Exam 3: Prejudice Flashcards
3 Components of Attitudes (in relation to topic)
Affective: Prejudice
-Negative/hostile feelings about someone solely based on their group membership
Cognitive: Stereotype
-Beliefs about someone solely based on their group membership
Behavioral: Discrimination
-How you behave towards someone solely based on their group membership
Modern Racism and Sexism
- Less obvious/apparent, more subtle/ambiguous
- Microaggressions: everyday verbal or nonverbal slights, whether intentional or unintentional, which communicate negative messages to target people based solely on their marginalized group membership
- Social Distance: distance between different groups in society
Measures of Prejudice (textbook)
- Explicit Self Report
- Indirect Measures (Bogus Pipeline)
- Implicit Measures (IAT): unconscious prejudice, awareness of cultural stereotype
Social Sources of Prejudice
- Ingroup/Outgroup Bias
- Realistic Conflict Theory
- Social Inequities
- Conformity
- Social Learning Theory
Ingroup/Outgroup Bias (Social Source)
- Pattern of favoring members of one’s in-group over out-group members
- Maintains self esteem
- Minimal Group Paradigm: method for investigating the minimal conditions required for discrimination to occur between groups
- Blue vss Brown Eyed Experiment: gave blue eyed children more privileges which caused them to be arrogant and to belittle the brown eyed group
Realistic Conflict Theory (Social Source)
- Limited resources leads to conflict/competition and therefore prejudice
- Leads to scapegoating
- Robbers Cave Experiment: superordinate goals that promote unity reduces conflict between groups and competing for resources causes conflict between groups (split boys by similarities, created competition, resolved conflict between groups)
Social Inequities (Social Source)
- Prejudice used to justify inequality
- Ex: Black people are not as intelligent so they don’t need to have equal or quality access to education
Conformity (Social Source)
- Normative Influence: influence of other people that leads us to conform in order to be liked and accepted by them (start taking on same beliefs)
- Informational Influence: people observe the actions of others to reflect correct behavior in a given situation (institutionalized racism/sexism)
Social Learning Theory (Social Source)
- Idea that people learn from one another via observation, imitation, and modeling
- Modeling: a means by which humans learn by observation, extraction of information from those observations, and making decisions about the performance of the behavior
Cognitive Sources of Prejudice
- Categorization
- Automatic vs. Controlled Processes
- Illusory Correlation: phenomenon of perceiving a relationship between variables even when no such relationship exists
- Fundamental Attribution Error
- Just World Hypothesis (results in blaming the victim)
Categorization (Cognitive Source)
-Outgroup Homogeneity Effect: one’s perception of out-group members as more similar to one another than are in-group members (diverse vs. not diverse)
Automatic vs. Controlled Processes
- Even when you don’t believe the stereotype, just your awareness of it may cause you to use it
- Helps differentiate implicit and explicit attitudes
- Automatic Processing: processing that occurs without the need for attention or the awareness of the initiation/operation of the process (activates stereotype)
- Controlled Processing: process that is under the flexible, intentional control of the individual (helps us decide whether or not to use it)
Implications of Prejudice for the Victim?
- Self-fulfilling Prophecy: prediction that directly or indirectly causes itself to become true due to positive feedback between belief and behavior
- Stereotype Threat: a difficult situation in which people are or feel themselves to be at risk of conforming to stereotypes about their social group