Exam 3 Study Guide Flashcards
Roman Forum
Rectangular building used for business and civil things
People living around Rome
Via Salaria
Ancient road that went through modern Rome and probably helped to make Rome what it is today
Temple on the top of Capitoline Hill, finished in 509 BCE, one of the great temples of the Med.
Republican Government
Dual consulship, 10 tribunes,
Division of power, two consuls
Forbid/ override decision made by others
Elected once a year, retains power
Executive power to convene the Senate, power over life and death, lead armies
Hereditary body of wealthy families
Any one who was not a Patrician (Usually less wealthy)
10 elected Plebeians who could veto the consuls, and no one could touch them. Annual office
Annual magistracy, absolute power, dual consulship, voted into office, for a while could only be patricians, always male citizens
3,000 Senators, electing body
Supreme power (Caesar became dictator)
Patron-client relationship
parsons would give legal help, advice, and access to the judicial network, clients would give money, gifts, assistance, votes, body guards
Works that expose what needs to be changed in a humorous way
Battle of Actium
31 BCE, Octavian vs Mark Antony and Cleopatra
Death or banishment
Rise of Octavian
Wins bloody civil war, kills all his enemies, changes his name, distances himself from the war
Surrounding conquered lands
Pax Romana
Roman Peace, emphasized by Octavian
Rule of 4, 2 emperors for each half of the empire, Augustus and Caesar, not hereditary, lasts not long
Early Rome
More important than people assume
Republic Political System
Two consuls, 10 tribunes, senate, plebians vs patricians, eventual adding of plebeians into government affairs
Slavery in the Roman World
Lots of slaves, would be freed for credible behavior or purchase own freedom with hard work. when freed, had restricted rights. regarded as a member of the family/household. many revolts, pirates increased slave trade
Christianity in the Roman Empire
persecuted, legalized by Constantine, spread
3rd Century Crisis
Corrupt emperors, border conflicts, Economic collapse
753: Founding of Rome
When the Romans thought Romulus and Remus founded Rome
Romulus and Remus
Brothers who founded Rome according to legend
Founding Myths
Roman: Romulus and Remus in 753 BCE
Greek: Aeneas (Trojan) in 1200 BCE (His descendents are Romulus and Remus)
Trojan hero, founds Rome, descendants are Romulus and Remus
Son of Aeneas, founds Alba Longa
Latin King’s (Latinus)’ daughter, marries Aeneas, hair catches fire
Queen of Carthage, falls in love with Aeneas, kills herself when he leaves
Italic tribe living to the north of Rome
Tarquinias Superbus
Last King of Rome
Founding of the Republic
Kingship was abandoned, two consuls were installed, and Patricians became powerful
Carthaginian Wars
Punic Wars, Rome vs. Carthage, Rome wins, first time they actually have an empire
North African city with a small city
Carthaginian general, used elephants, famous
Julius Caesar
Young aristocrat, United with Pompeius and Crassius, got elected as consul, becomes governor of Gaul, marches on Rome and takes over, became dictator
Pompeius Magnus, Plebian general, climbed his way to the top, defeated Mithridates, other aristocrats hated him, mad at Caesar because he makes himself look to good, befriends aristocracy against Caesar, killed
Helps Caesar and Pompey, dies
Takes over Roman empire after bloody civil war after death of Caesar, changes his name to Augustus, won’t bring up the war, tries to emphasize peace, kills all his enemies, says he’s restoring the republic
Cleopatra VII
Macedonian descent, last pharaoh, allies with Marc Antony, loses to Octavian
End Roman Rule, attack borders a lot
Solder Emperors
Brutal, short lived emperors from the military who were awful at governing and everyone hated them
Makes the tetrarchy
Unites empire, last emperor (Kinda), moves capital to Constantinople, has new Senate, legalizes Christianity