Exam 2: MCI & Dementia Flashcards
what is MCI?
an early, but abnormal, state of cognitive impairment
now called mild neurocognitive disorder (MND)
diagnostic criteria for MCI/MND
- memory complaint verified by an informant
- objective memory impairment for age
- relatively preserved general cognition for age
- relatively no difficulty with activities of daily living
- not demented
- typically conducted by a neurologist or neuropsychiatrist
- variety of tests used to test various domains of cognitive functioning
- standardized cutoff scores for MCI are not available on all Ax boundaries
SLP’s role in MCI/MND
- early detection, intervention, & education
- using reliable and valid screening measures
- providing evidence based interventions
- educating patients and caregivers about EB interventions & recommendations
MCI Screening Tools
Info about MCI Screening Tools
3-5 mins
can be used across languages
provides specialized measures of processing speed that require rapid naming of dual-dimension stimuli
evaluates cognitive functions that underlie recognition, executive attention, and working memory
MCI is an early, but abnormal state of
cognitive impairment
The AQT, in conjunction with the MMSE or MoCA or SLUMS, could be used to
screen for MCI
Dementia Management
encompasses assessment, treatment, and documentation of services related to: cog-comm deficits & feeding/swallowing deficits
all dementia services must be
evidence based
initial Ax for persons with dementia
- establish baseline levels of Fx in comparison to prior levels of Fx
- Set functional, measurable and realistic short-term objectives and long-term goals
- clarify whether interventions will be restorative, maintenance-based, or both
12 risk factors that, when managed can decrease the onset of dementia by 40%
- less education
- hypertension
- hearing impairment
- smoking
- obesity
- depression
- physical inactivity
- diabetes
- infrequent social contact
- excessive alcohol consumption
- head injury
- air pollution
degenerative neurologic disorders
dementia syndrome
vascular disease (blood vessels)
dementia syndrome
metabolic disorders
dementia syndrome
dementia syndrome
dementia syndrome
dementia syndrome
psychiatric disorders
dementia syndrome
Alzheimer’s disease
degenerative neurologic disorder
primary progressive aphasia (PPA)
degenerative neurologic disorder
Pick’s disease (frontotemporal dementia)
degenerative neurologic disorder
Huntington’s disease
degenerative neurologic disorder
Progressive Supranuclear palsy (PSP)
degenerative neurologic disorder
Parkinson’s disease
degenerative neurologic disorder
Wilson’s disease
degenerative neurologic disorder
Hallervorden-Spatz syndrome
degenerative neurologic disorder
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
degenerative neurologic disorder
Guam Parkinson dementia complex
degenerative neurologic disorder
spinocerebellar degenerations
degenerative neurologic disorder
idiopathic calcification of basal ganglia
degenerative neurologic disorder
Lewy Body Disease (LBD)
degenerative neurologic disorder
multi infarct dementia (MID) AKA vascular dementia (multiple strokes)
vascular disease
inflammatory disease of vessels (lupus)
vascular disease
arteriovenous malformation (AVM)
vascular disease
hypoxia and anoxia
metabolic disorders
thyroid disease
metabolic disorders
parathyroid disease
metabolic disorders
metabolic disorders
metabolic disorders
liver disease
metabolic disorders
carcinoma (remote effects)
metabolic disorders
nutritional deficiencies
metabolic disorders
drugs and other toxins
metabolic disorders
dementia pugilistica (punch-drunk; repeated head trauma)
subdural hematoma
chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE)
brain abscess
bacterial meningitis or encephalitis
Creutzfeldt-Jackob dementia
psychiatric disorders