Exam 2: Wk 2: Venous Conditions Flashcards
Are arteries or veins thicker?
Vein assistance
One way valves
Smooth muscle contraction to direct blood flow
Vein capacitance role
Hold 65% blood at rest
Venous Insufficiency
- varicose veins
- hemosiderine staining
- phlebitis
- dependent positioning
- pain and heaviness
- itchy skin
- darkened leathery skin
- swelling
Varicose veins
When one way valves become defective and the blood pools
Varicose veins W/ inflammation
Interventions for VI
Wound management
Compression garments
VTE Venous thromboembolism
Formation of blood clot in a vein
- can be dvt or embolus if it breaks off and travels
DVT locations
Calf, thigh, pelvis
Pulmonary embolism affects which ventricle
R ventricle
Pulmonary embolism definition
When a dvt dislodges, travel through the venous system through the R side of the heart and blocks pulmonary circulation
How is the DVT cascade activated?
When injury to blood vessels occur (like in surgery or trauma) and results in a state of hypercoagulability (5-6 wks)
T or F: a clot can cannot progress when a patient is on anticoagulants
False, it can still occur and can take even longer
Clotting Cascade - Virchows triad of thrombosis
Vessel wall injury —> hypercoagulability of blood —> stasis of blood
Active cancer has a _____x risk of VTE
High risk Padua Score
> 4
S & S of Pulmonary Embolism
- dyspnea
- chest pain
- syncope
- hemoptysis (coughing up blood)
- elevated HR >95
What should a PT do if they suspect PE?
Contact nurse bc its an emergent situation and need high doses of antithombotics or anticoagulants
S & S of DVT
- pitting edema
- pain, TTP
- redness and warmth
- swelling
What score do you use when there’s ONLY signs and symptoms of DVT present
Wells criteria score
>3: high risk - refer for follow up!
1-2: moderate risk
<1: low risk
Where is the patient referred to if the Wells Criteria is >2?
they need the D Dimer lab test (catches DVTs)
Is it Safe to mobilize a pt with no DVT diagnosed if they are already anticoagulated and wells score is <2?
YES, but no contact sports are advised when pt is on anticoagulants
How long should you wait if a DVT is found before mobilization?
> 5 hrs is safe to mobilize
3-5 hrs - check w/ physician
<3 hrs NO MOB
- hold until aPTT is at therapeutic dose
Post thrombotic symptoms
Residual tissue damage and inflammation after a clot that leads to venous HTN and insufficiency
- edema and swelling
- skin changes
- chronic arm or leg pain
- heaviness of affected limb