Exam #3: Rheumatology Flashcards
What condition involves malar rash, discoid rash, polyarthritis, mucosal ulcers, renal issues?
What three findings will be + with SLE?
+Anti-dsDNA (+ if acute)
+Anti-Sm (+ if acute OR chronic)
What condition involves:
+Anti-dsDNA (+ if acute)
+Anti-Sm (+ if acute OR chronic)
How can you differentiate acute vs. chronic SLE?
ACUTE: +Anti-dsDNA, +Anti-Sm
What ANA subtype is associated with VTE?
Antiphospholipid Ab
- Antiphospholipid Syndrome
What condition involves morning stiffness 1+ hours; redness/swelling of PIP and MCPs (DIPs spared), ulnar deviation at MCPs?
What joints are affected, and which are spared with RA?
- PIP and MCPs affected
- DIPs spared
What three findings will be + with RA?
+Anti-CCP (high specificity)
+/- RF (moderate specificity)
What condition involves:
What condition involves speckled pattern on immunofluorescent stain?
What condition involves sicca complex: fatigue, dry mouth/eyes, diffuse joint aching?
Sjogren Syndrome
What condition involves:
Sjogren Syndrome
What three findings will be + with Sjogren Syndrome?
What condition involves proximal aching/stiffness esp. in morning/prolonged sitting; subjective weakness, normal strength?
Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR)
What condition is improved with steroids, age 55+ years?
Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR)
What finding will be + if Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR)?
What condition presents with elevated ESR? What other condition might present with an elevated ESR?
Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) - Also associated with Giant Cell Temporal Arteritis
What condition involves generalized arthralgias and myalgias, “foggy” mind; normal PE; NORMAL LABS?
What condition involves low back pain, progressive stiffness (worse in morning and with rest, better with activity)?
Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS)
What condition involves bamboo spine, sacroiliitis; association with plantar fasciitis?
Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS)
What finding will be + with Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS)?
What condition involves:
Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS)
What condition involves CREST, and what does this stand for?
LIMITED Systemic Sclerosis
- Calcinosis
- Raynaud’s
- Esophageal dysfunction
- Sclerodatyly
- Telangiectasias
What two findings will be + with LIMITED Systemic Sclerosis?
What condition involves:
LIMITED Systemic Sclerosis
What two findings will be + with DIFFUSE Systemic Sclerosis?
+Anti-Scl-70 Ab
What condition involves:
+Anti-Scl-70 Ab
DIFFUSE Systemic Sclerosis
What three findings will be seen with Gout?
- Negatively birefringent
- Needle-shaped
What three findings will be seen with Pseudogout?
- Positively birefringent
- Rhomboid-shaped
What condition involves MSU, negatively birefringent, needle-shaped?
What condition involves CPPD, positively birefringent, rhomboid-shaped?
What is the most severe risk associated with an Arthrocentesis?
What test is used to evaluate joint effusion or inflammation?
What are four indications for performing an Arthrocentesis?
- New onset/acute monoarthritis
- Suspected crystal arthritis
- Suspected infection/septic arthritis
- Unexplained swelling
What three characteristics are seen with NORMAL Joint (Synovial) Fluid?
- Viscous
- Clear (egg white consistency)
- Acellular
How can you differentiate inflammatory from Non-inflammatory joint?
- Inflammatory = 2000+ WBCs
- Non-inflammatory = less than 2000 WBCs
If joint fluid is opaque, what is this indicative of?
Septic joint
If joint fluid is yellow, what is this indicative of (2)?
- Inflammatory joint
- Non-inflammatory joint
If joint fluid is yellow/green, what is this indicative of?
Septic joint
If joint fluid has LOW viscosity, what is this indicative of?
Inflammatory joint
A joint is _____ if 100,000 WBCs until proven otherwise?
Joint with 75+% neutrophils (PMNs) is indicative of?
Septic joint
What type of joint presents with + culture?
Septic joint