Exam 3 part 3 Flashcards
Motivated by the desire to improve another’s welfare.
audience inhibition
Reluctance to help for fear of making a bad impression on observers
Bystander effect
The effect whereby the presence of others inhibits helping.
diffusion of responsibility
The belief that others will or should take the responsibility for providing assistance to a person in need.
Good mood effect/fell good do good phenomenon
The effect whereby a good mood increases helping behaviour. (p. 383)
kin selection
Help genetic relatives so commo genes will survive
Negative state relief model
The proposition that people help others in order to counteract their own feelings of sadness.
Norm of social responsibility
A moral standard emphasizing that people should help those who need assistance
Pluralistic ignorance
The state in which people mistakenly believe that their own thoughts and feelings are different from those of others, even when everyone’s behaviour is the same
prosocial behaviours
Actions intended to benefit others. (p. 361)
social norm
A general rule of conduct reflecting standards of social approval and disapproval. (p. 385)
threat-to-self-esteem model
The theory that reactions to receiving assistance depend on whether help is perceived as supportive or threatening. (p. 391)
Reciprocity Norm: Someone does something for you, youll help in return: social code
Rewards: It feels good to help
Social exchange theory: the benefit of doing something outweigh the cost of doing so
When do we help?
Good mood: More likely to help - study with the coins in the phone boot and the phone (spilled paper on the ground)
Empathy level in oneself
Someone else model (Donation in front of grocery store, often happen in waves)