exam 3 =phonological deviation Flashcards
gum –> [dʌm] (i.e., “key” becomes “tey”).
velars /k,g,ŋ/ are replaced by more anterior consonants
/k/ replaced by /t/
/g/ replaced by /d/
/ŋ/ replaced by /n/
[anterior–>posterior] tea-> [ki]
front sounds is substituted for a sound produced further back-daddy –> “gaggy”
anterior consonants are replaced by velars /k,g,ŋ/
/t/ replaced by /k/
/d/ replaced by /g/
/n/ replaced by /ŋ/
process in which stops are substituted by by fricatives (continuant resonant)
(manner of artic. change) the replacement of fricatives or affricates with a stop sound, “deep” for “jeep”
substitution of a “t, d, p, b, k” or “g” for “s, z, sh, f, v” or “th” (i.e., “zipper” becomes “dipper”).
replacing a liquid /l/ /ɹ/ sound or any other consonants with a glide /w/ or /j/]
rock-> [wɑk]
“love” –>”wove” “run.–>wun”
process that affects liquids
when a vowel is substituted by a vocalic liquid (affecting postvocalic liquids)
liquids /l/ or /ɹ/ are replaced by vowels
zipper-> [zɪpʊ]
hair –>”Hay-uh”
people –> “peopo”
vowel neutralization
syllabic liquid used instead of a vowel simple --> simpo able --> abuh paper --> papo table --> tabo yellow -> [jʌlʌ]
changing “ch” or “j” for another sound
chin –> “sin”
t͡ʃ –>ʃ
substituting an alveolar fricative s,z, for a palatal fricative sh and j (measure) cheek --> teek , matches -->matsiz, judge -->judz, jane -->dane shoe --> sue
How many Assimilations processes?
(6) labial nasal velar alveolar palatal liquid
labial assimilation
[regressive & progressive]
(Place of Artic)changing of a non labial sound to a labial (b,p,m,w) due to another labial sound in a word.
pen –> peb
smoke –> /fmoʊk/
regressive:later phoneme affects an earlier phoneme
ex: spoon–>[fpum]
progressive : earlier phoneme affects later phoneme
nasal assimilation
(Manner of Artic)
non-nasal sound is produced as a nasal sound due to the presence of a nasal phoneme within the same word,
“candy –>”nanny”
velar assimilation
(Place of Artic) a velar is substituted for a non-velar consonant because of a nearby velar sound
“dog” –> “gog”
alveolar assimilation
(Place of Artic)changing a non alveolar sound to an alveolar (t,d,n,l,s,z). soup --> suit door --> dod toss --> tot cat-->[tæt]
liquid assimilation
liquid + liquid / non-liquid + liquid
palatal assimilation
major substitutions
stopping fronting backing gliding liquid vowelization vowel neutralization affrication/deaffrication palatalization/depalatalization glottal replacement
syllable structure (context related) 7
Metathesis Migration Coalescence Reduplication Epenthesis Diminutive Cluster Creation
Metathesis occurs when two consonants within a syllable are placed in a different order. There is a reordering of the sequence of consonants (C) and vowels (V) within a syllable
When a consonant is moved to a different position in a word
replacement of 2 consonants by one new consonants that features the original 2
last–> “lath”
would you –> /wʊdʒu/
miss you –> / miʃu/
Repetition of a complete (or incomplete) syllable water -->/wæwæ/ bottle -->/bæbæ/ basket-->[bæbæ] incomplete ex: music box -->/mumubɑ/
A vowel is misplaced or inserted in a word, usually the schwa
ex: black –> “balæk”
horse –> horsie
cluster creation
How many Voicing Alterations are there?
Vocalic Voicing
Prevocalic Devoicing
Postvocalic Devoicing
Singleton Consonant Omission
truck–> “tuck”
school –>”sool”
When a consonant is omitted
Consonant cluster reduction
Cluster reduction occurs when one or more consonants in a cluster is omitted.
Glottal replacement
Ex: gun–> ?un
boat-> [boʊ?]
a glottal stop is substituted for any phoneme
If seen repeatedly, possibly indicates improperly working Velum or history of cleft palate
What is an assimilation process?
one sound changes to become more like another sound
Can impact Place of Artic., Manner of Artic. and Voicing
What is a substitution process?
when one class of sounds is replaced for another class of sounds
affricate is substituted for a fricative or a consonant cluster, or when a stop is added before a continuant sound
sheet –> cheat / ʃ –> t͡ʃ/
a nonpalatal consonant is replaced by a palatal consonant
see –>she
Prevocalic voicing
when a voiceless prevocalic is replaced by a voiced consonant
cup–> [gʌp]
fish –> /vɪʃ/ or /bɪʃ/
Prevocalic devoicing
when a prevocalic voiced consonant is replaced by a voiceless consonant
ex: gum–> [kʌm] or / tʌm/ (also fronting)
Post vocalic devoicing
postvocalic voiced consonant is replaced by a voiceless consonant
ex: page–> [peɪtʃ]