (hepatic) flexure: 90 right turn
crosses abdominal horizontally
transverse colon
turn following the transverse colon
Left colic (splenic) flexure
Passes down left side of abdominal cavity
descending colon
S shaped region of colon
Sigmoid colon
Continuation of large intestine into pelvic cavity
mucosal folds that retain the feces
Transverse rectal folds
Passes through pelvic floor. external opening is the anus
Anal Canal
prevent seepage of fecal material
Anal Valves/sinuses
Accessory Digestive Glands
Largest gland in body
Produces bile
The liver receives nutrient rich blood from small intestine via
Porta hepatis