Exam 3: Career counseling Flashcards
central values of counseling psychology (5)
- Emphasis on a person’s strengths and optimal functioning
- Commitment to advocacy and social justice, ongoing awareness of importance of environmental context and culture
- Brief, educational, and preventive interventions
- Dedications to the scientist-practitioner model
- Focus on the whole person, with emphasis on life span development and vocational growth
career counseling
focuses on issues such as career exploration, career change, career maladjustment, and other career related issues over the lifespan ⇒ job may be stressful or be separate from counseling to explore
what things do career counseling utilize? (5)
- assessments
- classes
- workshops
- other resources
- Intake, decide if they want to continue, 4-5 more sessions ⇒ assessments get sent, termination and next steps
common questions for career counseling? (6)
- How do I get a job?
- What shall I choose?
- Who am I? ⇒ self concepts
- How do I shape my career?
- How can work help me grow as a person? ⇒ meaning
- How can I do better?
what is the most common client concern in career counseling?
Career dissatisfaction
what are other client concerns of career counseling? (13)
- Career dissatisfaction
- Interviewing concerns
- Networking concerns
- Confusion regarding career goals
- Job search concerns
- Career transitions
- work/life balance
- Lack of knowledge about the world of work
- resume/cover letter help
- Feeling unsure about what to pursue
- Negotiation concerns
- Discrimination
- Managing emotions
key theories of career counseling (2)
- Person-environment fit (PE fit)
- Developmental perspectives
what are sub-parts of Person-environment fit (PE fit) (2)
- theory of work adjustment (TWA)
- Holland’s theory of vocational personalities in work environments
what are sub-parts of developmental perspectives?
- Self concept theory: super’s life span, life space perspective
- Social cognitive career theory (SCCT)
Person-environment fit (PE fit)
theories emphasize that career satisfaction and success occurs when there is fit between individual and characteristics and recruitments of the job
Developmental perspectives (def with 3 components)
theories describe career development occurs over the lifespan and is influenced by one’s self concept, societal expectations, and feedback from others
theory of work adjustment (TWA)
view career choice and development as continued processes of adjustment and accommodation ⇒ environments meet their needs and workers have proper skills
what are the TWA predictive model components?
- tenure can be regarded as the goal ⇒ stability and promotions
- To reach the goal you want to remain in the organization or you quit/get fired when unsatisfied
- If you remain you are satisfied and they are satisfied with you
things that you want to get, things that are important
values card
assessment in career counseling done in session where they are provided work values
components of the value card
- Client’s sort values into categories for what they need vs want vs don’t need
- Can help people concretely decide what is important to them as well as empowers the client
what are the 4 adjustment styles?
- flexibility
- activeness
- reactiveness
- perseverance
the person’s level of tolerance for personal and environmental satisfaction ⇒ how flexible you are
if the person has a tendency to work on the environment to change correspondence ⇒ change the environment