Exam 2(people) Flashcards
A functional psychologist, believed that Functional Psychology was not a whole school of psychology but instead just a point of view.
Drew a sharp contrast between functional and structural psychologies. Structuralist= the what? of conscious experience. Functionalist= the how and why of consciousness
James R. Angell
Founded the first school of psychology in Canada. His, mostly anecdotal, research on child development would influence Jean Piaget. Has an “effect” named after him- He proposed that a form of general learning ability, especially social learning could be selected for by natural selection
James Mark Baldwin
He was tasked with finding a way to decide which grade to put french children in as they were coming to school. He created a new method of intelligence testing. Tell me what you’re looking for and I’ll tell you what you’ll find
Alfred Binet
He has a reputation for applying psychological principles to business. The first ever Professor of Applied Psychology. He also helped create the Army General Classification test for WWII. Promoted industrial psychology
Walter Van Dyke Bingham
One of the first women to formally study psychology, created paired-associated learning. First female president of the APA
Mary Whiton Calkins
This man made maze learning a sort of standardize test. He invented his own type of maze in which every mae had a different solution but the same amount of turns and dead ends, and the length of the turns and dead ends were the same
Harvey Carr
Helped with developing mental tests and admired Galton a lot. He believed in legitimizing Psychology as a science. Bought the rights to the scientific journal, Science, and started the Psychological Corporation
James McKeen Catell
The man credited with the discovery of the Theory of Evolution
Charles Darwin
Known for his work with the reflex arc. He also helped with educational reforms in America. He launched a movement known as progressive learning
John Dewey
This man studied intelligence, he believed it was innate and inherited from parents. This lead him to study eminence, test intelligence, propose eugenics and create both word association tests and twin studies
Francis Galton
A female psychology trailblazer known for her work with ergonomics
Lillian Gilbreth
The man known for the Kalikak anecdote, he took Binet’s test and concept of mental age to classify developmentally slowed children. His work would support the sterilization of the white and poor, and all racial minorities. Then he made a school for gifted children and that’s all anyone remembers him for
Henry H. Goddard
Most of his work can be classified as early genetic psychology
G. Stanley Hall
Darwin’s mentor. He was a reverend an professor f botany. He referred Darwin to the captain of The Beagle
John Henslow
A woman who advocated for gifted children and debunked Myths about women. She designed a course expecially for gifted childre , it is thought to be the first course She created the first textbook too
Leta Hollingworth