Exam 3 - Respiratory Flashcards
What is epiglottitis?
Life threatening illness characterized by inflammation of the epiglottis
Causative organisms of epiglottitis
- Strep pneumonia
- Klebsiella sp.
- Staph aureus
What vaccine has made the incidence of epiglottitis low?
Hib vaccine
Clinical findings (history) of epiglottitis
- Abrupt onset fever
- Irritability
- Muffled voice
- Severe sore throat
- Dyspnea
- Dysphagia
- Drooling
- Increased respiratory distress
- Child appears acutely ill and toxic appearing
Epiglottitis physical examination
- Inspiratory and expiratory stridor
- Aphonia (muffled voice)
- Nasal flaring and retractions
- Child assumes a position of hyperextension of the neck
- Sitting in tripod position
What should the provider NOT due during the physical examination of a child with epiglottitis?
Do not examine/swab the throat because of reflex laryngospasm → suffocation
Diagnostic studies for epiglottitis
- Blood culture
- Lateral neck radiograph → “thumb” print sign is (+) for epiglottitis
Epiglottitis management
- Refer to ER → establish airway, start IV antibiotics, oxygen
- Early consultation with pediatric otolaryngology and anesthesiologist
- Do not place child in supine position
Epiglottitis prevention
- Immunization (hib)
- Hand washing
What is bronchiolitis?
Most common respiratory infection in infancy (peak incidence in infants < 6 months)
- Destruction of bronchiole lining + bronchospasm + copious mucus production
- Insidious onset of URI symptoms
Clinical findings (history) of bronchiolitis
- Initial: cough, coryza, rhinorrhea, fever for 1-2 days
- Mild fever, apnea, decreased feeding
- Wheezing, course crackles, tachypnea, mild severe chest retractions starting 1-2 days after URI symptoms and lasts up to 12 days
- Severe cases: cyanosis, air hunger, retractions, nasal flaring
Bronchiolitis physical examination findings
- Upper respiratory → coryza, mild conjunctivitis
- Lower respiratory → tachypnea, retractions, wheezing, crackles, signs of respiratory distress
Bronchiolitis diagnostic studies
- History and physical exam findings
- If severe, chest x-ray to rule out pneumonia or pneumothorax
What is the most common cause of bronchiolitis?
Bronchiolitis management
- Supportive care → fever control (Tylenol), hydration, nutrition, oxygenation >90%
- Nasal suction
- Saline drops
What is an URI?
Aka common cold
- Can indicate the beginning or advancing signs of a more serious illness
URI clinical findings (history)
Symptoms typically resolve after 10 days
- Nasal congestion, cough, sneezing, rhinorrhea, fever, hoarseness, pharyngitis
- Gradual onset low grade fever
- Sore throat
URI physical exam findings
- Mild conjunctival injection
- Red nasal mucosa
- Mild erythema of pharynx
- Anterior cervical lymphadenopathy <2 cm
- Chest clear to auscultation
URI diagnostic studies
- Throat culture not indicated if there are nasal symptoms with throat pain
- If presenting symptom is sore throat, and not rhinitis, collect rapid strep test
URI management
- Supportive care → antipyretics, pain management, nasal congestion, hydration
What is bronchitis?
Acute and self limiting inflammation of the trachea and bronchi with a cough that lasts 1-3 weeks without pulmonology consolidation (can last 6 weeks)
- Usually viral
Viral vs bacterial bronchitis
- Viral: flu A and B, parainfluenza, RSV
- Bacterial: m. pneumoniae, c. pneumoniae
Acute bronchitis triggers
- Cigarette smoking
- Chemical irritants
- Undiagnosed asthma
Acute bronchitis clinical presentation
- Cough with or without sputum production (sputum may be clear and become mucoid)
- Low grade fever
- Wheezes, rhonchi, coarse rales
- Burning substernal pain with inspiration
- Nasopharyngeal symptoms
Acute bronchitis diagnostic studies
Clinical diagnosis
- Cough with normal vital signs
- Absence of tachypnea, tachycardia, rales, egophony
Acute bronchitis
- Symptom reduction and supportive care → rest, hydration, humidifier, antipyretics, smoking cessation
- WEAK evidence for antitussives and bronchodilators
- Antibiotics only if b. pertussis is suspected (macrolide)