Exam 2: Feminist theory, Behavioral therapy, CBT Flashcards
feminist theory of counseling
integrative model of psychotherapy practice informed by feminist political philosophies and analysis ⇒ range of political, ideological, etc. movement
components of feminist counseling (2 main + 5)
- The person is political
- Egalitarian therapeutic relationship
- Emerged from grassroots movements ⇒ no single founder for this
- Grounded in multicultural feminist scholarship
- Attention on power dynamic in and outside therapy
- aims to find equality ⇒ therapist and client toward strategies
- Cultural and identity analysis of the client and the therapist
sex definition
the classification of people as male or female based on some biological characteristics
intersex definition
an individual whose combination of chromosomes, hormones, internal and external sex organs, etc. differs from the two traditionally prescribed patterns of male or female (1-2% population)
- Sex is not grounded in biological reality based on our bodies ⇒ range of biological characteristics
socially constructed roles, behaviors, attitudes, and attributes
cisgender and transgender
Cisgender: a person whose gender aligns with their sex assigned at birth
- Assigned male at birth assumption = boy/man
- Assigned female at birth assumption = girl/woman
Transgender: a person who identifies as a gender other than their sex assigned at birth
system of attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors that devalue women and femininity while privileging men and masculinity ⇒ often discrimination on the basis of sex and gender
- It is a system and operates across all levels of society ⇒ individual, institution, interpersonal, ideological, etc. ⇒ harmful to all people including men
first psychiatric disorder believed to arise only in women
- Anxiety, tremors, conversions, madness, etc.
- Has lead to skewed diagnosis for women ⇒ women have been stigmatized in psychology
- Relates to how gender norms have shaped what makes a person healthy or well
- Any deviations from expected norms were considered signs of mental illness ⇒ still happens
where was hysteria believed to come from?
caused by the uterus being contaminated ⇒ i.e could only affect women
- adherence to gender norms
how were institutionalized women analyzed/treated? (2)
- Pathologization of emotions and behaviors were not matching gender norms
- Psychopathology reinforces gender norms and/or sexually inappropriate behavior from men (sexual assault)
historical background of feminist therapy from 60s
consciousness raising groups ⇒ struggles with marginalization
- Not originally designed for therapy but became therapeutic
consciousness according to feminist theory
a marginalized persons awareness that their mistreatment is not because of their personal failings but occurs because they are a member of an oppressed and disenfranchised group(s)
historical background of feminist therapy from 70s
- Aspects of consciousness groups started being infused into traditional modes of therapy
- American Psychological Association (APA) begins to incorporate feminism
- First created a task force which lead to funding of the division of psychology for women
- Women of color were fundamental for this
historical background of feminist therapy from 80s
- Individual feminist therapy became common
- Exclusion of women of color/minority women ⇒ only incorporated white women
- Movement away from androcentric theories - Androcentricity fails to account for the perspective of women
androcentric theories
male centered theories of development and psychology
historical background of feminist therapy from 90s
- Re-focusing on diversity and multiple identities ⇒ calling for addressing broader diversity issues
- Gender and sex are not dichotomous
- No longer only focused on cisgender women ⇒ oppressions in general
modern feminist therapy (and 2 elements)
emphasize importance of diversity, social activism, and attention to interdependence of personal and social identities
1. person is political
2. egalitarian therapeutic relationship
the person is political definition
people’s experience is intrinsically linked to systems of oppression
egalitarian therapeutic relationship definition
focused on relationship between the role of the client and the therapist ⇒ the client is experienced, trustworthy, etc. about their own experiences
how do problems develop in feminist therapy? (2)
- problems develop within interpersonal, social, and economic contexts
- Origin of problems is often outside the individual ⇒ patriarchy, obsession
- Internalization of oppression and or socially prescribed rules of behaviors
distress/dysfunction vs psychopathology
- Feminist therapist avoid diagnosing as much as possible - problems arise when coping strategies are no longer working in the current context
- View symptoms as signs of resistance to experience of oppression and attempts to solve the problems of powerlessness
how does change occur in feminist therapy?
- Helps clients develop a range of coping skills and behaviors that are freely chosen
- a powerful client knows what they think and thinks critically about their own thoughts about themselves and others ⇒ able to be effective in their lives and relationships with others
- Understand the choices available to them and make decisions that align with their values
- The therapist helps them understand how power functions in their lives ⇒ pathology lies in a cultural social context as well
empowerment definition
assisting clients in recognizing, claiming, and using their personal power to free themselves from the limitations of socialization processes ⇒ gender roles
techniques of feminist therapy? (4)
technically integrative from other theories
1. identify and label social location aka gender role analysis
2. political analysis
3. focus on the clients strengths
4. self disclosure
gender role analysis
- Placing clients concerns in broader context ⇒ allows them to analyze their place in locations
- Helps the client make their choice about what they want to do and how they feel
political analysis
- Direct discussion of how political forces contribute to the clients distress and how someone or even the client might take part in changing the political structures
- Contributes to empowerment because the client sees how they can use their agency to improve society
self disclosure
the therapist uses this appropriately to help contribute to the egalitarian relationship
therapeutic relationship in feminist therapy (3)
- Egalitarian in nature
- Decisions with the client not for the client
- Collaborative; client as expert
- Recognized as individuals that bring their own expertise and knowledge to the relationship - Encouraging
- Therapists encourage clients to free themselves from roles that have been hindering
- Self disclosure - Safe, transparent ⇒ allows for power sharing
roles of the therapist in feminist therapy (3)
- Recognize and address inherent power imbalance
- Educate the client about how power works in relationships
- Take responsibility for maintaining boundaries
- Give the power to the client whenever possible - Earn the clients trust
- Be accessible
strengths of feminist theory (5)
- Acknowledges and normalizes the impact of social forces on mental health and ability to make positive change
- Client as co-expert
- Orientation to social justice
- Multicultural considerations
- therapist always seeks to learn more
weaknesses of feminist therapy (3)
- Difficulty to measure improvement compared to traditional therapies (Lack of empirical research)
- The F-word ⇒ feminism has itself been stigmatized as a word itself; clients may have a reaction about the approach you take
- Can be culturally biased => therapist must be careful not to impose their cultural values on a client
Behavioral therapy components (2)
- insight oriented
- action oriented
insight orientated behavioral therapy (3)
- Emphasis: self awareness and understanding
- Primary medium: verbal interventions
- More attention to the therapeutic relationship and to process, interpretation, and insight
action oriented behavioral therapy (3)
- Emphasis: relief of symptoms (result)
- Primary medium: action with verbal processing
- More attention to objective, scientific behavioral interventions, and outcome measures
underlying principles of behavioral therapy (4)
- behavior is the product of learning
- It can be unlearned and relearned
- clients can change without insight into underlying dynamics and the origins of a psychological problem
- Knowing there is a problem and knowing how to change it are different
the theory that psychology can be objectively studied through observable action
operant conditioning
subject learns behavior by associating it with consequences
- Voluntary behaviors are learned or conditioned through consequences
- Rewards and consequences make up the difference between behaviors
- Some studies shown that punishment can be associated with psychological impacts ⇒ controversy about how to use the principles
when you have positive stimulus and reinforcement what do you get?
add pleasant stimulus to increase/maintain behavior
when you have positive stimulus and punishment what do you get?
add aversive to stimulus to decrease behavior